Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 888 Queen? You overestimate yourself.

Gu Li said, "What conditions?"

Lin Yue said: "If I can convince you today, if we meet again on this campus from now on, you must take the initiative to avoid it."

"You...too much!" It was Nan Xiang who spoke.

Unexpectedly, Gu Li raised his head and said, "Okay."

"Let's go." Lin Yue checked the scale of his watch and walked outside the campus: "If you go quickly, you can still catch lunch when you come back."

Gu Li and Nan Xiang glanced at each other, and hurried to catch up.

They want to see what kind of method this guy with a poisoned mouth will use to convince people.

"Hey, Gu Li, Nan Xiang, wait for me."

Lin Xiao stuffed the book in Jianxi's arms, and ran forward. Tang Wanru, who was standing next to him, gave him a smirk, and stuffed the book full of graffiti into his arms, to practice the times. The promise of the sisters to be together forever.

Walking out of the school gate, Lin Yue stopped two taxis and told the drivers an address.

Thirty minutes later, the taxi stopped less than 200 meters away from a bridge. He got out of the car, and Gu Li and others also got out of the car.

The sound of sirens on the river is melodious, the water is gurgling, the main road on the bridge deck is full of traffic, and there are passers-by on electric vehicles on both sides.

"What did you bring us here for?"

Gu Li couldn't figure it out. He said that Nanxiang's paintings had no soul, and he thought he wanted to show everyone his works to convince them, but he didn't. Instead, he brought them here.

Lin Yue pointed to the flyover where the luxury billboard hung in front of him and said, "Don't worry, wait a minute."

Gu Li, Nan Xiang, Lin Xiao, Tang Wanru, and Gu Yuan waited for a minute for all eyes on the other side of the road, and a thin middle-aged man walked out of the stairs on the other side of the bridge——wearing a short skirt and black silk The girls are avoiding them intentionally or unintentionally, the elites in white shirts and black trousers and ties are avoiding them intentionally or unintentionally, and even the schoolgirls with small schoolbags and white clover sneakers are also avoiding them intentionally or unintentionally.

A blue-gray coat that has been washed to a slight whitish color, and jeans that I don’t know how many years I have worn, and underneath are double-released non-brand sneakers.

The clothes had been washed, but no matter how clean they were, they couldn't get rid of the shabby feeling.

With a weather-beaten face and gray-haired scalp, his feet are limping, he walks with a limp, and there is a dirty leather bag in his arm that he doesn't know where he picked it up.

"See what's under his neck?"

According to Lin Yue's reminder, Gu Li looked over, and there was a cross between the dark skin and the blue-gray coat, on which was the statue of the crucified Jesus, shaking slightly with the ups and downs of the body.

"Every Monday, he would walk from the urban village in the north of the bridge to the exquisite commercial street in the south of the bridge, pass through a small garden, and the dazzling theme square, and go to the old church that existed in the last century. The Jesus in it seemed to be in a daze for two hours, and then returned to the world over the bridge. Didn’t he know that churches were held on Sundays? I think he knew, but why would he go there on a Monday?”

"Numbness and longing, pain and peace, hope and despair, wealth and poverty, death and redemption, Nan Xiang, can you see how they twist and struggle in his world? Can you express these things with a brush?"

Lin Yue said, "So, am I right?"

Nan Xiang remained silent.

Gu Yuan gave him a disgusted look, ran up the overpass, took out a wad of money from his wallet, and handed it to the disabled middle-aged man.

"Some people are so poor that only their soul is left, and some people are so poor that only their money is left. Now, there is another thing in his world called humiliation." Lin Yue rushed to Gu Li and said, "Don't block my way in the future, you and me I am not from the same world."

After speaking, he lit a cigarette and left.

Actually... To put it bluntly, every character in this movie is not human.

"Wow, his smoking posture is so handsome, I really want to hear him calling me in my ear every day...ah, get up. Hehe, hehe...uh hehe..." Tang Wanru held his face in both hands, looking like a nympho .

Lin Xiao pulled her as if: "Wanru, why don't you act like a female orangutan is in heat? And Gu Li, who is he? Why do you have to make trouble with him?"

Gu Li glanced at her, without explaining, but turned to look at Lin Yue's back as he opened the taxi door and said, "Stop, I don't agree."

Lin Yue didn't stop, got into the co-pilot and beckoned the driver to drive.


What you want is that you refuse to accept it. If you are convinced, it will be difficult to handle.

He didn't go back to school directly. He got off the bus at the street in front of Shanghai University, turned left and entered a lottery selling lottery station, and spent half a month's living expenses.

Playing with people like Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, and Tang Wanru naturally doesn't require a lot of financial resources, but if you want to deal with M.E.'s general manager Gong Ming and his younger brother Zhou Chongguang, money is all you need.

He couldn't figure out why he had the urge to punch every male character in this movie. should's almost all because of the paper people. Maybe there is a bit of character tension in the novel, but it's on the screen, haha.

Twenty minutes later, he returned to the school dormitory, took out his laptop, and searched for the submission method of "Current Monthly Shijing".

"Lin Yue, I heard that you offended Miss Gu from International Finance?" roommate Jiao Qifa asked with concern.

Lin Yue skillfully typed the URL of GITHUB, while downloading various environments needed for programming.

"Any questions?"

"Then you have to be careful, her temper is not very good, and she has always been mean and mean, and she will take revenge. It is said that the boys in her class are like a mouse seeing a cat in front of her."

Lin Yue checked the loading progress, opened the zipper of the backpack, "taken out" Xiahou from inside, rubbed his head, took off the lid of the lunch box he used to eat, and smashed the biscuits that he used to satisfy his hunger every day. Pass it to its mouth.

"I'm the cat." He blinked. "Have you ever had a cat?"

Jiao Qifa shook his head.

"Then you know what cats do when they catch mice when they're full?"

"What are you doing?"


Jiao Qifa seemed to understand, but noticed the windows and the installation progress bar constantly flashing on the computer screen.

"What are you doing?"

"I needed a ladder that was as stable as possible."


"By the way, does your girlfriend subscribe to M.E's magazine?"


"Let her help me find out the issue number that has Zhou Chongguang's article."

"Zhou Chongguang? That celebrity writer?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Why are you suddenly interested in him? Could it be..."

"What are you thinking?"


A week later, in the multimedia classroom on the third floor of the teaching building of the business school, Lin Yue took "Marketing" and followed a girl into the room. He chose the aisle on the right to go to the top. blocked.

It's Gu Li.

"Step aside."


The confrontation between the two attracted the attention of the surrounding students, and there was a chattering sound for a while.

Lin Yue said: "Can't afford to lose?"

Gu Li said, "I'm not convinced."

"Aren't you convinced? Then ask Nan Xiang to draw the scene I saw a few days ago. You can tell whether her painting is good or bad at a glance."

"She is drawing, but do you know? She has torn up no less than 20 unfinished paintings, and she was almost tortured to the point of collapse by your words. She has grown up, and the most proud thing is that she draws well. Even The money for choosing fashion design is all earned by her helping people paint, but what did you do? Why are you so vicious."

"Do you know what kind of woman I hate the most? While relying on her face to enjoy the attention of pretenders in work and life, while saying that the men who covet her body are stinky. So don't complain, it only proves you He's a weak person." Lin Yuehan said in a cold voice, "I'll say it again for the last time, if you don't want to become someone else's laughing stock, get out of the way."


Gu Li clenched his fists, glanced at the people who were watching the excitement, took a deep breath, turned to the side, and let him pass.

"Heh, Queen Gu also suffers sometimes."

"Who is that kid? Isn't he from our class?"

"Lin Yue from the Department of International Politics is the guy who blatantly slapped Tong Nanming in the face in the small auditorium a few days ago."

"Isn't he very low-key before? Why recently..."


Amidst the discussion, Professor Zhang, who teaches "Marketing", walked into the classroom, and it was suddenly quiet below.

"Today, let's talk about..."

In the forty-five-minute class, he stopped when it reached more than thirty minutes.

"Students, you are seniors this year. As far as I know, some students have already started internships. In the next time, I hope you will introduce some classic marketing cases that happened around you or encountered in your work. Is there any classmate who volunteered to come on stage?"

The people below looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't move.

At this moment Gu Li stood up.

Professor Zhang said, "Okay, Gu Li, come here."

Gu Li said: "Teacher, I stood up to recommend someone for you."

Professor Zhang froze for a moment: "Who?"

Gu Li looked at Lin Yue who was sitting alone in the corner: "He."

Professor Zhang looked at Lin Yue, wondering what happened to Miss Gu's family today. He had an impression of that student as a very low-key person, and he didn't know what offended her.

Lin Yue frowned and looked at Gu Li.

But she saw her lips moving, as if to say: "Don't complain, it only proves that you are a weak person."

Thanks to Wuyi Yanyu for the 1500 starting coins, Tu Zhailang, QUARTZ*CAT for the 500 starting coins, Infinite Light 000 for the 262 starting coins, Zun Moju Magic, and Boring Universe for the 100 starting coins.

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