Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 910: The Leading Brother

Lin Xiao turned to the cover of the magazine and saw that it was the "Current Monthly Classic" that Gu Li had been reading. After Lin Yue's article was published in the magazine last year, she kept saying that she would read this junk magazine again with the word "Gu" reversed. Write, but it's just a slap in the face. This spring, she booked another year's subscription.

"In recent years, due to the influence of the Obama government's energy industry policy, the stocks of related companies such as McDermott and Uni Petroleum closed down across the board. This year, in response to the environmental problem of global warming, the Obama government has continued to implement relative With aggressive tax policies, the U.S. auto and oil and gas industries have been continuously suppressed by Democratic bureaucrats. Wall Street financial giants are generally pessimistic about the performance of related companies in the capital market. Energy stocks."

"The Obama government's indulgence of illegal immigrants, the spread of extreme leftist thoughts, and the hollowing out of domestic industries caused by policies have enriched the Internet, international finance, and film and television industries. Middle-class families, in this context, Muddy Waters’ strong short-selling and politically correct remarks against McDermott have aroused the dissatisfaction of many retail investors with middle-class backgrounds in the WALLSTREETBETS group on the RIDDIT forum. Under the leadership of JOKER', launched a sniper attack on the short-selling institutions headed by Muddy Waters."

"In just one week, McDermott's stock price soared 1,200%, and the prices of Noble, Uni Petroleum and other stocks that have performed weakly in the past two years have also skyrocketed. Small institutions are crying out. Muddy Waters has lost 25% of its total assets through the purchase of hedging call options. The famous hedge fund Citadel has suffered a severe setback. , MARSHALL WACE and other hedge funds urgently asked for help."

"As of the press date, the contest between the US Wall Street financial oligarchs and retail investors is still going on. Although due to the intervention of brokerage platforms and technology industry companies, the confrontation between the two sides has declined, and it has entered a state of tug-of-war. Experienced financial professionals are not optimistic about retail investors. Our future, but from another perspective, it also exposes the fact that the US financial oligarchs and high-tech companies are destroying the market mechanism, cooperating with government officials to manipulate the country, and harvesting the people.”

"According to the domestic news media's interviews with some American people, the mainstream participants in the 'retail investor uprising' don't really care about the gains and losses of hundreds or thousands of dollars. It is a small way to protest and expose the ugly behavior of the Obama donkey government and Wall Street financial oligarchs manipulating American politics and economy."

Lin Xiao finished reading.

The expression is a capital "ignorant". She understands the general content of this article, but she is completely blind to those technical terms, political background and economic situation.

This is the case for college students in the Chinese Department, but one can imagine what the state of the college students in the Department of Physical Education and Fine Arts is like.

"What... does this have to do with you?"

Gu Li sat down on the sofa and gave Lin Xiao a blank look: "Because my mother invested in U.S. stocks, those prodigal sons did this. The stocks of those technology companies I bought were due to market turmoil and various scandals released by someone. It has fallen by nearly half, can you calmly accept this matter on you?"

"Scandal? What scandal?" Tang Wanru was not interested in investments, stocks or anything like that. The most exuberant thing in her body was the flame-like desire to gossip.

Gu Li glared at her: "For example, Apple's CEO is gay."

Tang Wanru took out the newly bought iPhone in her pocket and looked at it. Disgust and reluctance intertwined on her face, as if drinking a glass of expired low-quality red wine, it was extremely bitter.

Nan Xiang picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water: "How much money did you lose?"

Gu Li said, "A hundred thousand or so... US dollars."

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "I think it's pretty good, at least it helps to adjust the gap between rich and poor."

Tang Wanru winked at her: "Lin Xiao, Nan Xiang, when will we have a retail uprising, and defeat those people who are rich and heartless..."

We all know who she's kidding.

However, the parties did not pay attention to them at all: "Don't let me catch him, if I know who the 'JOKER' is, I will castrate him ten times."

"I think you are hopeless in this life."

Gu Li Niu, she finished accounting and international finance in her junior year. However, in Lin Xiao’s opinion, she is also a top person in the circle of friends. If she really wants to plunge into the capital market, with her current ability, don’t It is a good thing to say eunuch JOKER ten times, not to be knocked to the bone, suck the marrow, peel the skin and cramp.

"Gu Li..." Tang Wanru tugged on her sleeve.


"Don't you think this is very similar to what Lin Yue said to you back then?"

"What words?"

"One geopolitical conflict can blow up your potato and corn futures."

Gu Li was stunned for a moment, and quickly remembered what Lin Yue said when he went to make trouble in the training room of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs last semester.

"Tang Wanru, didn't I say it before, don't talk about that guy in the dormitory from now on."

Tang Wanru stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.

Lin Xiao glanced at Nan Xiang and found that she was very calm... at least her face was very calm. As for what was going on in her heart, perhaps only she knew.

Ding dong dong dong~

At this moment, a crisp ringtone came from Gu Li's handbag. She unzipped it, picked it up, and put it to her ear. She bounced off the sofa with a strange expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiao hadn't seen Gu Li showing such an expression for a long time.

"He is back?"

"Who's back?"

Gu Liwang looked at Nanxiang and said, "What do you say..."

She asked Lin Xiao, but the first person to respond was Nan Xiang.

"Ah, I see."

Tang Wanru looked excited, and when she was about to say the name, Gu Li grabbed Nan Xiang's cell phone.

"If he really cared about you, why didn't he say anything when he left, and didn't contact you when he got off the plane, Nan Xiang, do you think you're not cheap enough?"

Nan Xiang's expression changed several times: "I...but...he and I..."

If you want to forgive someone, you can always find an excuse. For example, we just have a good impression of each other, and we haven’t reached the point of boyfriend and girlfriend. Where he is going, what he is going to do, and when he will come back, there is really no need to tell me from a logical point of view.

Lin Xiao looked at Nan Xiang and then at Gu Li, for fear that the two of them would quarrel again.

"Can't you forget him?"

Gu Li's question was not answered, Nan Xiang remained silent.

"Okay, I see, I will let you see him with dignity."

The three people on the opposite side were stunned, unable to figure out what happened to the rich lady who was full of indignation and complaints when Lin Yue was mentioned.

"You three, don't forget to attend my birthday party."

Gu Li picked up the handbag left on the sofa and went to the club where the birthday party was held to inspect the progress of the preparations.


That day and night, cloudy with light rain.

A stretched Lincoln sedan was parked at the door of a European-style building, and the receptionist went over and opened the rear compartment door.

The sheer and thin black gauze fell, and the well-dressed rich lady came out of the car holding a newly bought handbag, and walked into the hall with a smug smile.

Most of the guests have arrived, including the staff of Shenggu Group, college classmates, playmates from childhood acquaintances, and some socialites who are active and playful in the circle.

Gu Li took the champagne handed by the waiter, exchanged greetings with these people outside, drank a couple of sips of wine, and told everyone to be casual and have a good time today. One said, "How is it?"

Tang Wanru covered her eyes with her hands: "It's too transparent, I can't bear to look directly at it."

Gu Li also smiled and turned around, showing them his almost naked back: "So, it is a waste of money to give you good-looking clothes."

After saying this, he walked behind Gu Yuan, pressed his shoulder and asked, "What did he say?"

"He said he would come, but maybe later."

Gu Li looked around, Gu Yuan, Jian Xi and Lin Xiao were sitting on the right side of the dining table, and Tang Wanru and Nan Xiang were sitting on the left side.

"Okay, then let's not wait, let's eat first."

After finishing speaking, he told the waiter: "Serve the food."

Soon, steak, roast turkey, oysters and other dishes came to the table, Gu Li picked up the red wine glass in front of him: "Come."

Tang Wanru said: "Come on, I wish Gu Li a happy birthday, every year has today, and every year has today."

"Yes, come on, cheers."

Lin Xiao and others toasted to Gu Li's birthday.

Just as they put their glasses away and Gu Li was about to greet Tang Wanru, who was drooling at the steak on the plate, for dinner, the door opened silently, and a person appeared opposite.

Gu Li said: "You are late, you should be punished with three drinks."

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