Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 894 I am a very simple person

"I'm cheap, aren't you cheap? You keep saying that you want to avenge me, but you want to defeat him, step on his corpse a few times, and then tell everyone arrogantly, I, Queen Gu , there is no hard bone that can't be chewed, and the result? After being humiliated and ignored again and again, he still happily leans his face towards him to beat him, and vents on Gu Yuan after the end. He has a lot of money and is inferior to him in every aspect.”


Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, Gu Li stood up from the sofa.

"What did you say? Who are you calling cheap? Say it again."

"I said you're cheap." Tang Wanru wanted to fight, but was thrown away by Nan Xiang: "I'm really worthless for Gu Yuan."

Gu Li's eyes turned cold and he raised his hand, but he controlled it at the last moment.

Nan Xiang said: "I said it hurt you, so you became angry and hit me, come on, hit me!"

Lin Xiao saw that the smell of gunpowder between the two was getting stronger and stronger, so he hurried over and hugged Nan Xiang's waist and pulled him back: "Nan Xiang, can you say a few words less?"

"No, I'm going to tell." Nan Xiang pointed to Gu Li and said, "I don't need her charity in my life."

"Ha." Gu Li looked like "you are ridiculous": "Alms? Do you think I am willing to take care of you? Nan Xiang, from today onwards, no matter whether it is Xi Cheng or Lin Yue, you will be killed by them one day." If you die on the road, I won't collect your body either."

"Thank you for allowing me to die peacefully." Nan Xiang turned around and plunged into his room, closing the door with a bang.

"Gu Li..." Lin Xiao looked at her with an aggrieved face: "For an irrelevant person, what about you...?"

"You tell her that."

"But, but, what Nan Xiang said makes sense, don't provoke him, won't everything be fine?"

When Gu Li heard this, he became angry: "Lin Xiao, whose side are you on?"

"I... still have homework to do." Lin Xiao pointed to his room, and quickly wiped the soles of his feet.

Over there Tang Wanru also wanted to run away, but Gu Li grabbed her and said, "Come out with me."

"Where are you going?"

"Principal's office."

"What are you doing there?"

Gu Li didn't say anything.


the next day.

Days of coldness passed, and the temperature suddenly returned to the 20s. The campus was full of people who were caught off guard by the damn weather. Those who wore sweaters didn't understand those who wore shirts, and those who showed their thighs couldn't understand those who wore long johns.

Lin Yue came out of the teaching building and heard someone calling his name. He glanced to the side. Nan Xiang was wearing a long white dress with a light-colored sweater over it. Embarrassed and cautiously watching him.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked casually.

"Can I say a few words to you?" She looked at the students passing by left and right, and approached them with puzzled eyes.

"What else can we say?"

"For the sake of waiting downstairs for a long time, please give me a chance to explain?"

Lin Yue glanced at the eyes of the people around him, and walked towards the cafeteria: "I'm hungry."

Nan Xiang was stunned for a moment, but fortunately he came to his senses soon, and quickly caught up with him with his handbag, walking side by side with him.

"I didn't call Xicheng over, and I didn't ask Gu Li to show you that dress. It's because she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart. When she encountered your problems, she became excited and lost her mind. You must believe me."

Lin Yue poured the pork rib soup on the rice, scooped it up and put it in his mouth.

"So, that Xicheng was arranged by her, and she kept saying that she wanted to avenge you, but she also made her own decision?"

"Yes, it's all her decision. However, there should be some intention to help me get ahead. It's just her way of doing things. You should know her family background, so..."

"Hey, why don't you eat?" Lin Yue saw that she didn't touch the rice on the plate: "Do you eat this little every day? Now you don't post autumn fat, and when winter comes, you don't even need the capital of demeanor but not temperature." nothing."

Nanxiang's dinner plate consists of a few spoonfuls of rice, a small cabbage, and a fried egg.

Seeing that he seemed to accept the words above, she let out a long sigh of relief, and dug a spoonful of dry rice into her mouth.

"That Xicheng, is your boyfriend?"

Nan Xiang's expression changed, and he put the spoon in the air back on the plate, suddenly lost the mood to eat.

"I just asked casually. It's okay if I don't want to say it." Lin Yue changed the subject and said, "I also made mistakes in the previous matter. I shouldn't say such serious things to you."

"Your is it so good?"

"Oh, a hobby."

Nan Xiang didn't know what to say for his hobbies to reach such a high level, and suddenly he understood why Gu Li was so manic when confronted with him, and exploded at once.

He is too powerful. She has been inquiring about him for the past few days. She knows that he is a good student with top grades in the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, and he has been particularly eye-catching recently. His research and judgment on the international situation is better than some professors. Accurate, coupled with good looks, good eloquence, and a lot of skills, like Gu Li, who thinks that she is no worse than boys in every aspect... No, it should be said that she, a woman, has intelligence, grades, and responsibility that are superior to all boys in the school. Finding that there is a person in the Department of International Politics who can make her suffer, it's no wonder that she is willing to do so. If he is not trampled underfoot, where will Queen Gu's pride go?

"you really……"



When the two of them were chatting but not talking, there were a few more people at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Gu Li, Tang Wanru, Lin Xiao and Jian Xi walked into the lobby. The latter saw Nan Xiang and Lin Yue and tugged on his girlfriend's sleeve. Lin Xiao then tugged on Tang Wanru's sleeve. The mouth seemed to have discovered a new world, and pointed there.

"Oh... what did I see? Nan Xiang, you, a guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex, actually snatched my male god away."

Lin Xiao rubbed his forehead and said, "Didn't you say last night that the person you like is Wei Hai?"

Tang Wanru said cheekily: "I like all the handsome guys in the world."

Her loud voice attracted the attention of many people, including students who didn't notice that the talented girl in the art department was eating with men.

Gu Lihan looked over with a cold face.

At this moment, Lin Yue didn't know whether it was an unintentional move or sincere anger at her, he picked up a spare rib from the dinner plate and put it on Nan Xiang's dinner plate.

"Eat more, so that you can wear nice clothes during the winter so that you can withstand the cold even more."

Nan Xiang glanced at him with a complicated expression, and noticed that Gu Li was looking at this side with a gloomy face, and he quickly picked up the rib and ate it.

"" Tang Wanru bit her finger and said, "How could she do this? Lin Xiao, did you hear the sound of heartbreaking? Lin Xiao..."

Lin Xiao ignored her and focused on Gu Li.

Miss Gu clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were as cold as the first wind in the twelfth lunar month, her breath could be frozen into ice slag.

"let's go."

She didn't eat any more, she left this sentence and turned to leave the cafeteria.

Nan Xiang looked at Lin Yue and said, "Are you satisfied?"

"I really don't know why she keeps getting on with me, maybe..."

"Could it be something?"

"Could it be...she likes you?"

Nan Xiang's eyes widened: "Your idea is too wild, does she have a boyfriend, okay? I think...she just has a strong desire to control, and always wants to control everything and everyone around her."

"Oh, so that's the case." He stopped talking, lowered his head and continued to eat the rice on the plate.


In November, the autumn wind is bleak and winter is coming.

Lin Yue wore a brown windbreaker and walked on the long road leading to the complex. Some of the trees on both sides were bare, and some were still decorated with a few yellow leaves, stubbornly saying no to the north wind.

Entering the building, he came to the dean's office, and he knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom.

"Come in." A loud voice came from inside the room.

Lin Yue pushed the door open and went in.

Dean Ma, who was over fifty years old, was sitting behind his desk. Seeing him come in, he put down the newspaper and took off his glasses.

"Dean, are you looking for me?"

"Sit down." Dean Ma let him sit on the sofa next to him: "Xiao Lin, I read your paper on the tearing up of American society, and it was very good. If you want to talk about the future, how can you tell me?" It takes someone like you who understands the American way of thinking to deal with them, like us... old."

Lin Yue smiled and didn't waste time on this question: "Dean, you didn't ask me to come here this time to talk about Wen."

Dean Ma nodded: "There is someone who wants to see you."

Lin Yue looked puzzled: "Who is it?"

"Wait a minute." Dean Ma picked up the landline on his desk and dialed an internal number: "Well, someone is here."

After a while, the door opened with a click, and a person walked into the room.

Lin Yue looked back: "Why are you?"

PS: Happy Chinese New Year to all of you, and I wish you all the best in the new year.

Thanks to Fu News, Sleeping God Rufeng rewarded 1500 starting coins, Zun Mojuhuan, Infinite Light 000, the book friend with the tail number 9877, and the book friend with the tail number 5672, William Carloying, for the 100 starting coins.

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