"Oh, you don't know how... stinky fart that Gong Ming is."

"He said he would drink coffee at 2:30, and he wouldn't be able to deliver it a minute late. He kept a straight face every day, as if the whole world owed him money, and...you know, his hobby is actually collecting glasses, big and small. Wine glasses, brandy glasses, vintage glasses, highball glasses, all lined up on the shelf in the office, it’s so weird.”

"And that KITTY, eh..." Lin Xiao shuddered at this point: "He is really a perfect match with his boss. Believe me, no matter how much enthusiasm you have, she will cool it down."

"Also, who do you think I met today? It's that Zhou Chongguang, the special model of "M.E.", and a writer. How about it, is it amazing? Of course, this is not the key point, the key point is that KITTY actually let me." She pointed out Looking at himself, he said: "Go and urge Zhou Chongguang's manuscript, God, why are you making things difficult for me?"


While walking forward, Jianxi listened to his girlfriend talking about M.E., and felt a little bit upset, because as her internship in M.E. deepened, every time the two of them were together, whether it was shopping or eating , they all inevitably talked about the bad things in M.E., and that Gong Ming who didn't eat fireworks.

"Here, you go up first, I still have an appointment with Gu Yuan." When he came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, he handed over the fruit in his hand.

"Oh." Lin Xiao took the fruit, watched her boyfriend leave, walked up the stairs, opened the door of the dormitory and walked into the living room.

"Sisters, I'm back."

No one responded to her, Gu Li and Tang Wanru were not there, only the rustling sound came from Nan Xiang's room, and the door was ajar.

You must know that Nan Xiang has been shutting herself in the room these days. Tang Wanru said that she smelled like a corpse, and Gu Li said that she had gone mad.

Lin Xiao put down the fruit, walked over on tiptoe with strong curiosity, and opened the door bit by bit, only to see that Nan Xiang didn't smell like a corpse like Tang Wanru said, she combed it carefully today, She was wearing the most satisfying long dress, and her hair had only been washed not long ago. Although she was not full of energy, she was much different from her appearance a few days ago.

And she wasn't drawing anymore, she was sitting in front of the sewing machine and didn't know what she was doing.

"Nan Xiang?" Lin Xiao pushed open the door, walked two steps in, and noticed a painting on the drawing board. The person in the painting was Nan Xiang who had painted over and over again, but was always dissatisfied. young people.

The difference from before is that this painting is very special. Even a person like her who doesn't know how to paint, after seeing it, she still has a kind of complicated emotion in her heart that she doesn't know how to express. Maybe it's like what Lin Yue said , numbness and longing, pain and peace, hope and despair, wealth and poverty, death and redemption...a painting contains many.

"It's really well drawn."

She finally knew why Nan Xiang cheered up, because she had finally broken through herself, reached a new level, and brought the disabled middle-aged man to life.

"Huh?" However, in the next second, she noticed another interesting situation. This painting... seems to have been torn apart. Very good, it looks like one piece at a glance.

"Nan Xiang, why did you tear it up?"

Nan Xiang turned a deaf ear to it, and was busy with his own affairs at the sewing machine.

"The new Xiaoya here today is not bad. I have a sore shoulder. It will be fine if she presses it for a while. You can choose her to try next time." At this time, there was the sound of the door opening in the living room, followed by Gu Li's voice. sound.

"I don't want it, I still like male bartenders more." Tang Wanru said in a loud voice, if she didn't know her appearance, she might be mistaken for a soft girl from Zhejiang and Fujian.

"Huh." Xu Shi noticed that the door of Nan Xiang's room was open, Gu Li threw the bag on the sofa, and walked in wearing high heels.

"Lin Xiao? You're back? Nanxiang...what is she doing?"

Lin Xiao didn't answer this question, and pointed to the painting on the drawing board facing the two of them.

"Nanxiang succeeded." The thick lines are like Tang Wanru's, and it can be seen that the paintings on the drawing board are more than one grade higher than her previous works.

Gu Li didn't speak. In contrast, she cared more about what Nan Xiang was doing.

High heels tick tock.

A wealthy lady with a family fortune of hundreds of millions came before the goddess of literature and art recognized by the whole school.

"Nan Xiang, what are you doing?"

She moved her face closer and saw that Nan Xiang was lying on a worsted tweed suit jacket with a needle and thread, trying to sew up the openings on the back and shoulders.


Gu Li put his hand on the suit jacket and touched it, his expression changed suddenly, and he opened the collar to take a look inside.


Lin Xiao said, "What's wrong?"

"KITON's suits are not cheap. Even if it is a ready-to-wear suit, it costs tens of thousands of dollars." Gu Li said, "Let's put it this way, their private customization can be called the Ferrari of suits. The key is that their clothes are very picky. People with a slightly smaller figure can't wear it, Nan Xiang, where did you get this dress?"

When Nan Xiang heard that this suit jacket was worth tens of thousands of yuan, his hand holding the needlework trembled, and he pursed his lips without saying a word.

"Oh, don't sew, this kind of suit has a problem and can only be repaired at a counter." Gu Li said: "You can't... cause trouble?"

She could see that Nan Xiang wanted to restore the dress with the professional skills gained from her elective fashion design.

"Yes, I got into trouble."

Without knowing the price of the suit jacket, Nan Xiang could still keep calm, but now when he heard tens of thousands, his mentality suddenly collapsed, and the whole person became irritable and anxious: "But it's all because of you!"

"Because of me?" Gu Li was stunned.

Wanting to touch the expensive suit, Tang Wanru, who was inhaling aristocratic air, and Lin Xiao, who was standing next to him, looked puzzled, thinking what does this have to do with Gu Li?

"Is that you? Did you tell Xi Cheng about me? Did you tell him to find Lin Yue? Didn't you!" She hadn't contacted Xi Cheng for a long time, and she had been staying in her room for the past few days. , only three roommates know about her situation, and only Gu Li has the ability to contact Xi Cheng. Similarly, Gu Li also has the motivation to do so.

"Yes, I asked Xi Cheng to do this." Gu Li said, "Didn't he say he loves you? Didn't he say he couldn't leave you? I want to see how much he loves you and is capable of avenging you Ah, go and do it with that Lin Yue who bullied you."

Nan Xiang pushed her hard, but fortunately Tang Wanru's eyesight was weak and he quickly helped her up, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

"Nan Xiang, what are you doing?" Lin Xiao asked her with staring eyes.

Nan Xiang ignored her, looked at Gu Li and said, "Why are you so concerned about me and him? Whether Xi Cheng treats me well is none of your business."

"Okay, I don't care about you, but something went wrong."

"Are you caring about me? You are using me to cover your own superficiality."

"Oh, I'm superficial? He attacked you so viciously, yet you still speak for him, Nan Xiang..." Gu Li said loudly, "Are you out of your mind?"

"He wanted to apologize to me today, but it was because of you." Nan Xiang pointed to the painting on the drawing board and said, "That's not my painting, he drew it for me to see. This suit jacket is also his Yes, it was torn during the fight with Xi Cheng, you control me? Is that how you control me? Tell me a reason to be grateful to you!"

One sentence stunned all three of them.

The painting was drawn by Lin Yue?

If this is really painted by himself, then he really has the capital to look down on Nan Xiang's level.

And that KITON blazer.

If it really broke in a fight with Xi Cheng, Nan Xiang can't afford it.

"Your so-called controlling me means not asking for my opinion, but helping me make decisions completely according to my own preferences and desire to control. I thank you... Gu Li."

After she said this, she picked up the bag on the table and left in anger.


There was the sound of a door slamming outside.

"Gu Li..." Lin Xiao supported Gu Li's shoulder, trying to comfort her, but didn't know what to say.

"Leave me alone."

Gu Li walked towards the living room in a depressed mood. She never thought that she would be self-defeating. It was a relief for Xi Cheng to beat Lin Yue, but the price was that Nan Xiang broke up with her.

"Have money, good looks, oh, the male god I miss day and night." Tang Wanru's sleepy talk came from Nanxiang's room, and she didn't know what she was doing with the suit jacket.

That night, Nan Xiang didn't return all night, Lin Xiao and Tang Wanru took turns calling her but no one answered, Gu Li stared at the window in a daze until the early morning.

The next day, Lin Xiao didn't sleep well because she was in a daze with Gu Li last night, and she was absent-minded at work, so she accidentally broke the cup of M.E. Unable to afford it, I had to call Jian Xi for help to fill in the hole.

A few days later, in the training room on the second floor of the teaching building of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Lin Yue was sharing his views with several junior and senior students of the same major as instructed by the head of the department. There was a knock on the door, and the dozen or so students in the room all frowned with displeasure.

The third-year student near the door walked over and opened a gap, exchanged a few words with the people outside, then turned to Lin Yue and said, "Brother, I'm looking for you."

Lin Yue walked over and took a look outside: "Why are you here?"

Thanks for blinding the eyes of the next life, bridal chamber undefeated 010 rewarded 2000 starting coins, VIP Wuben was crazy, passerby A 2101 gave 1500 starting coins, sleepy gods like wind, book friends with tail number 4623 gave 500 starting coins, Laughing Yu, Little Tiger of the Devil Realm, Zun Moju Huan, Zhuo Yichen, Infinite Light 000, Xiuyue 199, and tail number 1679 are rewarded with 100 starting coins.

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