Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 896 Gong Ming, are you blind?

Half an hour later, the car came to the parking lot of the building where M.E. was located, and the two got off from above.

Gu Li said as he walked forward: "I need to remind you that Gong Ming is not easy to deal with. With the budget allocated by the school, it is basically impossible for him to mobilize the resources of M.E. to hold a grand event. My The task is to control expenses, and your task, I don't need to say."

"Try to make Gong Ming take it seriously and hold a high-level event." Lin Yue replied casually.

Gu Li nodded, walked into the car, and pressed M, E, the button for the floor he was on.

The school wants to hold a fashion design rookie contest to expand its social influence, but it refuses to give more money. M.E. took this case out of face. According to the plot of the movie, Gong Ming arranged for the intern Lin Xiao to meet with Gu Li, saying yes A university student will have a tacit understanding when they cooperate, but in fact they just don't care.


The car door opened, Lin Yue and Gu Li walked out, and saw the shining "M.E." signboard at a glance. On both sides of the corridor were Gong Ming's stern portraits, and then Zhou Chongguang, Xu Huan and other special guests of "M.E." model.

The clacking sound of high-heeled shoes resounded throughout the floor. In the office area, apart from handsome men, there were pretty girls, too busy to even have time to drink.

"Hello, we are sent by Shanghai University to discuss cooperation matters." Gu Li introduced himself to the beautiful front desk lady.

"Oh, it's Ms. Gu, please come this way." The lady at the front desk led the two of them into the M.E. work area, and turned left into a lounge. From here, you can see row upon row of high-rise buildings outside the window, and the Oriental Pearl Tower in the distance. Even during the day it is very eye-catching.

After the two sat for a while, someone brought two cups of coffee.

Gu Li didn't move, flipping through the proposal in a bored manner, while Lin Yue... casually took off the fashion magazine with Zhou Chongguang's photo on the cover from the shelf, and seemed to be studying it very seriously, completely ignoring today's negotiation.

After sitting for about ten minutes, a surprised greeting came from outside: "Gu Li?"

Gu Li turned to look over there: "Lin Xiao?"

"The person sent by Shanghai University, how could it be you?" Lin Xiao finally realized why KITTY had a strange expression when he handed over this task to her. This is very rare, because the assistant lady is the same kind of person as Gong Ming, with the same seriousness, the same coldness, and the same work-oriented attitude.

"You won't tell me that you are the person in charge of this event on M.E.'s side?" Gu Li stood up with his desk supported.

"Bingo." Lin Xiao said proudly, "It's my girl."

Gu Li glanced in the direction of the general manager's office: "Mr. Gong really think highly of us."

This is of course irony.

It is indeed a bit anti-human for an intern to organize the fashion design rookie competition, but there is something wrong with Shanghai University, because Gu Li's identity is a student, not a professor of the School of Design.

At this moment, Lin Xiao noticed Lin Yue's existence.

"You... I thought the school..."

"You think the school should arrange for those who are engaged in fashion design to come over, right?"

Lin Xiao nodded.

Gu Li spread his hands and said, "Do you think those people know what budget control is? They just say don't talk about money with me, it's too vulgar..."

Gu Li began to repeat what he said in the Dean's Office of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs.

Lin Xiao listened carefully, but Lin Yue didn't let her finish speaking. He picked up the plan in front of Gu Li and the "M.E." magazine on the table, walked out of the lounge, and came to Near the general manager's office, throw the plan and magazines on KITTY's desk.


It was as if a god had pressed the pause button, and the busy atmosphere suddenly stopped, and everyone turned their heads to look at Lin Yue.

KITTY stood up slowly, looking at the person in front of him with doubts.

"Tell Gong Ming to come out and meet me."

There was an uproar around, because no one had ever dared to speak to Gong Ming with such an attitude.

KITTY's face was full of anger, and he looked coldly at the young man in his twenties and fourteens.

"Tell Gong Ming to come out and meet me."

When Lin Yue spoke for the second time, the startled Lin Xiao and the dazed Gu Li came out of the lounge. The latter had no idea that this was how he negotiated with Gong Ming. Going to the site of "M.E." and asking the boss to come out to meet him is even more daring than beating Tong Nanming in the small auditorium.

Kitty glanced back, Gong Ming was sitting behind the desk, looking coldly at Lin Yue through the glass door.

"Shanghai University will never recognize a plagiarist, let alone invite him to the guest table. As for the platform to help the evildoers, hehe." Lin Yue extended his middle finger to the person sitting behind the glass door, and greeted Gong Ming in English. Dad.

Lin Xiao was stunned, KITTY was stunned, Gu Li was stunned, and all M.E. staff present were also stunned.

What's going on? What does he mean by these words? Who plagiarized? Which one is helping the evildoers, and... what does this matter have to do with Gong Ming's father?

"Lin Yue, are you crazy?" Why did Gu Li bring him here? Yes, she wanted to embarrass him, and wanted him to feel a sense of frustration, but she absolutely didn't want Lin Yue to mess up the cooperation plan between Shanghai University and M.E. Some days in the small auditorium, like retorting Tong Nanming, he directly prevented Gong Ming from coming to the stage, and...he was so rude that he greeted Gong Ming's father.

Lin Yue ignored him, turned around and left after venting.

Behind him KITTY was trembling with anger, pointed at his back and said, ""

Who is Gong Ming? Not just her boss, but also someone she likes. How could she endure Lin Yue saying that about Gong Ming, but she said "you" several times, only to realize that she didn't even know the other person's name.

The M.E. people whispered, wondering who gave him the courage to offend Gong Ming like this. A few female staff members glared at him, even if he looked good, if he said that about Gong Ming, he would be their enemy.


The person who said this was neither KITTY, nor Gu Li, whose arm was being swayed by Lin Xiao, nor the M.E. employee who hated Lin Yue, but the person who just walked out of the general manager's office—Gong Ming.

Lin Yue ignored him, bent his right hand over his left shoulder, and gave him a middle finger.

"Who do you call a plagiarist?"

Gong Ming's voice was hard and cold, like ice balls smashed by a knife.

Only then did Lin Yue stop, and turned around slowly, ignoring the hostile eyes of the M.E. staff and Lin Xiao's pleading eyes, walked to the desk of assistant KITTY, picked up the fashion magazine that had just been thrown over, and shook it gently cover character.

"Are you blind?"

"..." Gu Li was speechless, every move of Gong Ming carried a suffocating sense of oppression, and even she was nervous, but that Lin Yue completely ignored Gong Ming's aura and said Gong Ming couldn't refute the words between vulgarity and civilization, because the words were more civilized, less lethal, and more vulgar, which didn't fit his M.E. general manager, fashionista persona.

Gong Ming glanced at Zhou Chongguang who was "scrambling his head and posing" in the magazine and winking at girls, and said coldly, "You say Zhou Chongguang is a plagiarist?"

"That's right, can you say that others are worthy of him?"

"Do you have evidence? If you say something like this without evidence, I will ask the company's lawyer to talk to you."

"A letter from a lawyer?" Lin Yue said, "I'm really scared."

He said he was afraid, but there was no sign of fear on his face.

Thanks to the demon eyes of the sky, Passerby A 2101 rewarded 1,500 starting coins, Sleeping God is like the wind, Beiliang Yimeng rewarded 1,000 starting coins, Sanbiao Valentin is my name, Hey La Baji tipped 500 starting coins, charcoal Tietou, 200 starting coins for ten-line rewards, the little tiger in the devil world, Long Yin, the tangerine that was taken out of the pear bucket until dawn, Xiuyue 199, Old Cat Brother 6, Shi Tianle, Infinite Light 000, Zun Moju Huan, Tang Song Shishu, a book friend with the end number 0599 rewarded 100 starting coins.

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