The van drove away.

The way the exhaust gas came out suddenly seemed like Old Tang's eagerness to leave.

Lin Yue raised his middle finger at the rear of the car.

The first time he went to visit Wu Tingting, he felt that something was wrong, because according to Old Tang, Wu Tingting had a fractured right calf in a car accident, a slight concussion, and the skin on her wrist was bruised when she fell to the ground, and the skin was broken.

Calf fractures and mild concussions are nothing to say, wrist contusions, you know, his nose is very sharp, it stands to reason that since the skin is broken, there must be blood oozing out, even if it is wrapped in gauze, he should still smell a little blood The smell is right, but no, only the smell of disinfectant.

At that time, I didn't take it seriously, thinking that the smell of blood was covered up. It wasn't until I heard Lao Tang and Wu Tingting's plan last night that I realized that I seemed to be deceived, so I had the conversation just now.

This old Tang looked like a little ruffian in the imperial capital, but he didn't expect that he had a lot of eyes.

It turned out that ever since Bai Feng passed away last year, when I saw him and told about the incident with Wu Tingting, he had been thinking about how to achieve the best of both worlds, not only to make Wu Tingting have a relationship with him, but also to make Chen Xun and Fang Hui strangers.

When watching TV at home this spring, a father tricked his son to come back with his illness. He found Wu Tingting and told her that he had not studied abroad and had been secretly following her. He would visit the printing shop in Liangxiang every few days. After the matter was over, he encouraged her to play a bitter trick.

The first step is to ask Wu Tingting to "tell the truth after drinking" during the small dinner party. Chen Xun will definitely be furious. When Wu Tingting wakes up, talk to her and tell her that Lin Yue, the bastard, is still thinking about the food in the bowl. At this time, Wu Tingting took advantage of the situation and brought out the tricky operation of the pot, and asked Chen Xun to cooperate.

The second step is to find a friend to fake the scene of the car accident, then give some money to the doctor in the private hospital, and put a plaster cast on it to fool the matter. In short, it is enough to force him out.

In the third step, Chen Xun took Fang Hui to the scene, so that Lin Yue didn't have to make multiple-choice questions between Wu Tingting and her, and Chen Xun could also take advantage of the situation to win the girl who was getting more and more difficult to get.

In the fourth step, old Tang, a classmate, approached Fang Hui and told her that when she went to the hospital this morning, she overheard the conversation between Wu Tingting and Chen Xun, and knew that Chen Xun liked her, so she came to her door "out of control". To reveal that what she saw yesterday was all a trick by Chen Xun.


Not only announced Wu Tingting's existence in his high school circle of friends, but also separated Chen Xun and Fang Hui, a perfect plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Lin Yue was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Blame Lao Tang and Wu Tingting, it seems that I am not qualified to do this because I am merciful.

"Sigh." He sighed heavily, and was about to go to the Black Iron Bar for a drink, leaving behind all the bad things caused by emotional debt, when his phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it was Li Qi calling.

What is she calling for?


He greeted lazily, but before he could ask her what was the matter, an anxious and helpless voice rang out from the loudspeaker.

"Come and see, Liu Yunwei and Xue Shan are fighting."

These two... are fighting?

Lin Yue was stunned, Wu Tingting and Fang Hui's car just collided, why did Liu Yunwei and Xue Shan's boat capsize again?

He didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly followed Li Qi's instructions to the activity room of the gymnastics club in the complex building.

Before entering the house, a woman's scolding and heavy breathing could be heard from a distance.

"Xue Shan, you smelly and shameless, my sister's boyfriends are all robbed, let's see how I deal with you today." This is Liu Yunwei's voice.

"Ah~" Xue Shan exclaimed.


Loud slaps.

"Do you still dare to fight back?"

"Why didn't I dare to fight back, so what if I just robbed your boyfriend? You don't look at how many boats you are on, wearing clothes, jewelry and shoes bought by other men to fall in love with him, and I will kick you if I change it. "

"He'll like you without looking in the mirror to see what he looks like."

"Nothing is more comfortable for me than your broken shoes."

"Who do you call a broken shoe? I'll tear your stinky mouth apart."


"You pull my hair."

"Fuck you, bitch."

Then there was Li Qi's fighting voice: "Stop fighting, stop fighting."

"Get up, Li Qi, this is none of your business, I will kill her today."

When Lin Yue opened the door and entered, Liu Yunwei was standing barefoot on the floor, holding a high-heeled shoe in her hand, while Xue Shan was holding her coat and was shaking it forward.

Li Qi stood between the two of them, holding out his arms to block them.

Facing the door, Liu Yunwei noticed Lin Yue's arrival first, quickly threw the high heels in her hand behind her, and took two steps back.

Xue Shan swung it twice again, all hitting Li Qi's back, only to realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Looking back, her face changed slightly, and she frantically tidied up the shirt torn by Liu Yunwei, covering the naked part.

At this time, Li Qi also realized his arrival, and breathed a sigh of relief: "You can count yourself here."

"What's going on?" Lin Yue looked at the two people and said.

Liu Yunwei said: "Why are you alienating me? If Mei Fangfang hadn't said that she saw you shopping with her in a clothing store, I would still be kept in the dark."

Lin Yue didn't speak.

"Are you mad at me for accepting other people's gifts? They gave me things forcibly. If you don't like it, I can return it."

"What's the use of going back?" Xue Shan said, "Your suitor is threatening someone to beat him, can you handle that?"

Liu Yunwei was at a loss for words.

"Liu Yunwei, why don't you show off this time? The good thing is the cycle of karma, and retribution is not good. Even without me, he would never choose a woman who is easygoing like you."

Li Qi tugged at Xue Shan: "Stop saying a few words."

Liu Yunwei glared at Xue Shan bitterly, then looked back at Lin Yue: "Is what she said true?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"So you just distanced yourself from me and went after her?"

"Oh." Lin Yue sighed: "I owe her a favor, so I am willing to help her test Qiao Ran's reaction."

From Xue Shan's point of view, she naturally wanted to be his girlfriend, but she never had a chance to confess, so she had no way to refute what Lin Yue said.

Lin Yue said: "I really didn't expect you guys to fight over this matter."

"Hahaha..." Liu Yunwei pointed at Xue Shan and said, "Don't think I can't see it, you are trying to make a fake show for real."

Xue Shan blushed suddenly when she said it: "Is it in your control what I think?"

After saying this, he turned and walked outside, but stopped suddenly when he was about to leave the room: "If you don't believe me, you can ask him, even if he doesn't like me, he would never choose a broken shoe like you."

Xue Shan didn't give Liu Yunwei a chance to fight back, she just closed the door and left.


Liu Yunwei took three deep breaths in a row, calmed down, and looked back at Lin Yue: "I'll return their things, as long as you don't leave me, okay?"

Lin Yue remained silent.

In this matter, not speaking is also a statement.

Liu Yunwei pursed her lips that were scratched by Xue Shan's nails, picked up the high heels that were thrown on the ground and left.

Only Li Qi and Lin Yue who ate a big melon were left in the room.

" are not with Lin Jiamo from Peking University...why..."

Lin Yue walked to the window and looked at the passers-by downstairs and said, "Do you know how I got here at Northern Technology and Business University?"

"You failed the college entrance examination, and you don't want to study abroad, and our school treats you well."

"Actually, I made this up after I saw Qiao Ran and Chen Xun." Lin Yue said, "I deliberately pretended to be sick and left the 150-point subject in the science and comprehensive examination unfinished, in order to enter the same school as Fang Hui. , When I came here under pressure, I found that Chen Xun and Qiao Ran were both there. I knew that they came here because of Fang Hui, so..."

"So you decided to quit and give Fang Hui to them?"


"You and her...are really the same person, you obviously like each other but dare not reveal your heart."

"You don't understand, sometimes when two people choose to be together, it may hurt other people who want to cherish."

If Li Qi realized something, he nodded slightly.

She could see that Qiao Ran and Chen Xun were both chasing Fang Hui, but Fang Hui was hesitant all the time, not knowing who to choose, because choosing one to fall in love would definitely hurt the other. More passive.

As for Lin Yue, for the sake of friendship, he willingly gave up Fang Hui to Qiao Ran, and chose Lin Jiamo as the second best choice. However, in the preliminary round of the singer contest, He Sha, who liked him, saw the scene on the stage, lost the flowers and burst into tears. and go.

Those boys only saw the flocks of warblers and swallows around him, but they never realized that he was under the pressure that others could not know in the center of the storm.

Love and's hard to have both.

" did you..."

Lin Yue knew what she wanted to say and didn't let her finish.

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