Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 901 Because men and women are equal

It was KITTY who was speaking. She was standing among the fallen leaves. Her high-heeled shoes with gangster red soles held up her body with a unique desire to conquer.

"KI...KITTY?" Lin Xiao opened his mouth, surprised at KITTY's arrival, but also suspicious of the above sentence. It was Lin Yue who helped her get back the job of M.E. Didn't he and Gong Ming get into trouble? ? why did he do this...

"Mr. Lin, here is the coffee you want." KITTY didn't respond to her sleepy greeting, and handed over the hot coffee in his hand: "Add more milk and less sugar."

Lin Yue nodded, took the coffee and handed over a piece of A4 paper: "This is my class schedule, memorize it by heart. You are too eye-catching, sitting with me will affect other students' study. It's still self-study, you can move around freely, I will call you if there is anything."

"Yes." KITTY said calmly.

"" Lin Xiao looked at the two of them stupidly, no matter what, it was hard to accept the scene in front of him, cold and beautiful as KITTY, only in front of Gong Ming would he be so submissive, but now?

Lin Yue took a sip of coffee: "Didn't Gu Li tell you about me and her?"

Lin Xiao shook her head. Since the quarrel at M.E, she had ignored Gu Li for several days, because Tang Wanru told her that the rich lady showed no sign of repentance, and she was still thinking about how to deal with him all day long.

"Let's go." Without saying a word, Lin Yue greeted KITTY and walked towards the library.

Lin Xiao looked at the strong woman following him step by step, and felt that the world was too crazy. How did KITTY become Lin Yue's assistant?

However, since he was the one who asked Gong Ming to invite her back, Zhou Chongguang's plagiarism should probably not be reported in the newspapers, so here comes the problem, he has compromised with Gong Ming, when she asked him to give up exposing the shady scene of plagiarism, why did he Sarcasm?

Is this guy's mouth poisoned?


After getting Lin Xiao back to M.E, Lin Yue became the hands-off shopkeeper for the Rookie Fashion Design Contest. The event venue, equipment rental and manpower scheduling were handed over to Gu Li and Lin Xiao, who had a relaxed relationship. As for the guests, Gong Ming will be in charge of contacting you.

Two weeks before the start of the competition, Lin Yue came downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

Five minutes, no, three minutes later, he saw Nan Xiang who was trotting downstairs.

She is wearing a turtleneck sweater with a Swarovski crescent moon pendant on her chest, and loose trousers underneath. She is a bit literary and lazy, but there is a special place that destroys the overall temperament.

Lin Yue pointed to a smear of oil paint in the corner of her eyes and said, "Is this a popular makeup look this year?"


Nan Xiang was about to rub her hands, when Lin Yue grabbed her wrist: "Did you draw just now?"

She opened her palm, only to find that her index finger and middle finger were stained with colorful paint, and she looked embarrassed: "Well, I came down in a hurry."

Lin Yue didn't care whether he was in a real hurry and accidentally got the paint on his hands, or in a fake hurry and made himself look embarrassed on purpose to win his attention.

"Are you free to have a cup of coffee?" While speaking, he handed over a wet wipe.

Nan Xiang said thank you, took it over and wiped off the oil paint from the corners of his eyes vigorously: "I'm free."

"Then let's go." Lin Yue led her to the north gate.

"Gu he bothering you again?"

"That's right."

"I heard her arguing with Lin Xiao the day before yesterday, saying that you messed up the cooperation between the school and M.E."

"That's the old calendar."

"What's the meaning?"

"Gong Ming has promised to provide us with the highest quality resources and fully assist in organizing the Rookie Fashion Design Competition."

"..." Nan Xiang heard Lin Xiao and Gu Li's quarrel, so she naturally knew what Lin Yue did. Gong Ming suffered such a big loss, and finally gave up. She couldn't imagine how he did it. .

"By the way, I came to you this time to ask if you are interested in participating in the Fashion Design Rookie Contest. If you want to participate, I can help you find Teacher Sun."

"Can I?"

For this proposal, Nan Xiang can be said to be thrilled, but she also understands that there is still a certain gap between her majoring in fashion design and those genuine design students.

"The most important thing is to participate."

"you're right."

When Lin Yue and Nan Xiang were talking at Shangdao Coffee next to the north gate, KITTY, who was wandering around the campus, met a man—Gu Li’s boyfriend, Gu Yuan.

After talking for a while, the two got into KITTY's car. About half an hour later, Gu Yuan got out of the car and walked towards the business school. KITTY held the steering wheel and lowered his head to think for a while. There was a moment of hesitation.

Lin Yue looking for an important person from Gong Ming seems to be a humiliation, but in fact it is also a humiliation, but she came to Shanghai University as his personal assistant and also shouldered a mission of infernal affairs, which was to monitor Lin Yue's movements and report the latest situation to Gong Ming at any time. In case this guy enjoys her services while collude with M.E and Zhou Chongguang's competitors, and after the fashion design rookie competition is over, he will kill the donkey.

Those who play politics like to do this kind of thing the most, and Lin Yue is a top student majoring in international politics.

What she didn't expect was that this guy who claimed to be Gu Li's ex-boyfriend... actually asked her to betray Lin Yue, and offered a price that made her heart flutter.

Things are really getting more and more complicated.


For the next half a month, Lin Xiao and Gu Li have been busy with the fashion design rookie competition, Lin Yue has become a shopkeeper, spending time in the study room or the library every day, and occasionally going to a nearby Internet cafe to play CF , tortured those team elites who brought their own mouse and keyboard, and let KITTY feel what is called a miasma... Oh no, it should be said to be earthy!

Going in and out of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the boss drives a Rolls-Royce, and the glamorous beauties wearing Gucci, Valentino, Prada, Fendi, and Burberry are forced to play LOL by him, and every time he plays against the opponent, the key is that whenever he meets Lin Yue, he is an idiot. Die, die like this, die, she can actually play, and she can play well.

Gu Li was very upset about this. She and Lin Xiao were looking for a venue; coordinating among designers, guests, and media reporters; designing promotional posters and stage themes; Interested in playing games?

Lin Yue just replied, and the rich lady immediately froze——if she didn't want to see him and KITTY, who was playing online games during work hours, dangle around in M.E to annoy Gong Ming and mess up the match, If you want him to meet the trendy celebrities in the fashion industry together, then no problem, he can start working immediately.

Gu Li thought about it seriously, and felt that it would be better for him to stay somewhere cool.

Everyone thinks that Lin Yue is starting to let go of himself in this matter, even KITTY thinks so, but as time goes by, Christmas gets closer and closer, and the smile on Lin Yue's lips becomes more and more intense.

Jianxi found the ring that Gong Ming gave to Lin Xiao. After discussion, M.E decided on Lin Xiao's plan to set up a competition venue by the Huangpu River. Ye Chuanping accepted the school's request that she be the final judge. , Choose to shut yourself in the room to catch up with work dresses.

This is a development that fits with the plot of the movie. If you say it doesn’t fit, there are also, and it’s very interesting, no, it’s super interesting, just like now, when the lights on the Christmas tree are on, he receives a call from KITTY .

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