Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1534: ""

If we show the childhood again, we will laugh first, then weep bitterly, and finally weep with tears and go to sleep with a smile.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The death of Charlemagne and Prometheus finally brought this vigorous battle for the throne to an end. The news announced by Duke Patel and Arthur Dane, the captain of the previous Imperial Guards, was completely Shocked the imperial political arena.

In recent years, Bai Feng, Duke of Yulin, who has made countless contributions to the empire's southern expedition and the Northern War, was actually the orphan of William the Great who was killed in the coup; then, the Dragon Revenge version of the revenge of the prince swept the entire empire in an instant, and became the largest after the ordinary people's tea and dinner While talking about capital, the noble class of the empire quickly accepted Bai Feng's new identity.

The reason why no one questioned Bai Feng’s identity was mainly because Prince Barbarossa of the royal family personally confirmed the identity of Bai Feng; as the most senior and strongest swordsman-level strongman in the royal family, Prince Barbarossa’s testimony is that no one Dare to question.

The papal forces represented by Archbishop Innocent and the dark council involved in this battle eventually chose to abandon their previous contributions, assuming that Bai Feng became the new emperor of the Dragon Empire; this is because of Prince Barbarossa and Arthur • The deterrence of the two sword gods of Dane, on the other hand, is because Bai Feng's relationship with the Holy See and the Dark Council is not bad.

Under the premise of the death of the Prosperous Emperor Pross, who is fully supported by the Holy See and the Dark Council, they do not think it would be more beneficial for them to succeed to the throne; in comparison, although Bai Feng is not the best choice, it is definitely Not the worst option.

The Holy See and the Dark Council adopted a default attitude towards Bai Feng’s success. Under the guidance of the five major families, the aristocratic empire of the empire also became a supporter of Bai Feng; Bai Feng, whose status was recognized by all forces, entered the palace on the seventh day. Coronation and Emperor.

When he was crowned emperor, in order to show the legitimacy and legitimacy of his succession to the greatest extent, Bai Feng used the name'Augustus Frederick Hohenzollern' given to him by William the Great. The emperor is'Friedlie the Great'!

On the evening of the end of the coronation ceremony, the five princes of the five imperial families, the iron-duke Duke Longde Stad, the former empire interior minister, Duke Amble, Bai Feng’s adoptive father, Bai Mingcheng, and the current Patriarch of the Dragon family, such as Duke Longze, and other emperors, and All the important ministers of the former Eastern Metropolitan Government were all summoned by Bai Feng to the palace of the imperial palace to discuss the future development strategy of the empire.

"Zhu Qing, the current status of the empire is as follows: from the central government to the local government, the government is desolate and the military is abolished. Therefore, our top priority is to rebuild the central and local administrative agencies at all levels as soon as possible and restore the central government’s rule over the empire. Is there a good strategy?"

"Your Majesty, the old minister believes that the key to rebuilding local administrative agencies at all levels is to rebuild the central administrative agency first, and if you want to reproduce the central administrative agency, you must first appoint ministers who preside over the affairs of the ministries; Was rebuilt."

"What the old Duke said is true, it really deserves to be the pillar of the empire in charge of the three generations of dynasty!" Bai Feng, dressed in a black dragon robe, sat on a high dragon chair and sent an invitation to Duke Patel: "I just don't know, Will the old Duke continue to take over the North Korean government for me?"

"If your majesty is entrusted, the veteran dare not obey!" The Duke of Patel, who knew such a thing, was indifferent on his face.

"Okay! From now on, the old duke will serve as the imperial prime minister to take charge of the Korean government and share my worries for the country and serve the country faithfully!"

"Old Minister, His Majesty Ron!"

Is the Duke Patel the only person who can be competent as an imperial prime minister? of course not. Even in the Baifeng lineage where talents are not abundant, Marcus can be competent as an imperial prime minister; however, no one is qualified to compete with the Duke of Patel for this prime minister.

Because the Duke of Patel is behind the five imperial families, and the five families represent the imperial noble class that has supported the rule of the Hohenzollern family for thousands of years; therefore, no matter who sits on the throne, the position of prime minister All belong to five families.

The contemporary masters of the other four major families, Duke of Gurner, Duke of Karl, Duke of Crest and Duke of Gerald, their qualifications and experience are still far behind those of Duke Patel of the "political tumbler", so The imperial prime minister can only be the Duke of Patel.

"Duke of Madison, Duke of Genna."

"Chen is here!"

"The DPRK's political affairs are complicated. I am afraid that it is difficult to control the overall situation by the power of the prime minister alone. I want to have two prime ministers under the prime minister to help the prime minister take over the political affairs of the prime minister. Could you two take the post of prime minister?"

"Your Majesty has his life, and his servants will do everything in their power to be loyal to His Majesty, and worry about the Prime Minister!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to assist the Prime Minister to be faithful to His Majesty; he also invites His Majesty to choose another virtue and become the president of the Imperial Academy."

"Okay! From now on, the Duke of Gehner will serve as the right empire of the Empire, and the Duke of Medes will serve as the left empire of the empire. As for the dean of the Imperial College, Duke Karl is the vice president of the Imperial College and can replace the right as the Imperial College. Dean."

"Secretary, His Majesty Ron!" The three Duke of Gainer, Duke Carl, and Duke of Medici all thanked in unison.

"The prime minister, recommending ministers of the empire, is one of the important responsibilities within the responsibilities of the prime minister. Now that the five ministers of the empire are all vacant, can you have a suitable person to recommend to me?"

Judging from the constitution of the empire’s official system, the prime minister who oversees the Korean government does have the power to recommend ministers of vacant departments, but the emperors of all generations will not ask the prime minister on such matters, and the prime ministers will naturally not actively recommend it without knowing the current affairs; now Bai Feng Even though he gave this recommendation right to the bright side, Duke Patel was surprised, but he still recommended it with due diligence.

"Your Majesty, Duke Amble has served as Minister of the Interior for more than ten years, and is familiar with the various empire affairs of the Empire, and can be a candidate for the Minister of the Interior; , Can be a candidate for the Secretary of State for Military Affairs."

"Count Adonis performed well during the administration of justice in the Metropolitan Government of the East, acted decisively and with great results, and could be a candidate for the Minister of Justice; Count Salah during the financial period of the Metropolitan Office of the East, not only successfully completed the Eastern Provinces The fiscal integration has also achieved economic recovery in the eastern provinces at a very fast rate, and can be a candidate for the finance minister."

"The Marquis of Ribbentrop used to be the second minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and several breakthroughs in the empire’s foreign relations, on the surface, were made by the former Foreign Secretary Boris. In fact, they were all negotiated by the Marquis of Ribbentrop. Yes, this person can be a candidate for the Foreign Secretary."

Duke Patel proposed five candidates in one breath, one for each, including Duke Amble, a great minister in the era of Charles the Great, and Duke Krest, who had a close relationship with Baifeng and represented the noble class. The link character, as well as Bai Feng's confidant such as Earl Salah, can be said to have everything in mind.

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