Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 874 The Collapsed Chen Xun

Fang Hui left, but Lin Yue didn't chase her.

Chen Xun also left, didn't speak to Wu Tingting, just glanced at her through the door, and left with a complicated expression.

Around 7:30, Mother Wu and Old Tang came to the hospital together.

Lin Yue didn't eat the meal she brought over, excused that the school had something urgent to deal with, and walked out of the ward with his own things.

Wu's mother also saw that he had something on his mind, so she didn't force him to stay.

Lin Yue came out of the hospital, beckoned to stop a taxi, and told the master to rush to North Technology and Business University as soon as possible.

While walking on the road, he picked up the phone and dialed Shen Xiaotang's number.

After saying a few words, he hung up the phone, looked at the neon lights outside the window and said softly, "You can't get fish, let alone bear paws."

After walking a little further, his expression suddenly changed.


Yes, old Tang, I really didn't see that there is a delicate heart hidden under your unruly appearance.


ten minutes later.

In the corridor behind the complex building of North Industrial and Commercial University.

Chen Xun saw Fang Hui.

I don't know if I cried, or I was too sad, my eyes were red, and I looked very spiritless.

"Fang Hui, you've seen what happened today. Do you think she's hanging on to Lin Jiamo and He Sha? That person's name is Wu Tingting. I was raised as a child. I stopped studying before I finished vocational high school. Let me tell you, the surname is Lin." He's a scum, he's good for this, he's good for that, he's good for all of you, but he just doesn't give everyone girlfriend status, I really don't know what you... these fools are thinking , you avoid me and Qiao Ran for this kind of person, is it worth it?"

Fang Hui remained silent, because what Chen Xun said was right, she could hide her attitude towards Lin Yue from outsiders, but not from her friends. Lin Jiamo and He Sha didn't see through, but Qiao Ran respected her choice.

"Isn't it worth it?"

She didn't know how she said this sentence, she didn't know why, she knew that Lin Yue's actions were wrong, but she couldn't hate her at all. There was only one emotion in her heart, and that was sadness.

I really want to be the one who was lying on the hospital bed, and he helped wipe his body and cut his nails. On the way back from the hospital, I even wondered if he would be by the bedside if I was hit by a car. Tell her jokes, sing songs to relieve her boredom, serve tea and water, peel apples carefully...

"You idiot."

Chen Xun roared loudly.

"Yes, I'm an idiot." Fang Hui didn't deny it. Which woman wouldn't be stupid when she really likes someone? Has Lin Jiamo committed any crime? Did He Sha commit any crimes by studying hard to get into Peking University just for one word of his? He suffered such a serious injury in the preliminary competition of the singer competition, and in the final of the singer competition, he still held flowers and sat in the auditorium. I believe that Wu Tingting, who was lying on the hospital bed, was also stupid for him.

Regarding emotional matters, if the truth makes sense, will there still be so many regrettable people and regrettable things?

Chen Xun is angry and anxious, angry Fang Hui has no backbone, things are like this and he still can't forget that bastard, anxious is clearly his own reason, why can't it make sense?

After a while, he took a deep breath.

"Fang Hui, come to me, you know how long I have liked you, from high school to university... Actually, I deliberately didn't do the last 15-point question in the college entrance examination, in order to be able to compete with you university."

After hearing what he said, Fang Hui shivered suddenly.

"You really……"


She looked at Chen Xun's face, the faint light illuminated his eyebrows and eyes, he looked very sincere, without any trace of lying.

" and Shen Xiaotang."

"I have nothing to do with her. If I have to say yes, I can't get used to Lin who came to North Technology and Business University. You always avoid me and deliberately use her to anger you."

Fang Hui was very sad. I didn't mention whether Chen Xun's actions were right or not. At least she was sincerely chasing her, but she...she still couldn't let Lin Yue go, because after being moved by Chen Xun, her heart would still hurt. .

At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the shadows at the corner, walked quickly to Chen Xun, and slapped him with his hands.


Very loud slaps.

Fang Hui was stunned for a moment before she realized that Chen Xun was covering his left face, staring blankly at Shen Xiaotang standing in front of him.

"How did you come?"

"Is this important?" Shen Xiaotang said: "Chen Xun, let me tell you, from now on, neither of us will know each other."

Leaving this sentence, she turned and left.

I heard her say from a distance: "Now I really regret why I didn't agree to his request, at least he won't use me as a tool to pursue another person."

Chen Xun looked at Fang Hui again, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"You go, I want to be alone for a while."

"Fang Hui."

"Go, you go..."

Chen Xun opened his mouth and wanted to distinguish, but in the end he just sighed, turned and left.

Fang Hui walked to the edge of the corridor and sat down, looking at the boys running in the playground not far away, her heart was in a mess, and she couldn't make sense of those emotions no matter what.

"How are you?"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded from the corner, and a familiar figure appeared together.

"Why are you here?" Fang Hui didn't look up, she knew who it was.

"Li Qi called me and said that you ran back to the dormitory with red eyes, and then was called away by Chen Xun. She was worried that you were being bullied, so she asked me to come and have a look."

"No one bullied me." Fang Hui said, "It's because I can't think about it."

Qiao Ran walked across from her and sat down on the table at the edge of the corridor: "Who would think about such a thing?"

Fang Hui said: "Chen Xun said that he didn't do the last big question in order to go to the same university as me. In fact, Li Qi asked me a question in the first semester of freshman year. She said that you can go to Qingbei. But why did you choose to come to Northern Technology and Business University?"

"Then how did you answer?"

Fang Hui shook his head and said nothing.

"Do you still remember the composition that Teacher Li Jing asked me to read on the podium before the college entrance examination?"

Fang Hui nodded.

"Actually, there is still a section of "A Lilac Flower", which I didn't finish reading at the time." He paused, and said to Fang Hui who raised his head, "That day, I picked a five-petal lilac from the bush and gave it to Fang Hui. I gave it to her, and she also sent me one back. If this lilac flower is effective, then I would rather give her all my happiness. Once, she asked me, who is the person who will never forget, and I always wanted to tell her, The person I can’t forget is you, the person I like now is you, the person I don’t want to forget no matter before, now, or in the future, is you.”

Fang Hui stared at him blankly.

Qiao Ran walked up to her: "Let me take care of you?"

Flutter, Flutter...

Tears flowed drop by drop, she slowly approached Qiao Ran, resting her head on his lower abdomen, without saying a word, just hugged the person who had been guarding him from behind gently.


Another day passed.

Fang Hui came out of the dormitory, walked to the open space in front of the apartment building, and saw a person standing in the shed where the bicycles were parked.

"why you?"

In any case, she never thought that the person who called her out would be Old Tang.

"Why can't it be me? Chen has looked for you, right?"

"You... know Chen Xun?"

"It seems that he didn't tell you, I grew up with him in the same big courtyard."

Fang Hui opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. Old Tang was her junior high school classmate and Li He's good brother. He always blamed her for Li He's death.

"Wu Tingting told me about you going to the hospital with him yesterday. What's the matter? It doesn't count if you killed Li He, but now you want to attack Chen Xun? Let me tell you Fang Hui, there is no way to harm my brother."

Fang Hui said: "I didn't want to harm him, but he has been pestering me."

"He pestered you?"


Old Tang frowned: "You don't know yet, what happened yesterday was planned by Wu Tingting and Chen Xun."

Fang Hui was dumbfounded when he heard this, and didn't understand what Old Tang meant.

"I don't understand, think about it carefully." Old Tang said, "I don't care what they think, anyway, I will never let Chen Xun be with you."

Wu Tingting and Chen Xun have plans?

Let her break the relationship between Lin Yue and Wu Tingting, so that Chen Xun could take advantage of it?

This kind of thing... Chen Xun can do it.

Although it is true that Lin Yue and Wu Tingting are good friends, Chen Xun's actions are really low.

"Understood?" Old Tang smiled coldly at her, turned and left.

Fang Hui looked at his back that was going further and further away, and bit her lips lightly, no wonder Chen Xun took her there at the right time, everything was planned, in order to get her, Chen Xun has become not a normal person .

She felt a tinge of fear for no reason.

Old Tang came out of Northern Technology and Business University, opened the door of the cab of the van, and was about to get in when he stretched out a hand and closed the door with a bang.

He looked back and saw Lin Yue standing behind with a dark face.

"I need an explanation."

Ps: Do you think Fang Hui will be able to make it? It's not a youth drama anymore.

If not, then play pure love.

Thanks to Unlimited Light 000 for the 200 starting coins, Zun Mojuhuan, and Qijie Weiwei for the 100 starting coins.

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