
Backpack zips open.

Lin Yue took out a stack of English magazines and threw them on the ground.

""COSMOPOLITAN" September issue, page 25; "ELLE" May 2012 issue, an article introducing the changes in international fashion elements; "TOWN\u0026COUNTRY" 2012 Christmas gift article about luxury restaurants in the world, and "W"..."

"CFDA.COM's interview with North American fashion designer ALICE, the excellent comment post on the catwalk show held by FIRSTCOMESFASHION.COM, TRENDHUNTER.COM's forecast of market trends..."

"Come on, call your lawyer to come and talk to me. Gong Ming, if you don't call your lawyer here today, you're an idiot." Lin Yue pointed to his nose and said, "Do you think that not many people in China pay attention to foreign countries? Can fashion magazines and websites become their own by translating, intercepting, and piecing together high-quality content into plausible Chinese articles? Although the people don’t raise officials, and it’s very difficult for foreign companies to defend their rights in China, basically No one will fight a time-consuming and labor-intensive lawsuit for one or two articles in "M.E.", but if you and Zhou Chongguang think this way, you can always get away with it, hehe. I have a palette ready , see you in court."

What kind of person is Zhou Chongguang in the movie? Staying at home and playing games every day, obsessed to the point of calluses, and such a person is not only writing novels, but also a special author of fashion magazines. If he only writes fantasy novels, it can be justified. Run, get in touch with various big names in the fashion industry, participate in this show and that show, conduct field research, use new clothing, cosmetics, etc., can you write articles that are in line with the trend?

For this kind of "sitting at home", he is still a young "sitting at home" who is sick and can't work hard. To understand fashion elements, he can only go through the Internet and various foreign publications. The platform spends a lot of money to support it, and it is very simple to become famous.

Lin Yue threw the last printing material of the backpack at Gong Ming, turned around and walked outside.

"Cooperate with our school? Are you insulting our school teachers and students?"

There was no sound.

Whether it's M.E.'s employees, or KITTY, Gu Li, and Lin Xiao, they can almost hear the sound of their own heartbeats.

On the table is the "M.E." magazine with Zhou Chongguang's photo printed on it, and on the floor are several English publications and some palette printing paper.

Lin Xiao never thought that the columnist of a fashion magazine she admired and liked was actually a plagiarist, and Lin Yue, who turned a meeting to discuss cooperation into an afternoon call, actually wanted to fight "M.E." This is too surprising and unacceptable.

Gong Ming's face, which seemed unchanged for thousands of years, turned green and pale, and was as wise as him, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

The water that is poured out, whether to ask the lawyer to go to Lin Yue or not to ask the lawyer to go to Lin Yue is a nerve-wracking question. If the lawyer doesn't go, there is no place for his face. The elite person set that has been maintained for so many years is It's all over, the lawyer has gone, and the reporters who smelled the smell will report in depth. Regardless of whether Zhou Chongguang will be characterized as plagiarism, "M.E." will be greatly damaged.

How could such a thing happen? !

Gong Ming is now riding a tiger, with a severe headache, but he is still pretending to be calm on the surface.

"Mr. Gong?"

KITTY saw Lin Yue's back disappearing around the corner of the front desk, and heard a light ding from the elevator, so she asked tentatively.

"KITTY, call Lawyer Wang and tell him to come to the company immediately."

Kitty cast a bitter glance at the place where Lin Yue disappeared, and agreed, "Okay."

A student who hasn't graduated yet dares to go wild at M.E. I really don't know who gave him the courage. Now that Mr. Gong is angry, there is no doubt that he will not only regret it, but also pay the price for today's recklessness.

"Pick up the things on the ground."

Gong Ming didn't explain to the M.E. people, just like before, he finished the order coldly, turned around and walked back to his office.

Although there was such a big mess, many people had their own ideas, but the discipline they had developed over time allowed them to suppress gossip and force themselves to continue the unfinished work at hand.

And Lin Xiao was annoyed with Gu Li in the bathroom: "Haven't you learned your lesson after what happened with Nanxiang? Why do you still want to provoke him? After harming Nanxiang and me, it's all right now, and I'm about to lose my job , so you are happy? Satisfied?"

What is Lin Xiao doing at M.E.? As an intern assistant, as long as Gong Ming is unhappy, she has to pack up and leave. Just now, when Kitty assigned her the task, within two minutes of entering the lounge, Lin Yue came out and fired at Gong Ming. What would the company think? God knows if she said the wrong thing and annoyed that person.

"How did I know that he would suddenly go crazy." Gu Li was even more anxious than her. If Lin Yue was unhappy with Tong Nanming in the small auditorium a few days ago, the two had no mutual interests, and if they were angry, they would be angry. Now Woolen cloth? Gong Ming is the person in charge of M.E. If this is done, can the cooperation between the school and M.E. continue? The principal must tear her apart. You know how much trouble she has spent in order to take over this matter. She thought that Lin Yue would not dare to act recklessly under the pressure of Principal Ma. I don't even give face.

Everyone said she was a thorn, what about him? Just a hedgehog.

"How do you know? When you provoke him, you should understand that this Lin Yue is different from the boys you have teased before. From the beginning to the present, whenever you make things difficult for him, didn't you shoot yourself in the foot? Now You not only smashed your own feet, but also your sisters' feet. Gu Li, you have everything, money, status, career, and a boyfriend that everyone envies. Unfortunately, you don't care about him. What about us? No money, no connections , I have no background, and I’m not as smart as you. I managed to get into M.E., and I’m diligent and careful every day, not daring to neglect in the slightest. I just wanted to have a good job, but everything is over, ruined by you.” Lin Xiao took a step forward and stared at Gu Li: "You are the daughter of a rich family, you can play and do whatever you want, and the money you throw away can make us fight for twenty years, but please do me a favor. Don't take us with you? We are different from you, we can't afford it."


Gu Li didn't know how she left M.E., but when she came downstairs, it was drizzling. The driver saw her walking into the rain listlessly, took out an umbrella with an oak handle from the car and walked over to help her. Cover the little raindrops.

"What about him?"

"Take a taxi and leave."

"Oh." Gu Li plunged into the rear compartment, sat on the spacious rear seat, told the driver to go back to school and then stopped talking.

Nanxiang, Nanxiang broke up, Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao stinks, Gu Yuan, Gu Yuan broke up.

How come every time she fights against him, it ends in her failure? She is a little skeptical of life now, wondering if it is because of a bad luck in the past, and she has met her nemesis.

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