Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1499: "·Fengyun Suddenly ·Six"

There is sorrow in the world that cannot shed tears. This kind of sorrow cannot be explained to others, even if it is explained by others. It will never change, like the snowflakes on a windless night quietly deposited in the bottom of my heart.

——Haruki Murakami (Famous Japanese writer and scholar)

Prince Prosper's way of surrendering the rebels may be the simplest and most rude of the princes, but the effect is equally remarkable; only half of the rebel generals with a total of more than 2 million rebel alliances are old, weak and sick After being removed from the army, more than one million other rebel soldiers directly transformed into the regular army of the empire, and Salvini became a high-powered warlord!

Prince Pross, who has long ceased to be the Metropolitan Governor, is logically ineligible to appoint anyone to be the Warlord, but he is now blatantly appointing Salvini as Warlord, the deep meaning behind this is self-evident.

Salvini, who was appointed as the warlord by the Prince of Pros, his original rebels were reorganized by himself into fifteen temporary regiments; plus Kramer, Harper, Plauen, Schultz themselves Of the twelve temporary legions, the half of the million new soldiers have been controlled by Salvini, and they are still the most well-equipped and powerful half of the soldiers.

Prince Pross, who was able to surrender the rebels under excellent conditions, was unable to provide weapons and equipment to surrender to his rebels; therefore, even if the rebels turned into imperial forces, their weapons and equipment were as varied as before. At first glance, it is a crowd.

The same are the cannon fodder forces of the Uzbekistan, the million new troops under the Prince of Pros, the combat power is always better than the Cossack mercenaries under the Prince Harry; at this point, the Prince of Pros, who has no external force to help The name began to return to the military emperor capital!

Forty-two standing legions, five guard divisions, and fifty-four temporary legions, nearly two million soldiers followed behind Prince Pross, advancing step by step to the emperor; emperor Charles, who learned of this situation, first He was so angry that after he vented the anger in his heart, the loss and sorrow caused by his son's betrayal filled his empty soul.

The obvious attempt of Prince Prosper was like a knife inserted into the heart of Charlie the Great; the reaction of Prince William, Prince Philip, and Prince Harry was the other three knives inserted into the mind of the Charlie. The angle of insertion plays the same role, so that the original powerful Charlie the Emperor turned white overnight and haggardly became a vicissitudes old man.

If betrayal by his own son is a pain, then the emperor Charles, who was betrayed by his four sons at the same time, is already full of holes; what makes him unacceptable is the huge empire, even a There is no teacher of King Qin, which makes Charles the Emperor, who has always claimed to be a generation of Mingjun, deeply feel the strong maliciousness of this world to him.

Charlie the Great, who didn't want to go to the North Korea Conference again, summoned some of his most loyal ministers to the inner hall, and then said in a low voice: "Cullen, Hammond, Boris, Trass, you talk about you What does your good grandson want to do?"

"Aren't our grandchildren your son yet?" The four people whose hearts fluttered for a moment, didn't dare to really say this. They knelt down on the ground in fear and confessed: "The old man is guilty. Please sire your punishment! "

"You are guilty? What guilt do you have?" Charlie the Great had no past composure and calmness, and he asked unkindly: "Your sin is to help my wicked sons expand their power, or do they want to help them now?" Kill me? You said?"

"Don't dare!" Couren and others hurriedly knocked their heads to the ground.

"Don't you dare? Is there anything else in this world that you dare not do?" The more talked-up Charlie the Great, vented his anger towards them: "If you don't pamper and help, my son How could such a thing be done?"

The duke, including the Duke of Columbine, made them cry without tears, but in the spirit of Charlie the Great, they did not dare to say one sentence even though there were 10,000 explanations; they all knew the character of Charlie the Great At this moment, as long as he speaks, he will be severely punished. Instead, he will be scolded without saying a word, and he will be able to expose this matter without hesitation.

Sure enough, after four minutes of scolding, Prime Minister Patel persuaded him in a timely manner, and Charlie the Great did not continue to scold any more; the anger that should be vented also vented, and it was time to discuss the matter.

"Your Majesty, your Highnesses must have been bewitched by the bad guys. This made a big mistake by accident. As long as you are willing to forgive them and send a messenger to make promises to them, the old minister believes that your Highnesses will never go wrong. "" Patel suggested.

"Patel, you said I promised these wicked sons that they would be able to withdraw their troops?" Emperor Charles was disappointed. In the opinion of Charles the Great, his son came to his throne. How could he give up his throne to withdraw his troops because of his promise?

"Sir Patel, is it too simple to think of?" The only minister who had no relationship with the princes, the Minister of the Interior, Amber, objected: "His Royal Highness Army is only one step away from the emperor, no promises. It is impossible for him to withdraw his troops."

"Is it?" Patel smiled and asked the Emperor Charlie: "Your Majesty, please forgive the old man's guilt."

"Ai Qing has no good plan to say it directly without hesitation. I promise not to make any calculations." Patel's confident expression made Charlie the Emperor a little confused. He was more curious about what Patel's strategy was than Amble.

After being guaranteed by Charles the Great, Patel did not go straight to the subject, but asked: "Your Majesty, you, whether it is the impending Highness of Pros, who is coming to the Imperial City, or the other three His Royal Highnesses who are leading the army to the Imperial Capital. , What is their ultimate goal?"

The ministers who asked this question did not dare to answer, only Emperor Charlie said with a cold face: "For my seat!"

"Your Majesty, since you know what your Highness wants, why don't you give them?"

"Ravage!" "Bold!"

As soon as the words of Duke Patel were spoken, Duke Cullen and Dallas Dallas jumped up. Despite the unexcited excitement of Duke Hammond and Duke Boris, the expression was equally shocked; the face of Emperor Charles was even more gloomy Can condense water.

"Let him go on!" There was undisguised murderousness in the voice of Charlie the Great.

"Your Majesty, you can promise His Highness Pros to enclose him as prince, provided that he must accept the enclosing in front of the palace in accordance with the ancestral system and in front of all imperial powers; if His Highness refuses, you can send someone to the other three His Royal Highness ordered that the one who captured His Highness Pros was the prince." Patel spoke of a plan that made people fear.

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