There were three people standing outside the door, two women and one man. The one facing the door was Gu Li, wearing a light tulle skirt, a fur shawl around his upper body, and a pair of leather gloves. He was wearing bright lipstick and looked very energetic. field.

On the back left is Gu Yuan, and behind it is Wannian's follower and humanoid pet Tang Wanru.

"Why did I come here?" Gu Li said, "I can't tell, your family is quite wealthy."

After she finished speaking, she turned sideways: "I'm here today to return your things."

Gu Yuan took a step forward, raised his arms, and there was a suit jacket wrapped with a dust cover under the hanger.

"KITON, right? I asked, your dress is discounted to 48,800 yuan, and the one in Gu Yuan's hand is hand-made according to the size of your dress, and it costs 75,000 yuan."

Lin Yue said, "What do you mean?"

"After taking the clothes, Nan Xiang doesn't owe you anything." Gu Li took the suit from Gu Yuan and handed it over.

"When someone beats me, I have to put on an attitude that I am taking advantage. Miss Gu, please go back and tell Nan Xiang that if this is her apology, I will not accept it. If this is her compensation, it is completely unnecessary. I will tell you The students still have seminars to be held, so I don’t have time to play this kind of game that can’t be played with you.”

Leaving those words behind, Lin Yue turned and left.

Games that can't get on the table? He calls this a game that can't be on the table?

Gu Li's lungs are about to explode. A suit jacket is seventy to eighty thousand, even if her father's consumption level is only at this level, what's the result? In exchange for such an evaluation.

"This can't be on the stage, I want to see what it means to be on the stage with you."

She pushed the door of the training room and walked into the room first.

The students sitting on the chairs arranged in a semi-circular shape looked stunned, not understanding what happened.

Two students quickly recognized her identity and whispered to the people around them, guessing her relationship with Lin Yue.

"Gu Li..." Tang Wanru was a little timid, after all, this was someone else's territory, she couldn't be as indifferent as Gu Li.

"Isn't the seminar just for exchanging and sharing learning experience? It doesn't matter if we sit in." Gu Li seemed to appease Tang Wanru, but he also meant to respond to the students' questions and provoke Lin Yue.

She put the expensive suit on the chair in the corner, and sat down next to her. Her slightly tilted legs and hands resting on her knees looked like a super lady.

Look at Tang Wanru again, winking, acting ugly, acting like a dick.

Lin Yue frowned, and tapped the blackboard: "Where did the discussion go?"

A junior student holding a small notebook said: "The impact of globalization on American society."

"Well." Lin Yue said: "Just now I briefly stated my point of view. The wave of globalization has raised the international status of the United States, and correspondingly, it has also caused a huge tear in society. Financial tycoons in Wall Street, Internet companies in Silicon Valley High-tech companies such as giants, Microsoft, Intel, and Apple have enjoyed the huge dividends of globalization, but internally, they have not created more jobs to stimulate the economy. Go further."

"In order to expand the vote base, the Democratic Party turned a blind eye to illegal immigrants, and even opened the door to convenience. And the jobs that should have belonged to the lower-level white people were taken away by the so-called 'dream chasers' from South America. Coupled with the high welfare and high tax policy pursued by the big government, it tolerates the proletarians who lead to poverty through laziness, drug abuse, and gambling at all costs, and crazily suppresses the middle class and some small and medium-sized enterprises, while people like Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and Soros A class of rich people have all kinds of ways to avoid taxes."

Lin Yue wrote a word on the blackboard—the ultra-leftist Democratic Party, and drew a horizontal line below it.

"This group of people is bringing the United States to a point of no return. It is foreseeable that in the near future, they will make the freedom of speech and democratic elections that the United States is famous for reduced to an international joke. Similarly, the traditions in society The faction will become more and more disgusted with this group of people, which will cause a huge tear in public opinion."


(I didn't write in depth, nor did I write too much, just click to the end, as long as everyone understands what the protagonist wants to express.)

Half an hour later, the seminar ended, and the students sitting on the chairs stood up to say goodbye to Lin Yue, and left the room with a notebook full of content.

In the end, only Lin Yue, Gu Li, Gu Yuan, and Tang Wanru, who had no idea what they were talking about, were left in the room.

Gu Li said: "Is this something you think can be put on the stage? A writer said that the worse a man is, the more he likes to talk about politics."

"A geopolitical conflict can blow up your potatoes and corn, and a U.S. sanctions decision can make your stocks plummet. War is a continuation of politics, and a war... It can ruin your family." Lin Yue smiled and said, "Why don't those so-called 'good men' in your circle talk about it? Have you thought about this?"


"Me what?"

Lin Yue stopped talking nonsense with her and left the training room with his personal belongings.

"Damn it!" Gu Li looked at his back that was getting further and further away, and hated his teeth, why every time he confronted him, it was like punching seven wounds. The opponent was fine, and she had five labors and seven injuries first.

"Gu Li, what should I do with this dress?" Gu Yuan raised the high-end suit in his hand and said, you must know that this kind of custom-made goods cannot be returned.

"You can keep it." Gu Li gave him a bitter look, then took Tang Wanru's hand and left.

Gu Yuan was very wronged, he didn't know why his girlfriend went crazy, did this matter have anything to do with him?

Oh, I came here with you to find a place, and I still have to endure your white eyes? Who did you provoke?

Lin Yue left first, but it didn't mean he didn't understand the situation behind him.

Why are you angry at you?

Simple, because you are useless.

He didn't go downstairs, but went all the way up to the rooftop, watched Gu Li walk away angrily, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Nan Xiang's number.

Gu Li, do you think it will be over if you touch a soft nail? Innocent.

"Hello..." A listless answer came from the loudspeaker.

"Nan Xiang, is that how you humiliate me?"

"You... what are you talking about? I don't have one."

"Whether you have, you know for yourself."

Slap, he hung up the phone, leaned against the concrete fence, lit a cigarette against the wind, and took a puff with it in his mouth.

Ding ding ding dong...

The phone rang, and the screen displayed an incoming call from Nanxiang.

He didn't answer and pressed the hang up button. She called again a minute later, but he still didn't answer and pressed the hang up button.

Nan Xiang didn't call again.

After smoking that cigarette, he left the teaching building and went to the boys' dormitory.

Nan Xiang in the movie is a vain and scheming woman. After entering M.E., she did a lot of tricks to attract Gong Ming's favor.

Gu Li instigated Xi Cheng to attack a handsome, talented, well-dressed male classmate who showed affection for her and caused substantial damage. From Nan Xiang's standpoint, what would she think?


after an hour.


The door of the dormitory was violently pushed open. Nan Xiang, who just came back to sleep the day before yesterday, broke into the living room, didn't care that the door was still open, and walked up to Gu Li.

"You went to see him again?"

"Yes, I went to find him." Gu Li nodded and said.

"What are you going to do with him?"

"Didn't he ask you to pay for his clothes? I ordered a more advanced one for you and gave it back to him. What, is there something wrong?"

Now Nan Xiang understood why Lin Yue said she was humiliating him.

"Who told you to meddle in your own business? When did he say he wanted me to pay for his clothes?" Nan Xiang pointed to the torn suit jacket in the room and said loudly: "He threw that jacket by the side of the road and didn't want it. It was me. I picked it up and wanted to see if I could restore it and return it to him, but now you buy him a better one, is it to show him that you are richer?"

"Nan Xiang, what's your attitude?"

Lin Xiao also persuaded her: "Nanxiang, Gu Li also has good intentions."

"Good intentions, I should thank her for her kindness. Without her, Lin Yue's misunderstanding of me would not be so deep."

Tang Wanru, who was eating oranges over there, raised her head and said, "Nan Xiang, you don't like him, do you?"

One sentence stunned the three people in front of them.

Is it possible?

Impossible, Nan Xiang shook his head, you must know that she didn't say a few words to him from the beginning to the end, although...

"I just think that if you didn't join us in the middle, the misunderstanding between me and him would have been solved long ago."

"Untied?" Gu Li stood up: "Don't worry, you tortured yourself for so long because of his words, and now you tell me it's a misunderstanding? It used to be Xicheng, you were abandoned three times and slapped four times In the end, you were seriously injured and admitted to the hospital. Who took care of you? It was me! Now the fuck is saying this to me for a man again, you cheap?!"

The sentence "Are you cheap?!" annoyed Nan Xiang, she looked at Gu Li and said something that made everyone dumbfounded.

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