[Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? 】The complaints of the lucky viewer who detected the number 1573 of "Tiny Times": a movie soaked in the stench of Mary Sue, a movie wrapped in a delicate shell to force J youth, a movie where someone looks down on everyone from the perspective of God, and With a sense of superiority, this is the film of our era, a film that tells everywhere that I hate that I am not a woman. Since then, the word "exquisite" has become the spiritual opium of men and women and the shining of the world of material civilization with collapsed beliefs crown.

Main task: (Enter the movie world to activate).

Side missions: (Enter the movie world to activate).

Basic Rewards: ?

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure penalty: .

Whether to give up the task: at any time.

Task time limit: 2012——

Whether to accept? (Y/N).

"Little Times"? Lin Yue has neither read the novel nor watched the movie, but he has heard of this movie. After all, when the first movie was released, the promoters wanted to make people see it the first time they woke up.

"Hey, rich second generation, mine man, Young Master Lin?"


Lin Yue was awakened by the sound of piercing his ears, looked up, and saw Zheng Fang approaching him with a wine glass: "Let's have a drink, thank you for treating us to a big meal."

"Am I not your class enemy?"

Zheng Fang nodded seriously: "Murderers still have to beheaded before execution."

Well, this little girl has a sharp mouth.

Lin Yue picked up the wine glass and clinked it with her: "This is rice wine, drink it smoothly, and you will know what it means to be spinning when you are blown by the wind. Be careful not to lose your body."

"Bah, bah, you just lost your virginity."

Lin Yue poked Tan Xiaoguang's arm with his elbow: "Did you see that she's still a big girl, so pitiful, no one wants her."

Bang bang bang.

Zheng Fang patted the table loudly: "Whoever said that no one wants me, there is a drawer of love letters written to me by people in science and engineering. If you don't believe me, ask Zhao Nannan."

Lin Yue said, "Really?"

"What's your tone, don't you believe me?" She took out her phone, opened WeChat, selected the blacklist, and scrolled down: "Do you see it, count it, how many?"

"So many? But I'm curious why they are on your blacklist."

"Because..." Zheng Fang rolled her eyes, "I won't tell you."

"Have you been cast in a net?"

"You...you're mad at me."

"Okay, okay, don't tease her." Tan Xiaoguang was busy smoothing things over.

Lin Yue said, "Don't you think she's cute when she's angry?"

"Lin! Yue!" Zheng Fang paused every word.

Zhao Nannan hurriedly tugged on her sleeve: "Don't fall for the trap, the angrier you are, the more proud he is?"

Zheng Fang came to her senses all of a sudden, suppressed her depression, picked up another cup of juice and said with a smile, "Master Lin, let me toast you again."

Is this trying to get him drunk?

Lin Yue couldn't help laughing, trying to get herself drunk, but she couldn't do it even if she vomited up the juice.

"Okay, drink."

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Zheng Fang ran to the bathroom three times, but Lin Yue didn't blush and was out of breath, as if nothing had happened.

She looked at Tan Xiaoguang who was already confused: "How can you drink so well?"

"Admit it? If you admit it, let's go."

"Who said..."

Zheng Fang was still stubborn, but was pulled by Zhao Nannan, and gave him a wink that you couldn't beat him.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Lin Yue saw that the valet driver had almost arrived, so he went to the counter to pay the bill, helped the co-tenant brother who hadn't had a good drink the day before yesterday, and had a bit too much today to leave the restaurant and sit in the back compartment.

Send the two of them back to school first, and then return to the community. After Tan Xiaoguang settled down, Lin Yue went back to his room, turned on his laptop, logged in to his membership account on the film and television website, and searched for "Little Times" to play.

I don’t know if Tan Xiaoguang watched a movie for Baton a few days ago, which made the dog addicted, or it was a bit boring after being locked up in the house for a day. When the movie started, it also squatted down and stared at the screen, concentrating on it The look is very funny.

The "Little Times" series consists of four films, namely "Little Times", "Little Times: The Aoki Era", "Little Times: The Thorn Gold Era", and "Little Times: The End of the Soul".

The film tells the story of Shanghai in the period of rapid economic development. The protagonists Lin Xiao, Gu Li, Nan Xiang and Tang Wanru are four girls who live, study, work and grow in this beautiful and fashionable city. The four girls have deep feelings since childhood. But they each have different values ​​and outlook on life. They live together day and night in the same dormitory. In the later period of their college career, their peaceful life begins to face endless challenges. In the peaceful campus life, various things happened one after another that caught them off guard, did not know how to face them, and required choices. At the same time, a group of boys such as Gu Yuan, Jian Xi, Gong Ming, Chong Guang, Wei Hai, Xi Cheng and these four girls are also inextricably intertwined with each other.

After watching the movie, Lin Yue silently closed his notebook. For some reason, he had an indescribable feeling that "The Year in a Hurry" was a youthful story about the children of middle-class families in the imperial capital, and "Little Times"... It is completely floating in the sky, and some people still say seriously that this is an era of shining dreams.

Of course, this is of the same nature as the cool articles that men like to read, but the difference is that men are more self-aware, while women prefer to dream.


He glanced at the scale on his watch, it was already 10:30 in the evening, so he got up and went outside to get a glass of water, took a few sips in his hand, and came back to look at Baton who was flattering himself.

"Badun...Xiahou...the big villain."

He pondered for a moment, got up and walked to the living room, slapped Xiahou who was sleeping late on the sofa, threw it into the system space, and pulled down the system menu to choose to accept the task.

Tan Xiaoguang was drunk like that, naturally he didn't have to worry about being discovered, he chose to accept the task in the living room without any scruples.


With a flash of white light, one person and one cat disappeared.


I don't know how long it took, the white light gradually subsided, and the humming that filled the ears also dissipated.

With the return of consciousness, Lin Yue felt the existence of his body, and then the hunger that followed.

Yes, no dizziness, just hunger.

It seems that there is no meal in the morning.

A person's voice came from the front, as if he was imparting some experience.


Lin Yue didn't open his eyes, but kept them closed, recalling the plot. The story of "Little Times" started from his senior year. Since the system sent him here, it was normal to start from Shanghai University.

Well, since the surrounding environment is very safe, let's first take a look at what kind of tasks the system has assigned to him. If he is a scumbag like last time, he must be rejected.

PS: I haven't read the novel "Little Times". Please forgive me if there are mistakes in the details. This movie actually made me look confused. In the opinion of a writer, the storyline is about 0, and the plot is fragmented. That's all good, I can't imitate the taste of movies, so let's play freely.

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