Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 887 Who is more vicious than Bi

On the tree-lined road leading to the auditorium, the ginkgo trees have lost their evening clothes, and the ground is golden and full of autumn light.

The most beautiful and most scheming Nan Xiang in the play is sitting behind the drawing board, quietly depicting the scenery of the tree-lined avenue, her long hair is fluttering, and she looks like a fairy who does not eat fireworks. Behind her, several handsome men The students stopped to watch, their eyes hard to hide their appreciation.

Lin Yue walked over and took a look, then smiled and said, "Are you Nan Xiang?"

The brush that was going to dip in the paint stopped, and Nan Xiang raised his head, showing doubts on his face, as if he didn't understand why this stranger knew his name.

Lin Yue said, "What is the ugliest object you have ever drawn?"

Nan Xiang was immediately caught by his question. She had painted apples, watermelons, oranges, pears, flying birds, goldfish, Pinghu, distant mountains, cathedrals, Gu Li, Lin Xiao, Tang Wanru, and that one Xi Cheng, who hurt her the most, is the ugliest object... She doesn't think she has ever painted ugly things.

"Student, painting is to retain beauty and convey beauty. The question you ask is meaningless."

Lin Yue said: "Everything has its opposite. Where there is beauty, there is ugliness. Where there is goodness, there is evil. If a painter is kind enough, even the most evil and ugly things will shock people. On the contrary, a A person without a heart, even if he paints the most beautiful things in the world, will be empty and lackluster."

"What do you mean?"

"Your paintings, like your people, have no soul."

Nan Xiang didn't expect this pleasing-looking boy to have such a poisonous mouth, Gu Li has a poisonous tongue, and he... has a poisonous thorn.

The boys standing behind her glared at Lin Yue, because Nan Xiang was painting the most beautiful scenery on campus in autumn, and they were admiring the beauties in the paintings. Lin Yue belittled that Nan Xiang's paintings were as soulless as hers. Didn't they say they were LOW?

Lin Yue turned a blind eye to the gazes of these people, and continued to walk forward. In short, all the characters in this play are like a few hypocritical newcomer drama actors on an exquisite stage, posing, selling rotten meat and so-called Feelings, some people insist on deducting a big proposition of conflict and collision of different values... In Lin Yue's view, it is so naive as to be ridiculous.

In terms of sisterly love, it is not as shocking as "Sunshine Sisters", and not as warm as "Sea Street Diary". It talks about love and is full of middle school students' fantasies about the feelings and life of the upper class. He is inferior to "Farewell My Concubine", and even his just-concluded journey of "The Year in a Hurry" is several times more real than it.

"You stop!"

The same words come from different mouths.

Lin Yue stopped, turned around, saw Nan Xiang who put down his brush and paint tray and stood up, and also saw Gu Li who chased out from the venue.

"Why do you say that to me?"

"Why do you speak of her like that?"

Still similar questions came out of those two people.

One is from Nan Xiang, and the other is from Gu Li.

"Why is it not important, what matters is whether I am right or wrong."

Gu Li took Nan Xiang's arm and said, "She is a talented woman recognized by the art department, and you don't need to judge this at all."

Lin Yue said: "The performance of the two of you now is not like you don't care about my evaluation. The most precious thing in college is that you don't have to accept the so-called 'correct' theoretical knowledge like you did in junior high school. You have space and time to collect and listen to the voices of different regions, different cultural backgrounds, and different classes, to identify, think, demonstrate, and construct your own ideological system. Most of the masterpieces handed down by real artists are from the heart The expression of the world, not just the delivery of beauty."

Nan Xiang was speechless, not knowing how to refute.

At this time, a figure swayed by the side of the boulevard, and Gu Li's boyfriend Gu Yuan, who almost had the word "Shou" carved on his face, appeared beside her, and looked at Lin Yue with hostile eyes: "What's wrong?"

Gu Li kept silent. Just now in the school auditorium, all the students of the business school were lectured by him for no reason, and now he came to Nanxiang to point out the country. This annoying guy is too defiant.

Seeing his girlfriend looking angrily at the boy opposite, Gu Yuan took her hand: "Let's go, don't pay attention to this annoying guy."

nasty guy?

Lin Yue smiled, not being too lazy to learn as much as the green turtle, turned around and continued walking.

"You stop!"

Gu Li shook off Gu Yuan's hand, lifted his feet and hurried a few steps, chasing after Lin Yue and stopping him.

"You said that Nanxiang's paintings have no soul. If you have the ability, you can show us works with soul, otherwise you are a liar."

Lin Yue ignored her, moved a step to the side, and walked forward.

"Stop, I'll tell you to stop." Gu Li was very angry. In the entire Shanghai University, there was no one who didn't know about Queen Gu's identity and style of doing things. No one dared to face her with this attitude.

"Get out of the way." Lin Yue said, "Do you know that you are annoying like this?"

"The one who should be disliked is you." Gu Li pointed at him and said, "Obviously you launched a vicious attack on Nan Xiang first."

"I'm helping her."

"Help her? Oh, it's ridiculous." Gu Li seemed to have heard a big joke: "So, we still have to thank you?"

"You're welcome."

Lin Yue walked again, Gu Li opened his arms again: "You are too shameless."

At this time, it was no longer just a few boys watching, surrounded by a circle of melon-eating students, who didn't understand what happened here, and some people were already mourning for Lin Yue, because he had caused a big trouble. Li Ke is a well-known thorn in the school.

There are three more people around Nan Xiang, one is Lin Xiao, the first heroine of the movie, and Tang Wanru, who is usually ugly and stupid, and Lin Xiao's current boyfriend Nan Xi.

"What's wrong with Gu Li? Is this the first time I've seen her so excited?"

Nan Xiang said: "I don't know what's wrong with her." She couldn't figure it out, the boy was obviously mocking her, why Gu Li seemed to be stepping on his tail, saying that he was complaining to her, it seemed that his behavior was too aggressive point.

"Hey, isn't this Lin Yue who made Tong Nanming speechless?"

At this time, several people who came out of the auditorium saw a man and a woman who were in a confrontation in front of them, and couldn't help but stop and watch.

"Let me just say, how can a talented woman majoring in international finance tolerate people from the Department of International Politics riding on her head and shitting? This is a good show."

Lin Xiao and the others looked at each other, although they didn't know what happened, but it seemed...the two had a feud before.

"Will you let me go?"

Lin Yueju looked down at the arrogant Gu Li.


"Why should I apologize?"

"It's up to you to slander Nanxiang."

"That's about me and her too. Is it your turn?"

"Nanxiang is my good sister, her affairs are my affairs."

As soon as Gu Li finished speaking, Gu Yuan pulled her from behind: "Don't pay attention to him, but he's just another annoying person who wants to show his presence in front of Nan Xiang, so there's no point in wasting energy on such a person."

In the past, Gu Li would have agreed, but today she is very sure that the boy in front of her is definitely not the kind of person who needs to use his own way to attract girls' attention, because she is famous for her good eyesight, which can make her more attractive in appearance. Boys who are not annoying at this point will certainly not lack girlfriends in their lives.

"Have you heard what your boyfriend said? Get out of the way." Lin Yue was about to move.

Gu Li refused to back down, the more detached Lin Yue acted, the angrier she became for some reason.

"Unless you convince me today, don't think about leaving safely. Even if you run away today, I still have a chance to settle accounts with you, classmate Lin Yue..."

"Gu Li, you're taking advantage of Nanxiang's incident to find a place for the scene just now, right?"

"So what."

Gu Li generously admitted.

"Then why didn't you refute when I spoke on the podium?"

Just as Gu Li was about to speak, Lin Yue said again: "Oh, what I said is politically correct and stands on the moral high ground. If you refute it, you will become the successor of a capitalist in the eyes of losing money, right?"

" are called Qiu Fu."

"Why do I hate the rich? I express my views, and you can also express your views. Those who are willing to think will naturally demonstrate and deduce whose views are correct, and whose views are more beneficial to the industry and society. This is sharing and Instilling the difference, so I never thought about convincing anyone, and I don’t think that I have said something. Others have to agree with it. I don’t even have any interest in hatred for a rich second generation like you, please get out of the way and don’t block my way to eat in the cafeteria.”

"Gu Li, Gu Li, forget it." Over there, Nan Xiang ran over, glanced at Lin Yue, and pulled Gu Li aside. The boys are as calm as a quietly flowing river.

"No, you can't just leave it like that, it's obvious that he uttered wild words to you first."

"Hey." Lin Yue sighed: "Is it because I can't convince you that you will keep pestering me?"

"Yes, don't forget that the international finance course you take and the international finance course I major in are in the same classroom."

"Okay, I'll convince you, but..."

"But what."

"I have one condition."

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