Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1394: "·Split Trend"

Science is home everywhere, but in any place that does not sow, there will never be a bumper harvest.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

It is a very risky thing for Bayara to come forward to persuade all the members of the Xinjue Luo family. If you are not careful, Bayara will replace Dorgon, who is fully controlled by Bai Feng, and become the true meaning of Tianlong Eight Banners. The King of Khan.

In order to avoid this kind of thing happening, the goal of Bayara’s persuasion tonight was only the sons of Murhaqi and Shurhazi; the sons of Nurhachi, the brothers of the Taizhou Khan Emperor Khan of Jianzhou, their Persuade other people to go.

Dudu and Nikan are too close to Bayala, and they are no longer suitable to continue to persuade the surrender. The only person beside Bai Feng who is just suitable to come out is Abai and others who have just returned; Bai San and Bai Si who returned to the camp , Bai Wu, Abai and others will be'invited' in a short time.

Bai Feng asked Abai and others who were at a loss: "You, you are now the Belle of my heavenly dragon and eight flags, and my heavy humerus; tonight I have an important task for you, and you need to do everything you can to complete it , Are you willing to accept this important task?"

"Despite the master's orders, the minions must vow to complete the mission!" Abai and the other four spoke in unison.

Knowing how unreliable this verbal oath is, Bai Feng, after smiling, announced the mission: "There are six Baylors among the Nurhachi sons that we can fight for; your task is to persuade these six Baylors, Let them come down to our heavenly dragon and eight flags."

"Master, Zhu Baile's dissatisfaction with Huang Taiji has been intensified to the extreme with the bloodshed tonight. This is the best time for us to persuade the surrender." Abate took the initiative to suggest: "If you can do something Commitment, the possibility of persuasion to succeed will be extremely high."

"Abatay, do you mean to seal the six of them as shells, and each of them actually seals 15 cattle records, not enough to impress them?"

Because Bayara left the camp before they came, they did not know that Bayara had put forward a proposal to seal five cow records for the members of the Aixinjueluo family; and when discussing with them about persuasion, Bai Feng is not willing to mention Bayara too much.

"The master, the eldest brother Tang Gu, the sixth brother Tabai, the nineth brother Babutai, the eleventh brother Babuhai, the thirteenth brother Laimbu, and the sixteenth brother Feiyango. Their current titles are all Baylor. With the Viscount Bebe persuaded to surrender them, the minions fear that there will be a gap in their hearts."

Out of dissatisfaction with Abate’s suggestions, Abai denied: “Seven younger brothers, is it better to be a baiter with real power, or a baeler to be slain? I believe the eldest of them must have their own judgment, you Don’t worry about them."

"Yes, Seventh Brother, I think the third brother is right. We as slaves can't embarrass the Master."

The only people who can call Abate’s “Seven Brothers” are the tenth son Dege of Nurhaci; the Dege of the same mother and brother as Mangultai, which are always the microphones of Mangultai, what he said Eighty-nine out of them came from Mangguertai's instruction.

Mangourtai and Dege are the heirs of Nurhaci’s stepfather. It’s normal for them to have a bad relationship with Nurhaci’s son, Abate. After all, Fangfei is the most threatening to the existence of the stepfather. In the harem, their hostility is almost doomed.

The hostility between the mothers and the mutual hostility between their children is the most obvious cause and effect relationship; therefore, since the young man Gurtai and the Dege brothers did not deal with Abate, while Nurhaci was still there, they Dismantle each other often.

Over time, although their father Nurhaci is long away, their mother is still alive; the conflicts accumulated by the mothers over the years are difficult to resolve in a short time, and the Mangultai brothers and Abate are even more grudges. Dispel.

Seeing the Dege class deliberately embarrassing Abate, Bai Feng just turned his eyes to Abay, knowing that he was the first to oppose Abate’s proposal; more importantly, Abey’s birth mother was only the concubine of Nurhaci , And has a close relationship with Abata’s biological mother.

"What do you know?" I felt that the Gurtai brothers were pitting their own Abata, and immediately retorted sharply: "I suggest that the master raise his elder brother's knighthood. , This is the key to this mission!"

"Old seven and small ten are indeed not as old as you, and less experienced than you, but I think what he said is really a bit good." Mang Gurtai came forward and said: "We who are slaves, we must solve the worries of the master, Instead of embarrassing the master."

"Five brother, with the master's talents in mind, wouldn't there be a practical plan to persuade the surrender? I just put forward my own suggestions. If you have better suggestions, you can make them to the master, instead of blindly denying my suggestions. "" Abate did not want to be weak.

"Lao Qi, where do I blindly deny your suggestion, I just talk about things, you think too much."

"Seven brothers, what you said can be the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, how could my fifth brother target you?"

Mangguertai and Dege, who sang one harmoniously, almost made Abatay speechless by your words. In this case, Abai could only speak out to help Abatay said: "Old five, anyway old seven The original intentions are all good, why are you aggressive?"

"Brother, where am I being aggressive? It is obviously that Seventh is wrong."

Bai Feng, who had watched so coldly, had understood some internal contradictions in the Aixinjueluo family that could not even be detected by the secret guard; he felt a lot of self-benefit, and he coughed and interrupted the dispute between Abai and others.

"Don’t argue, I think Abatay’s suggestion was just right. It’s really wrong to just use the vizier of Bay to persuade these Baylors. However, Abai’s words are not unreasonable. The real power of Bayzi is better than anyone else. Baylor, this is also reality."

"I will give you two hours each time. If any of you can successfully persuade two Baylors with the title of Viscount Bey during this time, I will promote him as the deputy capital; if you do not persuade the success of the surrender, you can increase the bargaining chip after the time. Continue to persuade with Belle."

After talking about his arrangements, Bai Feng smiled and asked the four people: "Do you have any objections?"

"The master is wise, the servants must do their best to be loyal to the master! Serve for the Dragon and Eight Banners!" The four prostrate on the ground again.

Next, Bai San took Mangguertai and Dege to the camp of Raimbu, Bai Si took Abatai to Tanggu's camp, and Bai Wu took Abai to Feiyangguo's camp; This persuasion target is not their own choice, but Bai Feng's distribution.

To a certain extent, the persuasion tonight is likely to directly determine what kind of state the Aixinjueluo family in the future will be; in other words, the Aixinjueluo family will be To what extent did Bai Feng artificially split!

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