Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1569: ""

As long as your heart is not disordered, it will be difficult for the outside world to change what you do. Don’t envy others or lose yourself.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

A series of three generals of Karabes were summoned out, to a certain extent, they can no longer be described as coincidence; when the carthage named Vimina was called out, it can be explained by coincidence, because Since Bai Feng began to summon system generals, Vermina was indeed the only Carthage general summoned.

Hannibal, who was unfavorable for his offensive, and known as Carthage’s Gemini, the defensive star Vimina, was summoned to Bai Feng as a good thing; on the one hand, because Vermina is indeed the Roman world One of the top celebrities in the world, on the other hand, it is because this matter proves that all the celebrities in the Roman world can be used by Bai Feng.

But now the generals under Karabes were summoned one after another, which brought Bai Feng more worry than joy; if the generals of the Augustus Empire were compared to the regular generals of Cobain, then Karabes The generals are the generals who are halfway out of the house. This is not to say that the capabilities of these generals must not work, but that some are not easy to integrate into the military system of the city of Rome.

In the Roman world, the scale of military operations was far less than that of this different world, which led to Bai Feng having to develop the military system of the Roman city in the direction of becoming more and more regular; in this way, the living space of General Noluko was small Too.

The barbarian generals who had played an important role in the development and growth of the city of Rome still have a high status in the current stage of the city of Rome, but their real power is not a bit worse than that of the generals of the system. The result of the regularization of the military system.

Bai Feng, who still has a luck of luck, after talking with the generals of Aminos, Maglo, and Fulcus, finally realized the reality; although the three of them did not say in terms of loyalty, they were in command Ability still retains their original style.

That is to say, the newly summoned Aminos, Maglo, and Fulcus will not be suitable as commanders of the Roman army; such a result, it is aimed at Bai Feng, who is planning to further expand the size of the Roman city system. In fact, it is indeed a big blow.

The long-prepared military expansion plan was frustrated by the general problem. Although it was not a trivial matter, it was not a major event; Bai Feng, who quickly adjusted his mind, decided to bring the third Aminos before Karabes was not summoned. Go to the Dragon Empire.

After returning to the ruling official residence, Yue'er and Bing Lan went back to their rooms, and Bai Feng returned to the master bedroom where he had hardly lived, and began to carefully browse the financial report of the Roman city that he had not seriously reviewed for half a year.

December Financial Report (December 920, Chinese Calendar)

Agriculture: income 4800 gold, expenditure 0

Mining: income 350 gold, expenditure 0

Trade: income 595,500 gold, expenditure

Taxation: income 348400 gold, expenditure 245600 gold (prosecutor, tax officer, **** officer, patrol guard 100 gold each month)

Salary: Expenditure 4400 gold (100 gold per leader per month)

Army maintenance cost: 0

Recruitment: spend 54,000 gold (the temple summons also belong to recruitment, special training costs are included)

Construction: Expenditure 0

Entertainment: Spend 0

Diplomacy: income 0, expenditure 0

Corruption: income 0, expenditure 1350 gold

Total last month: income 949050 gold, expenditure 305350 gold

Surplus last month: income of 643700 gold

Total treasury at the beginning of the month: 13145800 gold

Rome (large city)

Governor: Bai Feng

Revenue: 949050 Golden Moon

Population: 5,691,461 people (the temple adds 5,000 people per month)

Social security: +255%

Population growth: +7% month

Tax rate: low tax rate

Treasury: 13789500 gold

Barbarian area: Forty-five direct towns (4898525)

Yamato region: 169 counties of 18 countries (13017354)

Mainland China: Forty-one Province of the Dragon Empire (1139654783)

Vassal forces: Kingdom of Aisini (949938) Kingdom of Lucy (868527)

Existing buildings: ruling mansion, Great Wall, Apollo Giant Temple, Legion Barracks, big market, crop rotation, deep cave mine, racetrack, armor paving, Quartet Avenue, catapult range, sewage drain, public bath, elevated water channel , Irrigation, shipyard, amphitheater, library, university, shogunate

Under construction: None

Buildable buildings: none

In just half a year, the city’s civic population has increased by 1.66 million. This population growth rate is almost terrifying; because during this time Bai Feng has never returned to Rome, plus this time it was late at night. , So he did not find that the size of the city of Rome has expanded by about a third.

A city with a settled population of nearly 6 million. Throughout the entire Tianlong Continent, it is the city with the most permanent population, and there is absolutely no one; however, with the further expansion of the size of the city of Rome, many problems that did not originally exist It popped out.

Even though Bai Feng did not intuitively see the city of Rome after the city expanded by a third, it was not difficult for him to imagine the impact of the continuous expansion of the city of Rome; among them, the most serious impact was the city of Rome and its direct towns The problem between the distance.

The Roman city built on the banks of the Curaura has been expanding south, north, and west since the distance between the east wall and the Roman port has been shortened to fifteen miles; if there is no accident, wait until the population of the Roman city exceeds At ten million, the six closest towns directly under the Roman city will be annexed by the city of Rome, which is expanding its urban area.

How to deal with a series of problems caused by the expansion of the Roman city area, Bai Feng has not yet had a solid plan. He plans to take a decisive time to find an opportunity to talk to Apollo to see if he has a more reliable way to solve this A series of questions.

Time passed by one minute and one second. After dealing with a lot of important matters accumulated in the city of Rome, Bai Feng suddenly remembered that he had not gone to the big market to exchange gold coins. This was one of the important purposes of his return this time. Must not be missed.

With the continuous advancement of the city of Rome, the exchange ratio between treasury funds and physical gold coins has been increased to one to one hundred and fifty; that is to say, Bai Feng can exchange 15,000 treasury funds with one hundred gold treasury funds Physical gold coins.

Because the amount of gold coins that Bai Feng needs to exchange is relatively large this time, even if it is a ratio of one to one hundred and fifty, he still needs to pay astronomical treasury funds to exchange for the gold coins he needs.

In essence, exchanging treasury funds for gold coins is a very uneconomical transaction, but Bai Feng must prepare enough inventory funds for the war that the empire may face next, so exchange has become his only option.

According to the established ratio, one million gold treasury funds can be exchanged for 150 million gold coins, but the gold coins Bai Feng needs are in 100 million units; after hesitation, Bai Feng finally exchanged 450 million gold coins and used up He has a total of three million dollars in treasury funds!

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