"Why can't it be me?" Wearing a leather skirt, Gu Li walked to the sofa opposite Lin Yue, rubbed his hands under his hips, and sat down.

Lin Yue looked at the smiling Dean Ma, and then at the rich lady sitting across from him, thinking that this guy is still unwilling to give up, and he came to find his own unhappiness again after breaking up with his boyfriend.

You must know that Jian Xi left his mobile phone at Gu Yuan's house not long ago. Gu Yuan's mother has always disagreed with Gu Yuan's relationship with Gu Li, so she found a new girlfriend for him and brought them together like a pair of pigeons. Sleeping, coincidentally Lin Xiao called Jian Xi, but was picked up by that woman with ulterior motives.

In order to clean herself up, Jian Xi told Lin Xiao that Gu Yuan had slept with other women. Lin Xiao poked Gu Li there, and because of Lin Yue's incident, he was wandering in the volcano "BOMB" on the verge of eruption. The two exposed each other's scars for a long time, and broke up.


"Xiao Lin, it's like this." Dean Ma said: "In order to strengthen the social influence of art disciplines, the school plans to hold a fashion design rookie competition next month. Due to lack of organizational experience, I contacted M.E. I want them to help with this whole process.”

He paused and said again: "M.E. You know?"

Lin Yue said: "I know, I often see girls flipping through "M.E."."

"Yes, "M.E." magazine is one of the main businesses of this company."

"Then what does this have to do with me?"

"The school wants to send you and Gu Li's partner to handle this matter together."

"Dean, what I have learned is international politics. Shouldn't things like this fashion industry be left to students majoring in art?"

Lin Yue was not surprised that the school would let Gu Li join hands with M.E. He was surprised why this girl pulled him as a backing, and what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

"Students majoring in art?" Gu Li said: "Do you let those who study fashion design control the budget? Do you let those who are engaged in art deal with people? They just say don't talk about money with me, vulgar! They just You will say that if you don’t understand my paintings, you don’t know how to appreciate them, and the so-called high mountains and flowing waters are hard to find.”

Lin Yue said: "Then you can make arrangements. Why do you want me to partner with you? I can neither control the budget nor understand fashion."

"Aren't you talking about international politics? I need a negotiator to fight for more resources with M.E. Similarly, it would be even better if I could invite some big names from the fashion industry to stand for the school."

Well, the pit is here.

Lin Yue glanced at Dean Ma. Judging from his smiling expression, the two of them must have had an affair long ago.

"Dean, can I refuse?"

"No, that's what the school means." The dean said, "But...you always wanted to join the system and become a diplomat? As long as this event is a complete success, I will add two more to your file." Title, what do you think of the advanced individual and team building award for cultural and sports activities?"

Carrots and sticks~

Lin Yue looked at Gu Li, then at Dean Ma, sighed and said, "Okay, I agree."

Dean Ma smiled.

Gu Li stretched out his hand: "Student Lin, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Lin Yue also reached out his hand and shook her hand: "It's a happy cooperation."

As for whether the two of them will really work together happily, God knows.

"Okay, here's the plan. Take time to read it. If you have any questions, you can discuss it with Gu Li. If you encounter difficulties that are difficult to overcome, you can come to me. The school will definitely cooperate with your work as much as possible." Never forget to give him reassurance.

"Okay." Lin Yue took the plan, bid farewell to Dean Ma, and walked out of the dean's office with Gu Li.

"Student Lin, the day after tomorrow we will meet with the person in charge of M.E. Is this progress okay?"

The day after tomorrow, I only give him one day to read the plan, even someone with organizational experience may not be able to handle it well, let alone an outsider in the fashion circle, and judging from the conversation just now, Miss Gu wants him to negotiate with M.E. , Give the school more benefits.

Of course, it's not for the sake of the school. What she really wants is to make him difficult.

That's great, he was thinking about how to get in touch with M.E., and mess with Gong Ming and Zhou Chongguang, when Miss Gu came to pass the knife.

"If I say something is wrong, what will you do?"

"Hey, how can there be problems with Lin, who is so capable. I finished reading this plan in one night."

Gu Li held the Hermès limited-edition handbag, didn't care whether anyone was passing by, walked up to the distance almost touching Lin Yue's chest, raised his head, and looked at him provocatively: "Don't make me look down on you."

"If you look up to me, will I gain weight? If you look down on me, will I lose weight?" Lin Yue ignored her murderous gaze, and walked away without looking back.

Gu Li's hand holding the purse became tighter and tighter. After a few breaths, he let out a cold snort and walked in the opposite direction.

cluck cluck cluck...

The high heels hit the corridor, making crisp and loud footsteps.


third day.

Lin Yue walked out of the teaching building, and a Mercedes-Benz S-Class came from the east and stopped at the end of the stairs.

The windows of the rear seats fell, and Gu Li's face appeared in the field of vision.


Lin Yue looked at her without moving.


She yelled again.

"Could it be... afraid that I will kidnap you?"

Lin Yue shook his head, opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

The driver in a suit didn't speak, and drove towards the south gate.

When passing the speed bump, the car body swayed slightly, and Gu Li looked at Lin Yue in the front and rear view mirrors with an ugly expression.

"It's a crime to let you get in the car, right? Do you want to say that I'm humiliating you again?"

Lin Yue said: "Driving is not allowed in the teaching area, this is the school's regulation."

"Today I was ordered to violate the rules." Gu Li said: "Go to M.E. to negotiate. You don't think you have enough strength. Will they take this cooperation seriously?"

"Did I say anything?" Lin Yue said, "As long as you are happy, there is no need to explain to me."


Originally, Lin Yue chose to take the co-pilot and she was very upset, but now she kindly explained, and said to him, "Just as long as you are happy", this guy, is God sent to anger her?

Gu Li leaned back, ignored him, just turned his head to look at the scenery flying out of the window, silently thinking about the next thing, M.E. is a well-known leading company in the Shanghai fashion circle, and Gong Ming... It is said that it is a very smelly A fart, dealing with him, it is not easy to get a little bit of cheap.

While driving, the driver observed the reactions of Gu Li and Lin Yue. He was full of curiosity about this young boy. It was the first time he saw the eldest lady being eaten to death by herself. She had always been the one who bullied others. , when will it be her turn to be speechless and sulking by a man?

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