Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1498: "·Fuyun Suddenly ·Five"

Looking at the sea for a long time, I want to see people.

——Haruki Murakami (Famous Japanese writer and scholar)

In order to have more troops to deal with the subsequent imperial changes, Prince William opened unprecedented conditions for the rebels under Kotarelli; Kotarelli, the leader of the rebels, not only transformed into the Northwestern University. The governors of the Dudu Palace also have the power to form ten temporary legions on their own, provided that Kotarelli must hand over Rennes and Cherbourg.

The two provinces’ territories can at least allow the overall strength of the Northwest Metropolitan Government to increase by more than 20%; Prince William, who is seriously underpowered, can also use the scattered rebels and idle young people in these two provinces. At the basic level, a new batch of governor's regiments and guard divisions were established.

After Kotarelli officially handed over the two provinces to the army of the Northwest Metropolitan Government, he used his 80,000 elites as his main force, supplemented by 120,000 carefully selected rebel veterans, and formed ten Qi The tentative army, full of personnel, serves as his own army.

Prince William, who felt that Kottarelli’s retrenched soldiers were really good in combat, put the 200,000 rebel soldiers who were not included in the ten temporary regiments first with the original soldiers of the northwestern Metropolitan Government. Mixed and then integrated into the Dufu Legion and Dufu Guard.

Under the painstaking management of Prince William, the number of provinces within the power of the Northwest Metropolitan Government has reached eight, and the army is composed of twelve standing legions, ten temporary legions, thirty governors, twenty-five The guard division is composed of 990,000 troops!

At this point, the four princes have basically completed their military expansion and preparations. The most disadvantaged military force is still the first Prince Pross who took the step; but in addition to the army of four princes, there is still a sufficient influence in the empire. The decisive force in the overall situation of the empire is that Bai Feng’s Eastern Metropolitan Government, and even the army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is the strongest army in the empire.

The power of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is not only reflected in the military's combat power, but also in the size of the military and the number of out-of-control provinces; the military power of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is unmatched by the empire, which has long been recognized as a fact by all high-level empire No one will dispute this.

What made the four princes even more worried was that, as the army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government rebelled southwards, ten new Eastern Corps and ten temporary army regiments were newly established in the Eastern Metropolitan Government. If the number of troops in the Eastern Metropolitan Government exceeded the one million mark, then the Eastern Army’s recapture of the eight southern provinces would make Bai Feng the most man in the province.

The original six provinces of the East in the Metropolitan Government of the East, together with the eight southern provinces that have been actually controlled by the Eastern Army and the two southern provinces that are about to be recaptured by the Eastern Army, the actual control area of ​​the entire sixteen provinces is already an imperial province One third of the total!

Because Bai Feng hides a lot of strength, Prince Pros and others will count three of the six eastern provinces as the actual control area of ​​the orc empire when calculating the strength of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. The Eastern Metropolitan Government is under a large scale. The City Defense Army has not been counted in the military.

Even so, with two Royal Legions, 28 Standing Legions, 20 Eastern Legions, 10 Provisional Legions, and 150,000 Governor House Guards, the actual military strength is still as high as 1.11 million. , And the combat power is far stronger than other armies!

Due to the powerful military power of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, which prince Bai Feng chose to support, the other three princes will definitely choose to temporarily abandon the former alliance; when the time comes, the battle for the throne that is about to erupt will be strange. The balance of the midborn is dead.

Bai Feng must not miss such a good time. In order to let the four princes let go of all worries, he specially sent the wild beast sword Saint Douglas to the sunset fortress under the control of the orc empire to seek help from the orc empire. play.

On the same day that Bai Feng’s pro-insurgency of the Eastern Metropolitan Government rebelled against the army and regained the province of Mondmasan, the emergency report from the Eastern Metropolitan Government shocked the empire once again: 300,000 orc soldiers approached the border of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. A new invasion war is about to erupt.

Bai Feng, who received the urgent report from the rear, did not immediately return to the east with his army, but accelerated into the province of Perpignan; he only led after the forced surrender of the leader of the largest rebel army in the province, surrendered. The main force of the counterinsurgency returned non-stop to the east.

On the way back to the East, Bai Feng placed the newly formed 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Eastern Legions under the command of Reichenu, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. The Eastern Army was placed under the command of Slim.

The original ten Eastern Corps has now become the garrison of the Eastern Metropolitan Government in the ten southern provinces. With the total of up to fifty or sixty thousand city defense troops in each province, even if the main army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government has left the South The situation in the provinces and the southern provinces remains stable.

****The elite tens of thousands of rebel soldiers under his command, together with the elite tens of thousands of rebels in the provinces of Montmartre and Montauban, were ordered by Bai Feng to be reorganized into two temporary legions and five Eastern legions; The commander of the Fourth Banner Regiment of the House of Governors, Wink, was transferred to the command of the five Eastern legions. The vacancy he left behind was succeeded by General Hassel, the general of Aegis.

At the same time, the twelve full-time interim regiments were all handed over to Bai Jiang by Bai Feng. The reason was that **** has a high reputation among the rebels and can better command this. Twelve temporary legions formed with rebel soldiers as the backbone.

When Bai Feng led the main force of the rebel army to withdraw quickly to the east, the almost ready Prince of Pros, sent his absolute confidant to find Salvini; the war is approaching, the Prince of Pros wants to take everything he can Use what you use.

In the face of the surrender conditions stipulated by the Prince of Pros, Salvini, who is the leader of the rebel alliance, did not hide anything, but summoned all the rebel leaders to come to discuss this matter; finally, in most of the rebel leaders With her consent, Salvini agreed to surrender.

Salvini's resignation was actually the secret instruction of Bai Feng. At the critical moment when Prince Pross has fallen, if there is no strong external force to support him, I am afraid he dare not continue to do things. It is difficult to say, this This is not what Bai Feng wanted.

The surrender of other rebels is because the conditions for surrender issued by the Prince of Pros are indeed excellent; for most of the rebel leaders, they risk the death of the dead to launch the rebellion, and they may not get what they got in the end. Prince Pross gave them, what other reason did they not accept the surrender of Prince Pros, continue to be a rebel who will not end well?

The surrender of a rebel alliance composed of all the rebels in the three provinces directly brought the new army of up to one million to the underprivileged Prince Pross; a million troops were assembled from more than two million rebels. The handwriting of Prince Pross is not too small!

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