Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 900 She Is My Personal Assistant

Gu Li said angrily, "What are you trying to sell?"

Lin Yue shrugged: "I haven't."

"Then why don't you answer my question?"

"Because it's unnecessary."

"No need?" Gu Li thought he was playing tricks on himself.

Lin Yue pouted towards the opposite side.

Before Gu Li turned his head away, he heard crisp and loud footsteps coming from the stairs.

Da da da da, da da da da.

The students retreated to the left and right, and a woman with shoulder-length hair, a black dress and high heels walked with her head held high, carrying a handbag with a classic LV pattern.

After wearing high heels, she is almost 1.8 meters tall, exuding a glamorous temperament, like a cold female killer in a movie.

"KITTY? Why is she here?"

Gu Li didn't know why she came here, and those students were even more confused, and those who hadn't left stopped to look back.

"My name is KITTY, Mr. Lin. From today until the end of the Fashion Design Rookie Competition, I will be your personal assistant and be in charge of liaison with M.E. I hope we will have a pleasant cooperation."

After speaking, KITTY stretched out his hand.

personal assistant? What's the situation?

Gu Li looked at KITTY, who was half a head taller than her, and subconsciously straightened his back even more.

The students not far away were so surprised that their jaws almost fell to the ground. What are these people playing... No, what is Lin Yue playing? It's fine if you don't know anything about Nan Xiang and Gu Li, after all, you're a classmate at the same school, and now you've recruited a glamorous female assistant, what does he want to do?

"I'm going to study in the self-study room now. Go to the Shangdao Cafe next to the north gate of the school and buy me a cup of coffee. Add more milk and less sugar."

Lin Yue didn't shake hands with her, turned around and left after giving the order.

KITTY's hand was hanging in the air, and the five fingers with almost perfect proportions trembled slightly.

Gu Li looked at her sympathetically and understood.

It turned out that KITTY was the content of the transaction between Lin Yue and Gong Ming. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little lucky. Although every time she confronted him, she ended up shooting herself in the foot, but she never suffered this level of humiliation from the beginning to the end.

Think about it differently, if she were Gong Ming or KITTY, she might have already pissed him off.

"Miss Kitty, welcome to Shanghai University." Gu Li stretched out his hand and shook her awkwardly hanging hand in mid-air. After finishing the work, he put the leather bag on his wrist and walked toward the entrance of the corridor with what he considered to be elegant steps. go.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped, turned her head and said, "The coffee shop next to the north gate is doing very well. If you move slowly, you might be queued up, hahahahahaha."

Gu Li left with a playful smile, and the feeling of being closed to himself by Lin Yue just now disappeared without a trace.

To be bossed around by a senior student who is younger than me is simply...

The corners of KITTY's mouth twitched, brows twitched, one deep breath, two deep breaths, three deep breaths... Desperately suppressing the anger in his heart. She had been mentally prepared before coming here, knowing that that guy would definitely give her little shoes to wear, but it was one thing to be aware of it, and another thing when it happened.

At this time, a boy who fell asleep during the class came out of the classroom and yawned when he passed by her. KITTY turned his head and gave him a sullen look. The boy who just woke up scared her and quickly stopped talking , ran away desperately with the book.

Kitty thought about Gu Li's reminder just now, and then thought about what Gong Ming told her to do, so she could only grit her teeth, leave the teaching building and walk towards the north gate of the school.


The next day, in the afternoon.

Lin Yue left the boys' dormitory with his backpack on his back, and was about to go to the library to return books, when he heard footsteps, and Lin Xiao, who was dressed like the village chief of Yangcun, ran over from the long side road.

Hoo, hoo, hoo...

"It's time to wait for you."

Lin Yue looked at the shriveled branches not far away, and the cold north wind rushed past.

"Are you a fool?"

"?????" Lin Xiao was stunned.

"Nan Xiang and Gu Li both have my mobile phone number, why don't you let them ask for it? If it doesn't work, ask the dorm manager to call my dormitory. Is it necessary to wait outside?"

"I'm fine. I ate too much at noon. Walking around will help digestion." Lin Xiao said stupidly. She knew that Gu Li and Nan Xiang had his mobile phone number, but she didn't want to let them know that she was looking for him.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Lin Yue said as he walked forward.

She rolled up the handbag hanging on her shoulder and chased after her: "KITTY called yesterday and told me to go back to work at M.E tomorrow."

"Congratulations." Lin Yue replied casually. In fact, he knew about this a long time ago, because he was the one who asked KITTY to do this.

"You didn't come to me just to share the good news, did you?"

"Actually...actually..." Lin Xiao hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Speak straight."

"I came here to ask you not to tell about Zhou Chongguang's alleged plagiarism."


"Because this is not beneficial to anyone, I think that after what happened that day, M.E will definitely not ask Zhou Chongguang to ask for a draft again. This matter is the best so far."

"He asked you to be a lobbyist?"

"No, no." Lin Xiao shook his hands anxiously: "I wanted to come by myself."

"So you fell in love with him?"

According to the timeline in the movie, he did not change the plot about Lin Xiao before that, so there must have been a plot of her falling into the water with Zhou Chongguang at the party, and there should be contact about the submission of the manuscript later.

"No, no." Lin Xiao became even more anxious: "I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, I see, you are afraid that you will lose your M.E job."

This time Lin Xiao did not speak.

"In order for you to stay in M.E, you want me to let go of a despicable plagiarist, Lin Xiao, you are quite selfish."

She blushed and bowed her head, her breath was a little scattered. It was because her request was a little too much that she waited so long downstairs in an ultra-low profile: "This very important to me."

"The fashion circle is very important to you, right?" Lin Yue said, "Gu Li is so dazzling, so dazzling that you dream of living like that, right?"

Lin Xiao opened his mouth, wanting to distinguish but didn't know what to say, because these words were really heartbreaking. Since middle school, she, Tang Wanru, and Nan Xiang have always been taken care of by Gu Li, and they are used to seeing rich girls. Luxury, they all dream of having that kind of life, but reason tells them that this ambition is difficult to realize, so what the three of them can do is to struggle between dreams and reality.

As a leading company in the fashion industry, M.E can not only provide a promotion channel, but also close the distance between her and the high society, so no matter how she looks at it, she must seize this job opportunity and move closer to her dream.

"Lin Xiao, I always thought that you were the most innocent and bottom-lined among the four people in the dormitory. Now it seems that I was wrong."

"No, it was my fault, and I shouldn't have come to beg you." Lin Xiao said, "Since I got in touch with you, Nan Xiang and Gu Li have become stinky. I was also on her blacklist, and said that Tang Wanru and I were cats and dogs raised by Gu Li. As for Gu Li, I broke up with Gu Yuan, and I almost lost my job because of you. Jian Xi warned me before Stay away from you, it seems right now, I should stay away from you. "

She said this sentence as if venting, and was about to turn around and leave, but she didn't expect that the scene that happened next shattered all her youthful spirit.

"You don't know, it's he who asked me to call Gong Ming and ask you to go back to work."

PS: New Year's codewords are simply a disaster. All kinds of visiting relatives to entertain friends, can't calm down, and my head explodes.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 5458 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, Sleeping God is like the wind, a Suifeng ZZZ for the reward of 500 starting coins, Da Ni Buddhist Temple Wutian, strange mood, infinite light 000, and the reward of the magic spell 100 starting coins.

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