Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1535: ""

You can't afford to live in the past, only to survive.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

Bai Feng feels that the candidates proposed by Duke Patel are very good. Even the five people he proposed can be said to be the most suitable candidates for stabilizing the situation of the empire at present; but he will not be appointed as such, because in his view, he is very aggressive Change is more important than compromise.

The result of the compromise may bring temporary comfort to Bai Feng, but from a long-term perspective, it will definitely do more harm than good; in comparison, he still likes to solve his problems once and for all, even if he wants to Pay a certain price for this.

"Duke Amble, you have been in charge of the Empire’s Ministry of the Interior for more than ten years. You are familiar with the empire’s government affairs. It is indeed a rare talent of the Empire. I want to appoint you as the first minister of the Ministry of the Interior. You may accept the appointment to assist the interior. The minister will share my worries and serve the country loyally?"

Duke Amble, who was excited by Bai Feng’s first sentence, lowered his head as Bai Feng said the latter sentence; at this moment, it was definitely unrealistic to say in his heart that he was not lost, but he still Quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

Bai Feng nodded and said nothing more, then immediately named: "Marcus!"

"Weichen is here!" Marcus strode from the rear of the group to the front of the hall.

"Marcus, your credit and loyalty, I have always been in my heart; I am now enclosing you as the Duke of the Empire, and you are the Minister of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior!"

"Secretary, His Majesty Ron!" Marcus, who had stepped into the sky, was even a bit calmer than the Duke of Patel; this made the Duke of Patel and others who secretly observed him look at him involuntarily. Duke Amber's eyes looked slightly complicated.

"Count Abraham."

"Weichen is here!"

"Count Abraham, from now on, you will be promoted to the rank of marquis and serve as the second minister of the Ministry of the Interior."

"Secretary, His Majesty Ron!" Abraham, who once had no choice but to return to Baifeng, was now full of ecstasy; this is the benefit of standing for the team. Even if he didn't have much credit, he didn't have extraordinary ability, but he Still be able to take a slice of the soup as a winner.

After the appointment of the Chief Minister and the two secondary ministers of the Ministry of the Interior, Bai Feng once again famously said: "Duke Kleist, you have been in charge of the Military Department of the Imperial College for more than 20 years, and have practical experience in military integration. It is indeed the Minister of Military Affairs. The best choice for you, can you share my worries?"

"Secretary, willing to wipe out all enemies for His Majesty!"

"Okay! From now on, the Duke of Kleist will serve as the Minister of the Imperial Army and be in charge of the Imperial Army!"

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

"Duke Lundstad, you don't need to say more about your credit. Would you like to be the first minister of the military?"

"Your Majesty, if you order a minister to be the first minister of the military, then the minister must not insult the emperor's life; but if you ask me if I would like to be the first minister of the military, then the answer of the minister is not!"

"Oh, why?" Bai Feng's tone was still dull, but the ministers in the palace still felt the air suddenly chill; the so-called companion is like a companion tiger, that's the case. The unpredictable Tianwei always makes the courtiers tremble. .

"Your Majesty, a prince is a civilian aristocrat who has been killed on the battlefield with one shot at a time. The prince does not know how to coordinate the relations between the armies, nor will he enjoy the ease of life like a real aristocrat; his life is a soldier. Life, so Chen felt that he should not sit in the building of the military department to deal with military affairs every day. The battlefield is the place where Chen should go!"

"As you say, an emperor like me who stepped on the throne step by step by military merits should not stay in the palace, but should return to the battlefield?" Bai Feng said to the impassioned Duke Ronderstad. The words that made the officials in the hall tremble.

Only the pure Duke of Ronderstad replied with his head upright and his face unchanged: "Your Majesty, you are the lord of the empire and the emperor of all our empire soldiers who vowed to die and allegiance. You do not need to fight for anyone. , Because we will fight for you!"

"Who said that Duke Lundstad wouldn't flatter? Stand up and I'll slay him! This TM is flattering!" At this moment, the same words came out of the hearts of the ministers in the hall; even The corner of Duke Patel's mouth twitched slightly, as if he couldn't believe it was the words of Duke Ronderstad, who was always known for being honest and non-speaking.

"Haha, good!" Bai Feng, who had no blame for the intention of the Duke of Rondestad, smiled and ordered the Duke of Rondestad with a smile: "Since you don't want to stay in the Imperial Capital, then don't stay; When the army strikes the counterinsurgency, you are my marshal of counterinsurgency!"

"Secretary, His Majesty Ron!" Duke Ronderstad returned to his place with a smile.

"General Quintus, Earl Moritz!"

"Weichen is here (the last will be)!"

"From now on, you two will be promoted to the Imperial Marquis together, Marquis Quintus will serve as the first minister of the Imperial Army, and Marquis Moritz will serve as the second minister of the Imperial Army."

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

"Count Count Adunis, you did really well during the administration of justice in the Metropolitan Government of the East, acting decisively and with great results, so I will use the rank of Jinju as a reward for you; if you are in a position, you may wish to serve as the Ministry of Justice The first minister?"

"Secretary, His Majesty Ron!" The first minister of the Ministry of Justice compared with the imperial minister of justice. It was not a little bit worse, but there was no dissatisfaction in Adonis's heart; this is because of his title He was promoted, on the other hand, because his son-in-law Steve was heavily reused by Bai Feng, which is why he was willing to accept the status quo.

"Okin Lake, I enshrined you as the Duke of the Empire. From now on, you will serve as the Minister of Justice of the Empire and be in charge of the Ministry of Justice!"

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

"Heinrich, I enshrined you as the prince of the empire. From now on, you will serve as the second minister of the empire."

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

"Count Earl Salah, when you were in charge of finance in the Eastern Metropolitan Government, you first successfully completed the financial integration of the Eastern Provinces, and then realized the economic recovery and further development of the Eastern Provinces. It is indeed a rare national talent; To commend your merits, I enclose you as the Duke of the Empire and appoint you as the Minister of Finance of the Empire. I hope you can restore the Empire's economy as soon as possible!"

"Secretary must bow down and die, and he will not fail to trust His Majesty!"

"Count Krossik, you have served as the second minister of the Empire Finance for eight years, and you are very familiar with the financial situation of the Empire; I now enclose you as the Marquis of the Empire and appoint you as the first minister of the Empire Finance!"

"Chen, Xie... Your Majesty Ron!"

The Earl of Crosic, who was already born, was so excited that he couldn’t do it himself; as a veteran of the era of Charles the Great, he was about to step down in the era of the Charles. , Can he not be excited?

"Cunningham, I have enshrined you as the prince of the empire. From now on, you will serve as the second minister of the empire finance!"

"Secretary, Your Majesty Ron!"

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