Lin Yue looked back at the co-tenant brother, and then looked at his watch.

"I came out so early this time, and it's almost half an hour before I hand in the paper. Why don't you check it carefully for such an important exam?"

Tan Xiaoguang said: "You know what I'm talking about, don't play sloppy with me, those questions..."

"What happened to those questions?"

"I can find similar question types in the review materials you gave me."

Lin Yue gave him a white look: "What does this mean? If you look up 20 years, you can basically find the shadows of the current exam questions in the previous question bank. This situation can only show that you are lucky, and... I That ten thousand dollars was well spent."

"..." He clearly knew that the matter was far from simple. This kid must have a wild way, but he just stared blankly, because those questions were just similar in type and solution, but the words and data used were different.

"The campus environment here is really good." Lin Yue ignored him and lay down on the lawn: "I will be a student of Jiang University in the future, classmate Tan, what do you think?"

"..." Tan Xiaoguang hadn't broken free from the emotion just now, and looked at him with a displeased face: "I feel like you cheating guy!"

Lin Yue smiled: "Do I need to cheat? Jiang University is lucky to have me as a student."

"Blow, twitch, the cow is going up all day for you."

Lin Yue didn't fight back his complaints, and put his mobile phone in front of him: "Which real estate do you think is better near here? I'm going to take Su Han to visit the real estate in two days."

Tan Xiaoguang's complexion was a bit complicated. This guy just bought a Cadillac CT5 a ​​few days ago. He set up a pet hospital and gave his girlfriend a stable living and working environment. Now he is going to see the house again.

"Do you have the money for the down payment?"

As far as the real estate around here is concerned, regardless of the luxury houses, the new real estate launched by a more reliable developer is not a unit price of 50,000 yuan per flat. A suite of at least 5 million is an astronomical figure for Tan Xiaoguang.

Lin Yue said: "Have you forgotten? My family owns a mine. I'm a person who likes to keep a low profile, but it's different now. Since I'm with Su Han, I can't show the tip of the iceberg for her family to see. Then the second elder can rest assured to hand her over to me, right?"

Since I cashed out those paper stocks and added the proceeds from the previous missions, the current card has more than 1.6 million funds, and there are nearly 500,000 Hong Kong dollars and 12,000 HSBC shares in the Hong Kong stock account. I want to buy a small apartment for transitional use Still no economic pressure.

He said seriously, Tan Xiaoguang's face is dark, don't want it, I always feel that this guy is talking nonsense, oh, more than half a year ago, you asked me to pay the utility bill for you, and the rent was also borrowed from Wang Heng, and now you say that you have a mine at home? Does the rich second generation have such a low-key method?

But the key point is... the money that has gone out of his hands these days is only four to five million yuan visible to the naked eye.

"Hi, how did you two do in the exam?" Zheng Fang's voice came from behind.

"Very good." Tan Xiaoguang watched her and Zhao Nannan go to the side and sit down: "How about you?"

"The topics of the professional courses are simpler than expected, so they came out earlier."

"That's a good performance."

"Let's put it that way."

Zhao Nannan found that Lin Yue's attention was on the phone, and looked around curiously: "What are you looking at? So fascinated."

"I'm looking to see if there are any suitable small-sized new houses around here."

"You want to buy a house near Jiangda University?"

"Well, I don't like living in a dormitory, and day-study is more suitable for me."

Zheng Fang was attracted by the conversation between the two, and her big eyes fluttered: "Your self-confidence... is too inflated."

It would be better if the above words were replaced by Tan Xiaoguang, because she and Zhao Nannan knew very well how desperate Tan Xiaoguang was for the postgraduate entrance examination, and he often left earlier than the boarding students like them. At noon, everyone went to the cafeteria to eat, and he would not As soon as I moved, I took out the extra portion I bought in the morning, gnawed on the cold rice balls, sesame seed cakes, etc., drank some hot water in the thermos after finishing work, and continued to study hard.

What about Lin Yue, the co-tenant brother bought him a seat, how many times have you been there in the past two months? He could count them with his fingers, but it turned out that he was full of confidence.

"What's your expression? Are you trying to say that I'm not working hard enough?"

Zheng Fang gave him a clear look of yourself, and even Zhao Nannan, who had always been restrained, showed a helpless smile.

"You didn't see me when I was trying."

This is not bragging. In "To Our Dying Youth", he holds a double degree in architecture and civil engineering. In "The Year in a Hurry", he majored in international finance and then transferred to the Department of Aerospace Engineering at MIT. Even if he If you have [photographic memory], even if you have [left and right hemispheres], even if you have the intelligence and spirit beyond ordinary people, you need enough hard work and perseverance to integrate knowledge into practice. Tan Xiaoguang has done more hard work than him, but in terms of hard work, he is really not as good as him.

"Beep, bragging." Zheng Fang made a face at him.

Zhao Nannan's attention turned to his purchase of a house: "You want to buy a house near Jiang University? How much will it cost?"

"A down payment of more than one million."


Zheng Fang said: "Shameful mine man..."

In her opinion, 99.99999% of the people who can buy a house in Jianghai City at the age of twenty-three or fourteen have mines at home.

"What's wrong with me buying a house? I spent your family's money and ate your family's food? Why is it shameful?"

"You..." Zheng Fang turned her head away angrily: "I can't say no to you."

"Blindly hating the rich is not acceptable."

"What's wrong with me hating the rich?" Zheng Fang said, "I'm a successor to socialism, and I just want to overthrow landlords like you... No, there are mining classes."

"Hmm, um, you can take over my mine just by defeating me, right?"

" didn't pass the ideological and political class!"

"Hahahaha." Lin Yue was amused by her: "I find your innocent appearance is quite cute."

"Hmph." Zheng Fang flicked her face, not looking at him.

"Okay, it's almost five o'clock. Let's invite you to a restaurant tonight to celebrate getting out of the sea of ​​suffering, okay?"

Tan Xiaoguang said, "Let me invite you."

Lin Yue knew what he meant. He had helped him a lot with the information, so he must pay back.

"Wait until you are sure you have passed the initial test."

Tan Xiaoguang thought about it, so he didn't say politely to him: "Then... what do you eat?"

Lin Yue said: "There is a cat island restaurant in front, I think their grilled fish is good, what do you think?"

Before Tan Xiaoguang replied, Zheng Fang over there said excitedly: "This is good, this is good, I like fish the most."

Zhao Nannan glanced at her, yes, this guy always said that he is a cat, and he loves fish the most in his life. Braised octopus, fried yellow croaker, gluttonous fish, pickled fish noodles and so on in the cafeteria. I'm panicking, but...if I like it, I really like it, and the thorn is really stuck. In my sophomore year, I went to see the doctor in the middle of the night because the thorn scratched my esophagus.

Lin Yue laughed: "Didn't you still be my class enemy just now?"

"That's right." Zheng Fang said: "Because you are a class enemy, that's why I want to eat you down."

The two people next to them couldn't help but chuckled.

"Huh." Lin Yue was walking forward when he suddenly stopped and looked puzzled at a Lexus car passing by on the bridge.

Tan Xiaoguang asked, "What's wrong?"

"That girl...forget it." He shook his head, waved away the random thoughts in his mind, said "Let's go", and continued to move forward with the three of them.

The rear compartment window of the car that passed just now was open, and the moment the two sides passed by, he saw a somewhat familiar face, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Cat Island Restaurant.

Four people ordered four dishes, spicy grilled fish, spicy crayfish, chopped pepper fish head, and a plate of spicy crab, all of which are not cheap, all ordered by Zheng Fang, in her words, if you can’t eat it, you won’t be overwhelmed Crying for you, a shameful mine man who has a car, a house, a girlfriend and studies so well!

Lin Yue was speechless.

I didn’t bring any wine today, so it was Tan Xiaoguang’s turn to ask for wine. Lin Yue asked the proprietress to take two bottles of Pagoda rice wine and drink it slowly. Zhao Nannan also took two glasses, because her family is from the north of Zhejiang Province, and this is the popular drink. There is no market for the strong fragrance of sauce, the fragrance of Dongxiang, the fragrance of Fengxiang, the fragrance of sesame seeds, the fragrance of Laobai Ganxiang.

Halfway through eating, Lin Yue suddenly put down his chopsticks, looked down at the lobster shells on the plate, and stared blankly.

Because just now, a system notification sounded in his mind, telling him that a new mission was online.

It was only two days before and after, the encounter in "The Year in a Hurry" is still vivid in his memory, and now he has received a new task, the system really won't let him stop for a quarter of an hour.

Lin Yue called up the system menu, and pulled down the interface to the task list.

Uh, changed the type again?

Special thanks for the 10,000 starting coins rewarded by Shuhuang Qiushenshu, the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Hua Yujian for a moment, the 1000 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 9021, and the 500 starting coins rewarded by Suifeng ZZZ. Little Tiger, Infinite Light 000, Venerable Magic Mantra, Love for a long time, 100 starting coins as a reward from a book friend with tail number 7168

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