Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1401: "·Fighting Halfway·Next"

Artists should undertake a mission similar to God. Art creation is not self-expression or self-realization, but creates another reality and a spiritual existence by self-sacrifice.

——Andrey Tarkovsky (Famous Soviet Director)

At this time, the remaining Mongolian cavalry had been annihilated by Zhenghongqi, Zhenglanqi and Jianzhou cavalry. The three cavalry who had killed more than 20,000 cavalry had reorganized under the orders of their respective commanders. Beichi aided the first Roman legion fighting alone.

Tens of thousands of Tiele cavalry who went south faced the Tianlong Baqi cavalry and Jianzhou cavalry who went north. The fierce battle between the cavalry and the cavalry kicked off again; but this time, the Tianlong Baqi and Jianzhou Jurchen cavalry are no longer fighting alone. , They have new reinforcements.

Although the First Roman Legion of Sinida was fighting fiercely with the Tyler Cavalry, the Second Roman Legion of Simika and the Third Roman Legion of Baance had been reorganized; the 30,000 elite soldiers of these two legions Can be put into battle.

With only 45,000 cavalry soldiers, the three troops of Zhenghongqi, Zhenglanqi and Jianzhou cavalry, and the battle of nearly 60,000 Tiele cavalry, it is obvious that the cavalry troops on the Baifeng side have been at a disadvantage.

Bai Feng, who was still sending reinforcements from the city of Rome, ordered Shimika to immediately lead the Second Roman Legion ready to participate in the war, and he recently reinforced the Zhenghongqi and other troops fighting with the Tyler cavalry; Baan’s task was to rectify After the third Roman army team was ranked, they rushed to the farther front to reinforce the first Roman army surrounded by the Tiler cavalry regiment.

At the same time, Hartman’s Fourth Roman Legion had two large groups of infantry and six thousand long archers delivered, and the remaining cavalry would take ten minutes to reach the battlefield; even so, they But it is not the next reinforcements rushing to the battlefield.

Antico's red flag was spurred all the way, and finally came to the battlefield when the battle was fiercest; the red flag cavalry, breathlessly, the first thing after arriving on the battlefield was led by his flag owner Antico personally Next, he flew from the wing to the Tyler cavalry.

The Tiele cavalry attacked by the red flag was the one responsible for encircling and annihilating the 1st Roman legion; they had suffered heavy losses from inside and outside the 1st Roman legion and the 3rd Roman legion. The red flag attacked and the casualties were getting worse.

At this time of the battle, everything was almost under Bai Feng's control; it would take up to half an hour at most, and the three barbarian phalanx corps would arrive on the battlefield, plus the already rectified fourth Roman legion, under Bai Feng’s command There are four fresh troops.

On the other hand, as the offensive side of the Tyler Mongolian Allied Forces, the 10,000 Mongolian cavalry who had initially entered the battle have been annihilated by the whole army. The 5,000 Mongolian cavalry and 100,000 Tyler cavalry that constituted its main force have also been killed. Possibility to win this battle.

Soon after Bai Feng's breath, the three directions of the north, northeast and northwest of the battlefield rolled up smoke at the same time. Judging from the scale of the smoke, this will be three cavalry with no less than the Tyler cavalry. Cluster!

Bai Feng, who has no allies in the northern grasslands, naturally understands that these three cavalry soldiers must be bad at coming; but what makes him more curious is who is playing this game against himself. Anyone can use it.

From the moment when the Mongolian cavalry appeared, the Huang Taiji, who had most doubted Bai Feng, was no longer Bai Feng’s first object of suspicion; because the Mongolian cavalry and the Tiele cavalry, neither of these two cavalry could be mobilized by the Huang Taiji, So even if Huang Taiji is a participant in this conspiracy, it is not the mastermind, at best it is a supporting role that actively cooperates with the protagonist's actions.

The two cavalry troops coming from the north and northeast directions are the same as the cavalry on the battlefield. They are composed of one hundred thousand Tyler cavalry and four or five thousand Mongolian cavalry; but there is one difference, that is, the two The Tiele cavalry in the cavalry cluster, whether it is the quality of the cavalry itself when galloping, or the weaponry they use, are much worse than the first cavalry.

The cavalry from the north was directly rushed to the first Roman legion, the second Roman legion, and the red flag in the fierce battle with the Tyler cavalry; the cavalry killed in the northeast was divided into two roads, all the way Straight into the battlefield, rushed towards Bai Feng all the way.

Bai Feng, who has almost no usable army around him, has no way to transform a large army out of thin air to cope with the assault of at least 40,000 Tiele cavalry and 3,000 Mongolian cavalry; The soldier pushed up.

The long archers of the Six Thousand Fourth Roman Legion, after five rounds of arrow rain, threw away the long bows in their hands, and drew out their short swords around their waists, along with the Roman soldiers behind them, against the Tyler cavalry.

The two infantry Roman infantry, the shield wall defense line they can form is too fragile, the moment the Tiele cavalry rushed up, their shield wall defense line was washed up and down, and even hide in the shield wall The melee long archers in the back all suffered heavy losses.

According to this trend, the chaotic Fourth Roman Legion may not be able to persevere for half an hour, and they will be annihilated by four times their Tiele cavalry and Mongolian cavalry; the problem now is that even if they can persevere for half an hour , What about then?

The cavalry in the northwest direction did not rush towards the battlefield because they discovered three barbarian phalanx regiments that were only half an hour away from the battlefield; these three barbarian phalanx regiments, the biggest flaw was mobility The **** is too bad. As long as the Tiele cavalry fully exerts their mobility advantages, Bai Feng’s high hopes for the three legions will be crucified.

After clearly showing all the cards but falling into the downfall, I felt that I was unable to restore the defeated Bai Feng. After sending the last two infantry wing of the Fourth Roman Legion, he turned around and ordered: "Adrien, Ivan. The department attacked, and at all costs, attacked the mid-level officers of the enemy centurion and centurion levels!"


"You have to remember, even if it is the last person in the battle, you have to find a way to kill me the centurion and the centurion of the enemy!"


"White two, you immediately go to white three, white four, and white five. Your task is to attack the enemy generals of the rank of commander of all strengths; especially the generals of the Mongolian cavalry. Once discovered, they must be the shortest Kill it within the time!"


Since the confrontation between our own army and the enemy is not an enemy, Bai Feng can only work **** the immediate beheading action; the battlefield ghost, shadow killer, flaming swordsman, Bai Feng sent all his men who can attack the enemy's middle and senior generals Special arms.

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