Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1570: ""

The past is gone and will not be considered in the future, as long as at this moment, for your willful courage.

——Miyazaki (Japanese well-known animation director and animator)

The treasury fund of three million gold, compared to the nearly twelve million gold treasury fund savings in the city of Rome, is only less than a quarter of the total. It can be converted into roman arms that can be recruited. , That is an astronomical number.

Even if it is used to summon the extremely expensive Roman Eagle Flag Corps, the treasury fund of three million gold can still recruit four Roman Eagle Flag Corps, more than 130,000 elite Roman troops, and there are still 200,000 remaining Gold is used to recruit roman arms.

Converting such a huge amount of treasury funds into 450 million gold coins, Bai Feng said in his heart not to be distressed is fake, but the distress is distressed. When it was time to exchange, he didn't even blink his eyelids because he now needs gold coins , And the kind that is most needed!

With the 450 million gold coins in the Bai Ling ring, Bai Feng, the imperial treasury and the royal chamber, were empty. Only then could Bai Feng have the confidence to deal with the chaos that the empire might appear next; know that the cannon rang gold for two thousand. Words are more than simple.

The daily food consumption of millions of soldiers eating horse chews is an astronomical figure. Together with the pensions of the fallen soldiers and the treatment and placement of the injured soldiers, the current year’s financial income of the Tianlong Empire may not even be able to maintain the three-month battle. And Bai Feng is the kind of iron-blooded king who refuses to compromise, so no matter how distressed, he will take this step to fight the war!

Bai Feng, who came out of the big market, thought and came to the shogunate not far from the big market; although the shogunate has not changed much in the past six months, the accumulated shogunate assets cannot be underestimated. As many as 700,000 stones!

It’s not Baifeng’s style to sit on a huge amount of shogunate assets, not to mention the fact that the city of Rome is now at a critical stage of development and expansion. It is also necessary to properly expand the size of the Roman city’s army; especially when there is no Roman system general available for the time being Under the premise of the expansion of the Roman army by Bai Feng, the shogun army that can be expanded anytime, anywhere is particularly important.

After six months of accumulation, the shogunate assets in the shogunate system should have reached 735,900 stones, but because of the return of the frontline Legion Corps, many shogunship assets have been consumed, so the shogunate assets available to Bai Feng are now Seventy-one thousand stones.

The spies, secret ambassadors, ninjas, geishas, ​​battlefield ninjas, and sword sages belonging to the shogunate system are all classified as tragic deaths by Bai Feng, one of the three major organizations of the Ministry of Information. The pace of expansion of the taxi is still worrying.

The advantage of the vast territory and huge population of the Tianlong Empire is definitely a natural bottleneck for the development of the tragic dead who have been suppressed in the imperial capital; in order to accelerate the development of the tragic dead, the tragic dead can be the fastest The speed of the completion of the establishment of the entire Dragon Intelligence System of the Dragon Empire, Bai Feng decided to recruit a group of capable shogun figures for the mourning dead.

With a recruitment cost of one hundred stones, Bai Feng directly recruited a thousand people in one breath! Recruiting a secret agent with a cost of one hundred stones, Bai Feng also recruited a full 500! Recruiting ninjas with a cost of two hundred stones, Bai Feng recruited a thousand more!

With this thousand spies, 500 secret agents, and a thousand ninjas joining the mournful dead as the backbone, the development of the mournful dead will inevitably go to several levels; as for the higher-end geishas, ​​battlefield ninjas, sword saints, etc. For the Shogunate, Bai Feng did not recruit for the time being, because he felt that the tragic death was an internal intelligence organization, and the demand for high-end personnel was not so urgent.

Bai Feng spent 350,000 stone shogun assets on the recruitment of shoguns alone, followed by another 15,000 sushi shogun assets to recruit three new shogun generals, they are known as Hai Chiyu three generals Haigang Gangqin, Ao Kiyomizu, Yusen Kiyoshi!

Among the three newly recruited shogun generals, Bai Feng's most admired is neither Yusong Qingzhen, who is the head of the three generals of Hai Chiyu, nor was it praised by Toyotomi Hideyoshi as ``Tang Qin is the master of our army! 'Haibei Ganggang, but the seemingly mediocre Chiao Qinggang.

Looking at Qing Gang's life, he is always struggling for the rise and fall of the Asai family, whether it is the rise of the Liangzheng era, the decline of the long political period, or the prosperity of the long political period, or even until the death of the Asai family Qing Gang has been walking down with the Asai family, not arrogant and proud because of prosperity, nor discouraged because of defeat, and truly achieved the beginning and the end.

Militaryly, perhaps he is not as powerful as Endo, Isano, Haibei, or even Yusen, but this does not mean that he has no achievements in military affairs; although the only outstanding battle in his life is only a post-war battle Only, but only once is enough to prove its superior military talent.

Instead of defeating Mino's chasing army with five hundred people, not only did they not defeat, but they could also retreat all over the body. These achievements were not what ordinary mediocre generals could accomplish. Saito's power was completely lost in front of him.

In terms of government affairs, Qing Gang did not show much, and the only thing that was passed down was only the handling of a Tongshi discussion event; from the perspective of the impact of the Tongshi discussion event alone, the mediator of Asai must be quite in the Asai family People hope and are trusted by the prince and have a strategy, which shows that Qing Gang's position in Asai's family is high, and Asai's trust in him is deep.

Judging from the results of its processing, it is undoubtedly revealed that Qing Gang is dedicated to the use of political skills for the Asai family, and Imai is weak in front of him.

Whether in military or political affairs, Qing Gang played only once in a beautiful scene. Such a coincidence seems to be a bit dramatic; and these two operations, no matter which one can be said to be a very difficult task to complete, however He did it brilliantly.

In the end, he faithfully guarded the end of the monarch and his family, and followed away, which is really loyal!

Bai Feng always likes to reuse the loyal and loyal people, and even loyalty is more important than ability in his eyes; therefore, talents like Aki Kiyoshi who are both civil and military, and loyal and committed, even if they are not system generals, will receive it. His reuse.

Bai Feng, who was interested in promoting the reuse of Akio Kiyomizu, did not leave him in the city of Rome, but transferred him to the shogunate camp as commander; the former shogunate commander Lishan Li'an was transferred back to the city of Rome by Baifeng to serve as the tenth banner to be formed The head of the legion.

In order to expand the shogunate army, Bai Feng used the remaining shogunate assets to recruit 450 captain samurai (400 stone), 150 iron cannonmen (350 stone), and 60 wild sword sword warriors (Six hundred stones), sixty teams of saber samurai (six hundred stones), thirty teams of monks and soldiers (one thousand stones), used to form the tenth, eleventh, and twelve flag regiments.

Except that the head of the Tenth Banner Corps is Lishan Li'an, the head of the Eleventh Banner Corps will be served by Haibei Gangqin, and the twelfth Banner Corps will be headed by Uemori Kiyoshi. People are solely responsible.

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