Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 886 Please be yourself

Main task: Please be yourself!

Branch task: dismantle, dismantle, dismantle CP, dismantling a pair is a pair.

Basic Rewards: ?

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure penalty: .

Whether to give up the task: at any time.

Task time limit: 2012——

? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yue thought that the system was getting more and more skinny, is this a task? This is complaining about myself, obviously it made me a scumbag in the last mission, why is it complaining about myself now?

The requirements for the main quests are rather vague, but the side quests are easy to understand. Let’s tear down the CP, like Gu Li and Gu Yuan, Lin Xiao and Sogo, Nanxiang and Xicheng...

"That classmate, please don't sleep and snore in the venue. If you don't want to listen to my speech, you can go out and don't affect other people."

Lin Yue suddenly noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was different, and felt a chill all over his body. He raised his head, opened his sleepy eyes, and saw that thin middle-aged man with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the podium, who was looking displeased. look at him.

Looking through the memories in his mind, he knew that the person was the famous fund manager Tong Nanming, who was invited by the school to give a speech at the business school.

Many people are watching him, including Gu Li, the second heroine in the film, wearing an avant-garde dress with two arms and a line of back, a highlighted bob hair, and Dior 999 Queen's lipstick.

Lin Yue didn't care about the gazes of those people, stood up and apologized neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have slept in the venue, Mr. Tong, you can continue."

His calm attitude aroused Tong Nanming's displeasure, because none of the students present looked at him with admiration, only the guy who was sleeping at the venue was called by name, but he didn't show any sincerity .

As a financial elite who came out of Shanghai University, he is a senior, and the other party's behavior seems somewhat disrespectful and offensive to him.

"Young man, since the college has provided you with the opportunity to learn, you must cherish it and don't be like this classmate..."

"Mr. Tong, I want to ask you a question." Lin Yue interrupted his criticism: "Why do you do finance?"

Why do finance?

This question stunned Tong Nanming for a moment. He has given many speeches. Most of the questions asked by students are related to the financial field. Yuan’s operations, how Wall Street’s financial oligarchs dominate the futures, stock and foreign exchange markets, and his years of experience in the financial industry. Ask him why he is a financial person, and the young man on the other side is the first.

"May I have your name?"

"Lin Yue, double wood 'Lin', jumping 'Yue'."

"Before answering this question, I want to ask you, did you listen carefully to my speech just now?"

"Listen, what you mean is that fund managers sell funds to the public in the form of shares, and then use part of the collected money to negotiate with small and medium-sized commercial banks to obtain interest rates that are much higher than ordinary people's deposit interest, so as to earn money. Take the price difference, which is called a large bank certificate of deposit, and the remaining part can be invested in some high-credit corporate bonds, local bonds, or even stocks and futures. Banks use the money to issue loans to the society, which is the best quality Most of them are mortgages, so a closed financial loop is formed.”


Tong Nanming thought that he was sleeping so sweetly, so he must not know what he said. What he didn't expect was that this guy was pretending to sleep.

"So, Mr. Tong, it's time for you to answer my question, why do you do finance?"

"For." Tong Nanming pondered for a moment and said, "In order to realize personal value."

"Then why did you appear on the podium of the business school? Or, why did the leaders of the school invite you?"


"I'm sorry to say yes? Let me tell you, it's because you can make money. So, in the final analysis, your personal value is measured by money."

"Those who do construction have to deal with steel and concrete, those who do energy have to deal with electricity and oil, those who practice medicine have to deal with drugs, and those who do finance have to deal with money?"

"It's okay to deal with money, but it's wrong to sell your soul."

"What do you mean?" Tong Nanming asked coldly.

Lin Yue said: "The people sitting here are all college students. Before they entered the society, you began to instill in them the concept that financial people's value is money, so I don't think it's necessary to listen to your speech."

"There's no need to listen to my speech, okay, then I won't talk, you can talk!" Tong Nanming was furious, and looked down at the department leaders who invited him over.

"Yes." Lin Yue left his seat, and walked towards the podium facing dozens of surprised eyes.

"I just talked about the construction industry. What is the meaning of the construction industry? I think everyone is very clear that it is to improve our living environment. What is the meaning of the energy industry? It is also very clear that it improves our quality of life. What about the financial industry? ?What is the significance of the existence of the financial industry? Or why does it exist? Originally, this industry should benefit the economy, improve people's livelihood and stimulate industrial development. Now? Everyone from bankers to fund managers, from insurance sales to investors Staring at one word, 'money', cheating and abducting, they will do everything they can."

"Capital is profit-seeking, and profit-seeking will be greedy. To put it bluntly, the financial industry has been burdened with original sin since its birth. Those who study medicine will be required to have medical ethics, and those who are teachers will be required to lecture on morality. People must love the people, but are financial people required to be virtuous? No, whether it is in textbooks or these so-called professors and scholars, what they tell you is the survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle, because in their eyes The essence of finance is to seize, to cut leeks, to have original sin, and when all practitioners become wild beasts, then doing evil will become the truth.”

"It is this group of people who fry houses into financial products. It is this group of people who eat retail investors in the stock market. It is this group of people who make the economy turn from reality to fiction. It is this group of people who stand in various forums and talk about it. It is this group of people. Perhaps in the near future, those who use long-term rental apartments or even nursing homes to defraud will wear the cloak of financial people. So I think that the current barbaric financial world is a desert of morality and a saline-alkali land of conscience. As a college student , What you need now is not a senior who can teach you the secrets of making money, but a bottom-line thinking as a person."

"I'm done talking." Lin Yue handed the microphone back, and when Tong Nanming subconsciously picked it up, he took it back to his face: "By the way, it was my roommate who dragged me here, not me. Here, and, as everyone has seen, he told me to tell me what I said. The school leaders are so enlightened, they will not punish me for this matter, right? Go to brunch, thank you for letting me tell you Goodbye when we're done."

After saying this, he turned around and walked off the stage. Tong Nanming didn't want to continue talking, and it didn't matter if he didn't talk, so he could only snort coldly, leave the venue with a brush of his sleeves, and negotiate with the department leaders.

"Who is this person?"

"It looks so arrogant."

"Is this teaching us ideological and political lessons?"

"It seems to be from the Department of International Politics."

"No wonder the eloquence is so good, it made Tong Nanming dumbfounded."


When Lin Yue passed by Gu Li, the corners of her lips curled up, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

Oh, and this isn't the first time the two have met.

Lin Yue flipped through his memory and knew that this time his identity was set as a top student from a third- and fourth-tier city. After entering Shanghai University, he chose to major in international politics. His ambition was to be a diplomat. He also took an elective course The purpose of the courses majoring in international finance is to make himself more competitive, so he and Gu Li are very familiar with each other, but it only stays at the level of "familiarity", and there has never been any verbal communication.

Well, aren't you poisonous, arrogant, and flamboyant? Then let's compare, Miss Rich.

In fact, he didn't do this all to impress Gu Li. The main task given by the system was to ask him to be a human being, and the requirements were really vague. Good people with a sense of justice and pursuit... There is nothing wrong with this, not to mention that this film is already exaggerated, so it is not bad for these people to be down-to-earth.

Coming out of the small auditorium, he walked along the tree-lined road to the cafeteria. Girls hugging books and laughing along the way, or couples walking side by side, occasionally saw fashionable girls. It is completely different from the universities in the imperial capital.


As he was walking, he suddenly stopped.

"Oh, what a coincidence."

Thanks to Leonardo from Havana for the 666 starting coins, the 500 starting coins for the real reading Wanjuan, the 353 starting coins for the infinite light reward, and the 200 starting coins for the little tiger in the devil world. The dean let me out , the rice cooker of the leisure family, the 100 starting point coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 1940,

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