Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 909 The Pleasure of Being Conquered

"Xi Cheng, you still have the face to call me, you are courting death."

"Isn't it just a bed? How is it the same as killing your parents? Do you need to do this, Miss Gu?"

"Son of a bitch."

"I called to tell you that you left the bag with me."

"I don't want it anymore, you lose it."

"You don't even want it. Anyway, it's from LV. Even if it's second-hand, it's sold for thousands of yuan. There are also those air cushions, lipsticks, foundations, etc., which should be worth a few lunches."

"Did you call just to talk about this?"

"Yes, what if you call the police and say that I stole from you."

"Xi Cheng, let me tell you, don't call me again in the future."

"How can I do that? After you sleep, I want to pat my ass and leave. There is no such good thing in the world."


Gu Li didn't let him finish his sentence and hung up the phone directly.

She spent the whole day calming down, implying that going to bed is an insignificant little wave in her life, those girls who play crazy in nightclubs, who don't have a few men in a week, and the ladies she has met, which one is not Spend money to raise a little boy.

So sleeping with a man is nothing to Bai Fumei like her.

Early the next morning, she returned to the university dormitory.

The first thing Tang Wanru said when she saw her enter the door was, "Why didn't you come back last night? Look at this radiant face, you're going to sleep with a wild man, right?"

Gu Li said with a cold face, "Yes, the person who slept with me is called Wei Hai. He is indeed an athlete. His six-pack abs are very smooth to the touch, and they feel super good."

Then Tang Wanru plunged into Lin Xiao's arms, crying that Gu Li bullied her and shamelessly snatched her man.

The three of them were talking when the door over there opened, and Nan Xiang walked out like a wandering soul, her desolate appearance was completely incompatible with her persona as a talented woman, artist, and campus goddess.

She has been like this for many days, and at first they thought she was anxious about the upcoming graduation exam, but later everyone found out that it was not, she looked like this because Lin Yue disappeared.

The purpose of Gu Li looking for him is to let him suffer a small loss, to prove that he is better than him, but Nan Xiang... is a bit cheap, and will go to the boys' dormitory every three to five days to inquire if Lin Yue is back. , so that many boys in the school were full of anger at him, thinking that the top student majoring in international politics is Chen Shimei, who has always given up. If you don't have any children, should you tell people to wait for you or not wait for you? But it's normal to think about it. How many good people are there in politics?

In the past, Gu Li would not say much. Although her relationship with Nan Xiang has eased, it has not reached the level of good sisters in the past. But today, seeing her like this instantly made her angry.

Because Gu Li seemed to see himself from Nan Xiang.

If she hadn't been eager to know what Lin Yue was doing, would she have gone to see Xi Cheng? If you don't go to see Xicheng, you won't be given aphrodisiacs, and then you will be ruined and trampled.

"Nan Xiang!" She walked over and grabbed Nan Xiang's arm: "Are you finished? I used to die or live for a Xicheng, I thought you would become more mature after you went to university, but now? For another A man tortured himself like this, do you deserve to torture yourself like this?"

Nan Xiang looked at her blankly for a few times, as if he suddenly came to his senses, and shook off her hand: "This is my business, don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? Then don't act like you're afraid that others won't know you've been dumped by a man."

"What? Do you feel sorry for me?"

"Oh, I don't feel sorry for you, I just look at you."

"It's an eyesore, you don't have to look at it." Nan Xiang became a little hysterical, pointed to Gu Li and said, "It's an eyesore to say that I was dumped by a man, how about you? Don't think I don't know what you have been doing these days? Here Lin Yue's roommate gave money to the teachers of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs to eat, making insinuations, trying to find out where he went from them, aren't you just as cheap?"

"Where am I cheap? I'm not like you. I inquired about his whereabouts for revenge. No matter what you think, I can't accept the way he treats everyone as pawns."

"You are all excuses, don't think I can't see it... say something that hates his strategizing, I think you are enjoying it, because finally there is a boy of the same age who can compare to the excellent you, this kind of conquered The pleasure that Gu Yuan can't give you in his whole life."


Gu Li choked on her words, but he didn't know how to refute.

"Can you please stop arguing, if outsiders hear it, they think there is a fight here." Lin Xiao quickly came over to persuade the fight: "Nan Xiang, Gu Li also has good intentions, you say that she is a bit too much."

"Lin Xiao, every time you quarrel with her, because she has money and time, she can accompany you crazy, and she won't grab your boyfriend, right? Every time you stand in front of outsiders, you pretend to be With a harmless and innocent appearance, you say that you are Gu Li's follower, and you don't have my talent. I advise you to wipe your own butt clean first and then take care of our business."

"You... Nanxiang!" Lin Xiao was stunned by her words, angry, anxious and aggrieved, his eyes turned red.

Over there Tang Wanru was about to speak, but Nan Xiang pushed her back with a single sentence: "Take care of your Wei Hai."

Just when Nan Xiang's attack power was over the top and the three of them were speechless, Gu Li walked to the sofa, took out a crumpled photo from the newly bought Hermes bag and threw it on her: "Aren't you looking for Him? Go to HK and see if he wants you? You offended a lot of people because of him in last year's fashion design rookie competition. What about him? He left without leaving a message or hesitation , What do you think of him? Since the first meeting, he belittled you and satirized you. How did you do it? Nanxiang, tell me, who do you deserve when you humiliate yourself like this? "

Gu Li couldn't remember how he escaped from Xi Cheng's house, he forgot all his bags, but he always remembered the photos in his pocket.

Seeing the scene of Lin Yue walking towards the boarding gate, Nan Xiang suddenly collapsed.

Gu Li's scolding seemed to have drained all of her strength, her body swayed, she sat on the ground slumped, staring blankly at the front, tears swirled in her eyes, and silently slid down the corners of her eyes.

There are many reasons why I like him.

Rich, good grades, good looks, talented, knows everything, and treats her well. In fact... More importantly, he made all of Gu Li's pride ridiculous.

Did he just make Gu Li ridiculous? No, she was the one who became ridiculous.


I don't know why, seeing Nan Xiang who was no longer tense and exposed helplessly, Gu Li's nose was sore, all the anger disappeared without a trace, and he hugged her body suddenly and looked out the window with red eyes.

Lin Xiao sat down on the floor, put his arms around the two of them and said, "Shall we get along well?"

Tang Wanru leaned forward: "Nan Xiang, don't cry, if you continue to cry, I can't help crying."

She wasn't infected by the crying disease, but because she thought of Wei Hai's girlfriend pouring soup on her head, scolding her shamelessly for seducing Wei Hai again and again, and not knowing how to restrain herself when she was explicitly rejected, it was really a despicable scene.


In this way, after the new round of fighting, the Times sisters reconciled.

Nan Xiang didn't mention Lin Yue anymore, Lin Xiao and Tang Wanru pretended not to mention him, and Gu Li would still scold him behind his back, but in the dormitory he would be more restrained, and everyone was careful not to touch sensitive areas.

However, it turns out that this is not the only sensitive area. A few days later, Xi Cheng came to find Nan Xiang, and Gu Li told him to get away and not to hang around them. Xi Cheng was furious, and told Lin Xiao about the two having sex.

Lin Xiao didn't pursue this matter, because Gu Li's fragile appearance made her at a loss.

In fact, Tang Wanru, who was sleeping late in the bedroom, also heard it, but she didn't go out.

Gu Li and Lin Xiao kept the matter a secret, and no one told Nan Xiang. They thought that the matter would pass like this, but it didn't.

A week later, the senior year graduation ceremony ended.

It will be Gu Li's birthday soon, university... No, it should be said that since high school, she will organize a grand birthday party.

At this time of year, one of Tang Wanru's worst worries is what gifts to give. She really can't get Her Majesty's mind, and messes things up every time.

When the three of them were discussing what to buy, Gu Li pushed the door and walked into the room with an angry face.

"Yo, what's the matter? A look of righteous indignation, who has provoked our fashion queen again?"

"See for yourself."

She threw something into Lin Xiao's arms.

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the moldy star. It is really the 500 starting coins rewarded by children. Isn’t the girl just used to chop them? All turbid ones are turbid. Infinite light 000, 酆朲扎, the little tiger in the devil world, respect the magic spell 100 starting coins for Magic Tips.

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