"What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Then let me say it again, I will borrow KITTY until the end of the fashion design rookie competition, and I will ignore Zhou Chongguang's suspected plagiarism, otherwise..."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, I'm threatening you."

Gong Mingping's fingers on the table were stretched straight: "I have endured you for a long time."

Who is KITTY? His personal assistant is a woman he relies on very much. Now Lin Yue is asking him for someone. What is this? humiliation! An unmistakable humiliation! If people found out, they might be poked in the back and scolded by the people in the company. The dignified M.E boss was actually made so hard by a senior student that he couldn't even protect the women around him.

"Same, same." Lin Yue said: "I have tolerated you for a long time, Zhou Chongguang's elder brother, Mr. Gong Ming."

Gong Ming's hands trembled.

Few people knew that Zhou Chongguang and him were brothers. Unexpectedly, Lin Yue investigated their relationship clearly.

"By the way." Lin Yue put down the coffee cup, scraped the bottom of the cup against the tray, and made a light ding: "It's been several days, why haven't I received the lawyer's letter from M.E? What a disappointment, you won't give me Sending a lawyer's letter, what am I going to use to hype myself?"

Gong Ming's face sank like water, and he remained silent.

M.E sent a lawyer's letter to a college student. Once this matter is exposed on the Internet, the news media will definitely be moved. When Lin Yue spreads the things in his hand, Zhou Chongguang will face overwhelming accusations. Even if the court finally judges M.E to win, It is also impossible to completely restore Zhou Chongguang's reputation. At this time, if the media announces his relationship with Zhou Chongguang, M.E will also suffer bad luck. As for Lin Yue, no matter whether he wins or loses the lawsuit, he will be remembered by the public and become everyone's anti-counterfeiting hero .

This is what Lin Yue said. M.E’s resource investment in Shanghai University’s fashion design rookie competition is not as valuable as the materials he has in hand.

After a long silence, Gong Ming raised his head and looked into Lin Yue's eyes.

"I need to ask KITTY's opinion on this matter."

"Don't worry, she will agree." Lin Yue winked at him: "She likes you so much, this little effort is nothing."

Gong Ming heard that his face turned cold: "If you dare to treat her..."

Lin Yue shrugged: "I can't guarantee you that she won't like me, so put away your cheap conscience and protective desire."

In the movie, Gong Ming instigated Zhou Chongguang to fake his death to cover up the fact that their father made false accounts and emptied the company's assets in order to get rid of the crime. , Evil comes with evil.

Lin Yue put the spoon in his hand on the tray, got up and buttoned his casual suit, pushed open the door of the private room and went out.

Gong Ming gathered his ten fingers together and slowly clenched into a fist. After staying for three or four minutes, he got up and walked outside.

KITTY, who was waiting in the lobby, went up to him: "Mr. Gong, how is it?"

Gong Ming leaned close to her ear and said a few words in a low voice.

KITTY's expression changed, his body swayed, his black, long and straight hair covered his daily cold and serious face.

At the same time, Gu Li, who was "politely" invited out of the conference room by the sixth company, received a call from Lin Yue. At first, all expressions seemed to be flattened, then, astonishment bloomed on his face, and finally, anger seemed to The sudden flash flood swept everything.

"Lin! Leap!" A scream pierced through the clouds.

Pedestrians on the road looked over with curious eyes.


"You stop."

"Stop for me."

"Did you hear that, stop."


Panting heavily, Gu Li opened his arms and stood in front of Lin Yue.

"Miss Gu, can you pay attention to the influence in public."

When Lin Yue said this, the students who had just finished the course were walking out. They pointed at the two of them. Some people speculated whether he had done something to offend Miss Gu's family again. Some said that the relationship between the two was ambiguous. Some people also asked what Nanxiang was. In the cafeteria a few days ago, the two of them showed off their affection in public. Could it be...he wants to eat everything? Just Gu Li's bad temper, is it possible? Don't say that this kind of situation will not happen, even if she and other women chase a man, it is impossible.

"You can throw A4 paper at Gong Ming's face in front of the M.E staff, but I just stop you in front of your classmates, so it's nothing."

This is very thoughtful.

The few female students who passed by didn't know who Gong Ming was, but they had an impression of the word M.E.

"M.E? Could it be that "M.E"?"

"There should be no other meaning."

"Who is that Gong Ming?"

"I know, I know." A local girl said, "Gong Ming is the general manager of M.E."

"Lin Yue threw an A4 paper at Gong Ming's face? Why? He's really brave."

"Has he ever been timid? Have you forgotten about Tong Nanming?"

Seeing this scene, those students who were particularly gossiping were not in a hurry to leave, they dawdled and procrastinated, just wanted to listen to a few more words of the conversation between the two of them.

Lin Yue was tortured by her, so he stopped in his tracks: "What exactly do you want to do?"


"what why?"

"It was you who messed up the negotiation, and it was you who told me not to find another house. You must give me a satisfactory answer today."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I'll follow you until you tell me."

"Follow if you have the ability, follow when you go to the toilet, and follow when you go to the boys' dormitory."

"Do you think I dare not?"

According to this guy's character in the movie, she can really do it.

Lin Yue sighed and said: "It's very simple, because Gong Ming's clothes have softened, and he agreed to help us persuade more celebrities in the fashion industry to participate in the fashion design rookie competition."

"How could he..."

"We both made a deal."

Gu Li remembered what he had done in M.E, and suddenly came to his senses. It seemed that Lin Yue was holding Gong Ming's braid, but even if Zhou Chongguang was convicted of plagiarism, what did it have to do with M.E? As long as he made a statement in the name of the company, drew a line with Zhou Chongguang and held him accountable, with Gong Ming's background and skills, he would surely be able to make a big deal out of a trivial matter, and choosing to compromise with Lin Yue would be really shameful.

"Did you know he was going to do this?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Yes."

"Then why do you want me to run around looking for another home?"

"If you don't act like we don't need M.E, how can you create psychological pressure for him?"

"You...you...you...you bastard!" Gu Li finally understood, originally she was making a fuss about this matter to create problems for Lin Yue, and after all this, she became Gong Ming, whom he used to disgust chess pieces.

It's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing.

The students who were left behind looked at her gritted teeth, and couldn't help pointing, whispering and snickering. This was the first time they saw Miss Gu's behavior with a boy, she could only jump around and curse at others.

"Laugh! What are you laughing at! Get the hell out of here!"

Faced with Gu Li's hysterical rant, those who thought they couldn't beat her hurriedly smeared the soles of their feet and slipped away, so as not to be held grudges by her and cause trouble for them after this incident passed.

Lin Yue followed and walked outside, Gu Li hurried two steps and stopped her again.

"I didn't let you go."

"I've already answered your question. You know, you are so stalking, it doesn't fit the setting of a rich lady."

"Second question, what deal did you make? If you answer it, I will let you go."

Lin Yue opened his mouth and was about to say something, but for some reason his expression changed and he smiled.

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