Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 881 Return to the real world



The white mist receded, the silver light subsided, and Lin Yue slowly opened his eyes.

The curtains are swaying on the other side of the bed, the sunlight leaking on the floor is thick and thin, the fur of the black cat is covered with golden yellow, and the dust is floating in the sky like roaming jellyfish.


It stood up, pressed its two front paws down, its buttocks turned back, its tail stood up like a stick, stretched for a long time, then jumped on the bed, took two steps and jumped again, and rushed to Lin Yue. In his arms, he stared at him with a cat's eye for a moment, and licked the place where his thumb was near his wrist.


It was only then that Lin Yue came to his senses and realized that he was back.

"The Year in a Hurry", fifteen years, is really long enough.

Thinking of what happened to him, Lin Yue shook his head lightly, and sighed: "It's really hard to describe."

He reaches for the mug next to his laptop, only to find it empty.

In fact, he is not really thirsty. After all, with "Steel Bladder LV2" on his back, he can endure much more than the average person. It is mainly due to his habit. Drinking water can suppress shock, and drinking water can relieve emotions.

Finding that there was no water, he did not go outside to pick it up, but instead sank his consciousness into the system space and woke up the task panel.

"The host has returned from the world of "The Year in a Hurry", and now evaluates the completion of the task."

The cursor flickered, and a line of characters appeared in front of my eyes.

[Mission: May you go through thousands of sails and return as a young man]

Main task: Since ancient times, affection cannot be retained, only a scumbag can win the hearts of the people. (completed)

Side mission: to be a spare tire for the heroine and supporting role in the play, the more the better (5 times achieved)

Task Completion: Good.

"Now settle the task reward."

Main task reward: [Sea King Rubik's Cube] (distributed to the portable space).

[Sea King Rubik's Cube]? What the hell?

Neptune knows what's going on, because what he did in "The Year in a Hurry" is Neptune's work, but when Neptune and Rubik's Cube are combined...

But he knows what the Rubik's Cube is.

The system did not suspend the task reward distribution process because of his doubts.

Side quest: Get 5 skill strengthening points.

Sure enough, the requirements of this side mission are very strange, but the reward is very good, as a spare tire 1 skill enhancement point.

Kongbellcao, He Sha, Liu Yunwei, Xue Shan, plus Shen Xiaotang, should be these five people.

People like Lin Jiamo, Fang Hui, Zheng Xue, and Li Jing should have never treated him as a backup.

Think about the system's rating of task completion --- good, there are so many female characters in the TV series, and he only managed 5 of them, which is not enough to watch, but I have worked very hard, okay, so I still turn over from time to time, Follow up or something.

The complaints are the complaints, and he forgot about it after the complaints, because after the rewards are distributed, the system is out of the locked state, and he can open the portable space to check the situation of the [Sea King Rubik's Cube].

With a slight movement in my mind, a white light flashed.




Because what appeared in his hand was not [Sea King Rubik's Cube], but a parrot with a red beak and green hair.

"Ah, you heartless person, you actually left others, left others and ran away."

"Oh, Lin Paopao, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will chase you back."

"Hui, Hu, Hu..."

The big villain laughed like a villain, but it wasn't a big villain, it was like Starscream.

Lin Yue squeezed his five fingers into the middle, and the parrot in his palm stopped barking. He stretched his neck and kicked his legs, and his little scarlet tongue stuck out.

"The guy who can't be shaken off!"

Before returning to the real world, the big villain was not with him, and he didn't know who he was hooked up with. Anyway, the emperor has played this game a lot, and ten years is enough for it to harm several people.

"It's just you, you poor guy, why didn't you get caught by the bird dealer."


This shit is almost being squeezed out, but he still doesn't forget to put gold on his face.



It could be seen that Xiahou couldn't stand its stinky fart, he let out a hissing sound, and stared viciously at the guy who was supposed to be its food.

"Stupid... cat..."

Anyway, it's enough to beat him to death and refuse to admit his love, even the cheap-mouthed guy will spray you in the face when he is about to die.

Lin Yue had the [Sea King Rubik's Cube] in mind, and was too lazy to waste energy with it, so he said "get out", threw it towards the balcony, and took out the thing called [Sea King Rubik's Cube] from the system space.

Seeing what appeared in the palm of his hand, a word flashed in Lin Yue's mind - "magic".

It was an object gathered by many speck-like particles, forming a structure similar to a Rubik's cube, constantly rotating, and occasionally bursting out with little flashes of light due to the effect of sunlight.

Just looking at the appearance, it is much more advanced than [Obsidian] and [Ghost Gloves].

When [Sea King Rubik's Cube] appeared, a brief description of this item flashed in my mind.

Lin Yue: "..."

The system is trying to make him never return on his way to become Neptune.

In terms of usefulness, this thing is really not necessarily higher than [Ghost Gloves] and [Obsidian]. It does not help to improve combat effectiveness, but if it is to deal with women... it is fierce.

To what extent?

According to the system's explanation, the effect of [Sea King's Cube] will increase with the skill level of [Teacher Killer], and under the condition of [Teacher Killer LV2], women affected by [Sea King's Cube] will feel that he is On the one hand, they are very similar to their relatives, so they give care and attention to some things.

No wonder it is called [Sea King Rubik's Cube], it really is a weapon for teasing girls.

After confirming the effect of [Sea King Rubik's Cube], he glanced at the skill list.

【I am Acting School LV3】.

[Steel Bladder LV2].

[Animal Friends LV2].

[Muay Thai LV3].

【Picture memory LV3】.

[Bargain LV4].

【Teacher Killer LV2】.

【Sneak LV2】.

【Photosynthesis LV2】.

[Left and right hemisphere LV5] - [Compound eyes].

【Taunt LV1】.

[Chameleon LV3].

[Hypnotism LV2].

[Hacker LV2].

【Double Harvest LV1】

【Smell animal LV2】

Current skill enhancement point balance: 5.


Lin Yue was not in a hurry to add points, and glanced at the attribute bar again.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Attribute: Constitution 22.

Strength 29.

Dexterity 20.

Intelligence 21.

spirit 16.

4 remaining unassigned attribute points.

In the world of "The Year in a Hurry", he studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In order to be more competitive in the face of top students from all over the world, he added all the remaining attributes of the previous tasks to intelligence and spirit. , so the unallocated points are 0 before the attribute point reward is obtained, and "The Year in a Hurry" is a normal task, plus the reward of the branch task, a total of 4 points, no problem.

After checking the mission rewards, Lin Yue held Xiahou in his arms and pushed the door out. He looked up and was taken aback.

Tan Xiaoguang was sitting on the sofa, with a stack of postgraduate entrance examination materials marked with knowledge points in front of him, and he was reading there without blinking, even if he came out of the bedroom, he seemed to have never heard of it, his lips moved, as if he was reciting something.

Badun lay on the ground next to him, like a book boy.

"Don't be so desperate."

Lin Yue put Xia Hou on the ground, rubbed the head of Ba Dun who ran over to flatter him, walked over and patted his hands on the learning materials: "Hey, wake up."

Only then did Tan Xiaoguang suddenly raise his head: "Hey, are you awake?"

Lin Yue looked at his reddened eyes and said, "You can't do this, and hard work is not the way to work hard."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his watch: "It's past four o'clock, go, come out with me."

Tan Xiaoguang said, "Where are you going?"

"Go and play."

"No, I have an exam tomorrow."

Lin Yuexin said that if other people learn more today, they will learn more. He has broken up the test questions and done them for him. If there is no accident, there is no problem in crossing the line. It's not good to play if you are dizzy, so it's the end of it.

"Get up." Without allowing Tan Xiaoguang to say anything else, he pulled him up and walked outside.

"Hey, don't pull me, I can't compare with you..."

"Didn't your teacher say in your third year of high school that you must have a good rest the day before the exam?"

"Isn't it still late at night? Just go to bed early tonight."


Pulling Tan Xiaoguang downstairs, he only opened the co-pilot's door on this side, and rushed up with a whoosh sound on the other side, and sat down.

The two people outside were completely dumbfounded.

"Who taught it?"

"It seems..." Tan Xiaoguang thought for a while and said, "When you and Su Han went to HK, one day I thought it was too noisy, so I found a movie for it to watch, um, it was that..."A Dog's Mission" .”

"Come down." Lin Yue said, pointing outside.

The dog didn't move, it just turned its head to look at him, and Hada Hada sticking out its tongue.

"Forget it, let it go." Tan Xiaoguang opened the rear compartment door and sat in with Xiahou in his arms.

Lin Yue gave Badun a hard look, closed the car door and went to the driver, started the car and thought about it seriously, took off the seat belt and buckled it up, the dog took the opportunity to lick him on the face.

"be honest."

Lin Yue yelled at it and drove away from the community.

The two came to Furong Street, pushed open the door of Su Xiaodi Love Pet Hospital and walked into the lobby.

Su Han came in the morning and was playing with Zhou Lin on those decorative spider plants.

"Where's Xiaorui?"

"Wang Heng went to pick it up, it should be here soon."

Lin Yue nodded, and sat down on the sofa with Tan Xiaoguang. Baton wagged his tail and sniffed and sniffed Zhou Lin, which made her a little uncomfortable.


He suddenly thought of an interesting idea, and when he focused, he called up the system menu and opened the skill list.

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