Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1395: "·Towards division"

Without double the diligence, there is neither talent nor genius.

-Mendeleev (Russian scientist)

The two Baylors of Mangultai and Dege are the same mother and brother, and the two have a total of 40, and they already have their own strength; in contrast, the two Baylors of Abai and Abate, they Each person has only 20 cattle records, and lack of alliance foundation will inevitably be at a disadvantage.

In response to this situation, Bai Feng specifically asked the Mangguertai brothers to persuade Laimubu, and Abatai to persuade Tangtang ancients; Laimubu alone, even if he can be persuaded by Mangguertai brothers, to Mangguertai this The strength of a series is also limited.

Tang Gu is not the same. Tang Gu’s brother with his mother is Tabai. As long as Abata can successfully persuade Tang Gu, it means that he can get the support of both Tang Gu and Tabai at the same time. Coming from the Chengyi system is of great help.

The target of Abai's persuasion was Feiyango, the youngest son of Nurhaci. Because Feiyango's biological mother and Abai's biological mother have a very close relationship, so Abai's persuasion of Feiyanguo must be very smooth, almost not What is the possibility of failure.

Abai, who is only a supporter of Feiyanguo, seems to be less powerful than Mangultai and Abate, but his special status is invisible power; Nurhachi has sixteen sons and his sons. The eldest son, Chu Ying, is no longer there, and his second son, Dai Shan, has become the target of public indignation after Huang Taiji. The third son, Abai, has become the eldest of the Nurhachi sons.

The longest age of this age, whether it can play a role or how much role it can play, depends on Abai’s own ability; if Abai’s ability is not enough, even if he does not have his own skills, then Bai Feng can only Consider changing to another person to support.

Splitting the Nurhachi sons into three independent series is only the first step of Bai Feng; in order to avoid the unbalanced strength comparison of these three series, Bai Feng also needs to maintain a neutral force controlled by himself outside the three series, This maintains the balance between the three systems.

The key figures selected by Bai Feng to constitute this neutral force are Babutai and Babuhai, the sons of the true brother of Nuerhachi Shufei; these two Baylors who have a very low sense in the Aixinjuelo family, their biggest advantage is to The other Zhubele's relationship is not very good.

Low birth background, very low sense of existence, and bad relationship with other Baylors, these were the restrictions that they were difficult to get up to now, but now it has become the reason for Bai Feng to select them. I have to say that this is for most Nurhachizi heirs. A great irony.

When Abai, Mangguertai, and Abathai soldiers went to perform the persuasion mission in three ways, Bai Feng sent Bai Yi, who had been guarding himself, to give the two of Babtai and Babhai brothers. 'Come back, and then personally persuade them to surrender.

The Babtai and Babhai brothers, who had not been valued by Huang Taiji, learned that Bayala, Abai, and others had resigned, and they agreed to retreat to the Heavenly Dragon and Eight Banners with little hesitation; They were directly enshrined as Baylor.

Although the titles of Babutai and Babuhai are the same as those of Abai and others who first came down, they only have fifteen cattle records, which is five fewer than those of Abai and others. This is what Bai Feng deliberately did. As a result, the first four Baylors, such as Abai, were dissatisfied.

Before dawn came, Bai Feng, who sat firmly in the camp, had received good news from all sides; Abai, who first completed the mission, successfully persuaded Feiyangguo, and then the Mangultai brothers successfully persuaded Raimbu. The news came.

Abate’s persuasion to Tang Gu and Tabai brothers lasted quite a long time, but fortunately, he rushed to complete the task within two hours; in this way, among the 16 sons of Nurhaci, 13 of them really became People in the Dragon Banner.

In the end, good news came from Bayara. In just over three hours, he successfully persuaded the eleven sons of Murhazi and the seven sons of Shulhaqi, which he did for the Dragons and Eight Banners. The contribution made is already worthy of his knighthood!

At this point, the Baylors and Taijis of the Aixinjueluo family have mostly changed their gates to the Baylors and Bayzis of the Eight Banners. Among them, Murhaqi has one Baylor and ten Bayeris, and the number of actual seals is as high as 65. ; Shulhaqi has one Baylor and six shells in one vein, and the number of closed records is as high as forty-five.

Nurhachi added six Baylors and four Bayers in one vein, and the number of actual seals reached an astonishing 170; but after splitting into multiple factions, even the strongest Mangultai line, The number of sealed records is only fifty-five.

The Abatai family supported by Tang Gu and the Tabai brothers had fifty seals; the Abai family supported by Fei Yangguo alone had thirty-five seals; stay neutral. The Abatai and Babhai brothers have 30 seals.

Nurhachi has a total of 170 cattle records in four lines, Mulhaqi has a total of 65 cattle records, Shuerhaqi has a total of 45 cattle records, and Bayarra has a total of 90 cattle. In order to hollow out the corners of Emperor Taiji, Bai Feng totally sealed 370 cattle records.

With the fall of these Ai Xinjue Luo family Beller and Taiji, Bai Feng also has an intuitive and clear understanding of the current strength of Jianzhou Nuzhen; the current total number of cattle records in Jianzhou Nuzhen is the same as that predicted by Baifeng It's about four hundred, about three hundred eighty-five.

It's just that the 385 cattle records of Jianzhou Women really are unevenly distributed; the two yellow flags directly under Huang Taiji's own, and the yellow flags that are both controlled by He Heli have 115 cattle records, by There are sixty cattle records in the Huanghuang Banner where Huerhan served as the capital.

There are sixty cattle records in his son Hauge’s Zhenglan Banner, and the emblazoned flags in Eduyang, Zhengbai Banner in An Feiyanggu, and Fei Yingdong’s inlaid flags each have thirty cattle records; The father and son's two red flags have the fewest cattle records, and the cavalry's combat effectiveness is also the worst.

Daishan’s Zhenghong Banner has 35 records, and his son Yuetuo’s Huanghuang Banner has only 25 cattle records. The total number of Niulu’s two red flags is only equal to that of Zhenglan Banner or Huanghuang Banner. It is far inferior to the two white flags equivalent to their total.

Even so, it is undoubted that Daishan father and son are still among the most powerful upper-class figures of Jianzhou Jurchen; it is basically impossible for Bai Feng to persuade Daishan father and son to betray the emperor Taiji, because Bai Feng cannot open More attractive price tag than the flag owner.

Having said that, Bai Feng has a way to let the father and son who are not trusted by Huang Taiji completely lose the trust of Huang Taiji; for Bai Feng, the way to weaken the true power of Jianzhou women can be more than digging the wall It is another good and effective method.

After the rising sun, Bayara, who was instructed by Bai Feng in advance, visited Daishan at the camp of Zhenghongqi early in the morning; the two people under the close supervision of the interested people separately talked closely in the camp account for nearly an hour. He smiled and returned to his camp.

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