Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1400: "·Fighting Halfway·Middle"

Of course life is meaningless. If there were, people would not be free, he would become a slave of meaning, and his life would be governed by a new standard: the standard of slavery.

——Andrey Tarkovsky (Famous Soviet Director)

On the side of Jianzhou cavalry, two Taiji commanders were captured, which hit the morale of the Jianzhou cavalry heavy; if Bei and Qibeile sent Ashibu and Bakzi at the critical moment, two Taiji commanders The battle stabilized the morale, maybe the Jianzhou cavalry could not hold up.

Even so, the Jianzhou cavalry, which was barely supported, inevitably showed a certain degree of fear in the battle; after all, they had two special status Taiji in the hands of the Mongolian cavalry, and no one dared Continue to kill the enemy as hard as before.

However, Jianzhou cavalry is not the main force of combat after all, as long as they maintain their defense line and are not broken by Mongolian cavalry, the main red flag and the blue flag of the main attack can use their own quantitative advantages to bit by bit the surrounding Mongolian cavalry. Nibble away.

"Master, there is an emergency ahead!!!" Nikon, who was ordered to lead the army to patrol outside, came back panic-stricken.

Looking at the sky that was rolling up in the north of the north, combined with Nikan's panicked look, Bai Feng Shen Sheng asked, "Is it Mongolian cavalry?"

"Master, there are indeed Mongolian cavalry, but there are not many thousands. The real thing is the Thule cavalry of at least one hundred thousand!"

"Tiele cavalry? Hundreds of thousands?" Bai Feng, indifferent and indifferent, did not have any shock on his face, but his frowning frown was enough to prove the impact of this news on him.

After a moment of silence, Bai Feng, who was not waiting for him, said seriously to Nikkan, who was frightened: "Now it is impossible to retreat from combat. You can only set up a blue flag to block this Tiele cavalry and destroy it for other friendly forces. The rest of the Mongolian cavalry fight for time."

There are only more than 20,000 cavalry in the blue flag. If you want to block the attack of thousands of Mongolian cavalry and 100,000 cavalry cavalry, this is not a question of whether it can be achieved, but how many cavalry can come back alive. problem.

Knowing that this was Nikon's order, he bit his teeth and said: "Master, as long as I have a blue flag and a soldier and a soldier, I will never back away!"

"Go." The situation in front of him left Bai Feng with no choice.

Bai Feng's eyes were fixed on the battlefield where the two armies were fighting, and he ordered the third and third people: "White three, white four, and white five, you go to Dudu, Nikan, and Alexander to protect them; even if they are under the army of cavalry Destroy, I want them to come back alive!"


"White two, you immediately go back to the abandoned camp of the Luo family to summon reinforcements, and let the red flag, flying leopard corps, cheetah corps, Spartan corps immediately come to reinforce! The third eagle flag corps and its auxiliary corps continue to stay in the camp, the most It’s good to take local materials and build a line of defense in the camp."


The distance of 50 kilometers is not a short time for the cavalry mounted with red flags, not to mention the three barbarian phalanx corps, which are marching more slowly; Bai Bai, who can’t rely on the rear reinforcements alone, decided to use the Bailing ring. 'S teleportation, call for reinforcements in Rome!

There are many Barbarian Legions and Roman Legions in the army remaining in Rome, but under the premise of fewer and fewer Barbarian warriors, Roman system soldiers who can be supplemented anytime, anywhere are undoubtedly more suitable for this pure consumption war of.

Under the protection of Bai Yi, Maxi, Darnell, Bai Sheng and others, Bai Feng began to transport the troops of the city of Rome to the battlefield with the teleportation array; the first Roman legion of Sinida, in the full state of 10,000 Five thousand six hundred and forty soldiers, the teleportation array can only send a maximum of one thousand soldiers at a time, which requires Bai Feng to send back and forth 16 times to transport the first Roman legion to the battlefield.

For nearly half an hour, with his own power, he alone blocked the blue flag of thousands of Mongolian cavalry and 100,000 Tiele cavalry, and nearly 10,000 cavalry were killed. Bai Feng, who was tired and vomiting blood, was only able to send a Roman legion. , Can't change the contrast between the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield.

The only thing to be thankful is that in these half an hour, Zhenghongqi, Zhenglanqi and Jianzhou Cavalry finally wiped out most of the Mongolian cavalry in the encircling circle; there are only more than two thousand Mongolian cavalry, and there is at most one Can be completely annihilated in hours!

After the reorganization of the First Roman Army team was completed, three longbow wing leaders of six thousand barbarian long archers followed, followed by four Rome wing advances in parallel; the Rome wing with the brigade as the basic combat unit, walked At the forefront is the Roman Light Infantry armed with a javelin, followed by the Roman Youth Army, and finally the most powerful Roman heavy infantry. Their two wings are still active with Roman cavalry cruising back and forth.

The composition of the armies of the Roman legion is extremely versatile, but it is not so targeted to cavalry; it is obviously unrealistic to expect such a legion to block the prairie cavalry cluster of up to 100,000 in front, which is simply replaced by casualties. It's time.

In order to support the teleportation array, Bai Feng even used the energy light sphere that he has not used for a long time. The energy in the energy light sphere was used to support the teleportation array to continue to run, and took the troops of the Roman legion from the city of Rome. Teleport to the battlefield.

The second Roman legion of Simika and the second Roman legion of Baance were successively sent over. At this time, Nikon’s blue flag had been fought to less than five thousand cavalry, even the first Roman legion that had just entered the battle shortly , Have lost nearly a thousand soldiers.

The six thousand long archers of the First Roman Legion, at the beginning of the battle, used a full of ten rounds to throw the blood of the crowded Tiele cavalry; the Mongolian cavalry mixed in it all lost their rain under these ten rounds of arrows Hundreds of cavalry and the heavy losses of the Tyler cavalry can be imagined.

After ten rounds of throwing, the long archer of the First Roman Legion wanted to continue the salvo, but the form was not allowed; the few cavalry left with the blue flag had not played much role, and the Thule cavalry distance broke through the blue flag. There is only one step left.

Sinida ordered all the six thousand long archers in the front of the queue to withdraw to the rear, and then the Roman light infantry used javelins to attack the upcoming Tyler cavalry, followed by the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry to build two shield walls , A hard-topped Thule cavalry charge

The First Roman Legion lacking cavalry targeting troops, although the Thunder Cavalry's charge was initially thwarted with a rain of arrows and a javelin, and then the Thule Cavalry's charge was resisted with a shield wall, but they were still unable to escape from the Tyler Cavalry Disrupt the formation.

The Tiele cavalry, who used their mobility advantages to surround the First Roman Legion, separated about 20,000 cavalry and continued to fight here. The remaining Tiele cavalry detoured from both sides of the battlefield towards Baifeng. The location rushed past.

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