Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 882 [Sea King Rubik's Cube]

After opening the skill list, Lin Yue clicked on the "+" sign behind [Teacher Killer LV2].

The value behind the teacher killer LV has changed from "2" to "3", and the balance of the following skill enhancement points has changed from "5" to "2".

He froze for a moment, originally thought that he could upgrade successfully by spending 2 points, but he didn't expect to spend 3 points.

[Teacher Killer LV3] (Explanation: When the target is a woman, your combat power will increase by 35%, and the target will be more likely to accept your appearance, and the coordination of eyes, nose, mouth, hands, figure, facial features, etc. , can always find an attractive advantage to it.)

Does that mean... I've become more handsome?

Lin Yue glanced at his own reflection in the glass window, and stopped worrying about spending 3 skill points, because the decline in women's judgment standards for his appearance is roughly equal to the increase in appearance.

I don't know what kind of attitude Sister 69 will have when I open [Teacher Killer LV3] and go on a blind date with Zhang Qin.

Think far, think far.

What we need to do now is to experiment with the effect of [Neptune Rubik's Cube].

He got up and walked behind the counter, seemingly operating the computer, but actually secretly took out the [Sea King Rubik's Cube] and pointed it at...

Su Han? Or Zhou Lin?

Anyway, it's not a long-term effect, anyone can do it, right?

While hesitating, the front door opened, and Xiaorui, who was wearing a beige windbreaker, ran in: "Sister Su Han, where is my gift?"

Want a gift at the door?

Well, here is a gift for you, Lin Yue switched his target to her.

[Sea King Rubik's Cube] With a roll of light and dust, a little starlight flew out, and plunged into the body of the girl who just came in.

"Here you are." Su Han took out the gift he had prepared from under the tea table and handed it over.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, thank you Miss Su Han." Xiaorui took the gift box with both hands, looked excitedly at the TF lipstick gift box in her hand, besides the lipstick, there was also a 1.5ML perfume sample: "Hey, size 16, this super lipstick Obviously, how did you know to choose this color number for me?"

If you compare her with Su Han, her skin looks a little yellower, and her research has been on how to make herself fairer... Although people around her despise her for insisting on comparing with Su Han, she will suffer for nothing. In her words, Sister Han is very beautiful with her bare face, and she rarely wears makeup. If she wants not to be compared, her congenital deficiencies can only be made up the day after tomorrow.

"Oh, Lin Yue helped you choose." Su Han pointed to the boyfriend behind the counter.

"Brother Yue, I didn't expect you to be so discerning, thank you." While speaking, he looked towards Lin Yue, and then, as if seeing something interesting, he froze.

"You are welcome."

Speaking of which, Xiaorui would not be polite to Su Han, thank you just casually, unlike Zhou Lin... Su Han told him on WeChat, pushing and pushing for a long time, until he learned that the paper stock was divided After a large sum of money, Zhou Lin accepted the bottle of "Reverse Paris" with peace of mind.

Lin Yue doesn't like things that cost hundreds of dollars. For a girl from the suburbs and towns, with no education or background, it's already a luxury that she can't bear to buy on weekdays... It sounds a bit like Su Han. , or the two have only known each other for a few days and the relationship will be very good.

As soon as the voice on this side fell, and the smile hadn't faded away, he noticed that Xiaorui's eyes on him had changed, and then... without warning, his face turned red, and his expression became very unnatural.


With the sound of the door closing, Wang Heng walked in from the outside.

"Yo, it's getting more and more generous." He saw the famous brand lipstick gift box in Xiaorui's hand, and joked, "Where's mine?"

Su Han smiled and took out a box of wife cakes and handed it over: "Your."

"No way." Wang Heng pointed to something in Xiaorui's hand: "Give her brand-name lipstick, and I'll just have a box of wife cakes?"

Su Han said: "Your is also a famous brand, Hengxiang's."

She glanced at Xiaorui: "And the wife cake, what a good meaning."

Zhou Lin was not familiar with Wang Heng yet, so she just covered her mouth and laughed.

And Xiaorui seemed indifferent to what happened behind her, her hands scratched her nose for a while, touched her ears for a while, her eyes flickered.

"Look, Xiaorui is blushing." After being disturbed by these people, Tan Xiaoguang forgot all about the postgraduate entrance examination, and made fun of Wang Heng.

Su Han said, "That's really true."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Xiaorui to her face: "Xiaorui, it's only been a few days, you two are progressing pretty fast."

Wang Heng giggled in the back, Xiaorui lowered her head as much as possible, not daring to look at her directly.

The smile on Su Han's mouth became wider: "You're so shy."

Yes, she was being shy, but not shy about wife pie.

Why she was shy, Lin Yue knew, Lin Yue knew that she also knew, but she thought only she knew.

Why shy.

Because just now, the person who smiled and said you're welcome... actually became the object of her sexual fantasies. She clearly knew that she shouldn't, and she knew that Lin Yue was very specific to Su Han, but she just couldn't help feeling like that. idea.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the toilet. You guys discuss what to eat next time. When I came back, I bought two bottles of Guojiao Gold List titles from the duty-free shop. Let's make a good omen."

Tan Xiaoguang said: "No, drinking is a mistake."

"In your current state, it's good to drink less to relieve fatigue." Lin Yue finished speaking and left.

go to the toilet? He had no intention of urinating at all, and the reason why he avoided it was to wait for the effect of [Sea King Rubik's Cube] to dissipate.

The effect of [Teacher Killer LV3] + [Sea King Rubik's Cube]... is simply amazing.

After using it, he realized that the upgraded combination can make the target woman form sexual fantasies about herself.

[Teacher Killer LV2] is easier to win the trust of women. When paired with [Sea King Rubik's Cube], there is a feeling of seeing relatives in him, such as younger brothers, older brothers, nephews, sons, fathers and so on.

[Teacher Killer LV3] is to make yourself more handsome in the eyes of women, and it has this effect when paired with [Sea King Rubik's Cube]...

The logic is good, but the operation of this thing is too fucking coquettish.

Use it with caution, you have to use it with caution, especially in the real world, or it will really blow your mind.

He stayed in the toilet for half an hour before going out, and Xiaorui finally recovered, there was nothing wrong except that he was a little evasive and didn't dare to look at him.

Wang Heng blamed him for squatting for too long, and he was thinking of trying to catch people here.

Lin Yue said that he had played a few rounds of CF and won several MVPs. Wang Heng said that he was bragging. In the beginning of spring, he was still competing for the last place with the elementary school student named Erpang on Guangming Road next to the film and television city.

Several people chatted and laughed for a while, seeing the sky darken, Lin Yue called everyone out to eat, and "taken out" a bottle of Guojiao "Gold List Title" bought from the duty-free shop of HK Airport from the SUV trunk, and a group of people went to the Sichuan restaurant diagonally opposite go.

In his words, Sichuan cuisine is best paired with Sichuan wine.

Tan Xiaoguang didn't dare to drink more, so he poured half a glass, one or two, and Lin Yue didn't persuade him to drink. After all, tomorrow's exam is a major event in life in the eyes of the co-tenant brother, so he dare not be a little sloppy.

Wang Heng knows the goods and knows that this stuff is not worse than the stir-fried Moutai. He drank nearly half a catty of 55-degree wine by himself, and the chatterbox opened up endlessly. Another half a glass, drinking three and a half cups in a row is all right. In her words, her brother doesn't drink alcohol, but her father likes to drink. He comes here every day at noon. When she comes home during the holidays, she will accompany her father. Drink some, and find that you can drink quite a bit after going back and forth.

Originally, Su Han and Xiaorui drank fruit juice, but after seeing Zhou Lin’s ability to drink so much, they switched to beer for company. When they were getting a little drunk after three drinks, Xiaorui opened the WeChat group after answering a phone call. Suddenly his face changed, and he handed the phone to his best friend.

Su Han's face changed suddenly after watching it.

Lin Yue put down his chopsticks: "What's wrong?"

Thanks to William Caroline, Demon Monster, Wang Eryi for the reward of 1500 starting coins, book friends with the tail number 9062 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, Yasuo and Doraemon, Sleeping God like the Wind, Shixing for the 500 starting coins, Little tiger in the devil world, carbon-based life, QUARTZCAT, the black-faced uncle who is difficult to choose, original size, PRINCE007, Zun Mojuhuan, infinite light 000, book friends with tail number 9706, book friends with tail number 0124, books with tail number 5893 100 starting coins from friends.

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