Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 987: "·Captive General"

Kind words can be short and simple, but they can produce echoes that never fade.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

The Spartan Legion of Leonidas, although it is a barbarian phalanx corps, is proficient in the use of the Macedonian phalanx, but it is obviously unrealistic and meaningless to maintain the phalanx formation on the way of the whole army.

Because the core of the Macedonian phalanx with both offensive and defensive strength is not how elite the soldiers that make up the Macedonian phalanx, but the tacit cooperation between the arms that make up the Macedonian phalanx; to achieve tacit cooperation between the arms, the speed of the march Naturally, it can't be too fast.

This is why the Barbarian Phalanx Army is not good at attacking and defending. When defending in place, the barbarian phalanx corps using the Macedonian phalanx to meet the enemy can have sufficient preparation time to coordinate the deployment of various arms to play the role of the phalanx.

Once the in situ defense becomes a forward attack, the barbarian phalanx of legions with insufficient preparation time, whether it is possible to carry out coordinated operations between various arms in a step-by-step manner, it is unknown; at the very least, as Bai Feng, the governor of Rome, this There is no confidence.

The complexity of the Macedonian phalanx determines that the barbarian phalanx corps has a relatively large number of arms; unlike other ordinary corps that have only infantry wing and longbow wing, there are additional specialized phalanx corps Phalanx Wing and Cavalry Wing.

Capable of commanding four Phalanx Wings, two Infantry Wings, two Longbow Wings, and two Cavalry Wings. As of now, there is only one Leonida in the city of Rome, including the system No other general, including generals, can do it.

Gattus and Simpson, who are also heads of the barbarian phalanx regiment with Leonidas, have so far only used the static Macedonian phalanx to fight, but not like Leonidas, such as arm-driven command. The generals used the Macedonian phalanx to fight.

But even with Leonida’s power, he could not resist the impact of the enemy’s 4,000 barbarian cavalry and 22,000 barbarian warriors while the army was marching at full speed; know that the spear that lost the advantage of the phalanx Soldiers, the combat effectiveness is not as good as ordinary barbarian warriors.

Seeing that the dying enemy forces chose the location of their own army as a breakthrough point, Leonida immediately ordered the whole army to stop advancing, and the local array was ready to meet the enemy! With Leonida's order, the running Spartan Legion immediately acted.

The four pikemen’s pikemen, with their respective units as units, lined up to construct eight lines of pike defense; each line of the eight pikes phalanx consisted of 64 pikemen armed with long pikes , Each line is up to eight rows thick!

In addition to the gap distance between every two lines of rifle defense, a forest of lances with a length of about 800 meters will appear out of nowhere; the two wings of elite infantry are responsible for covering the left and right wings of the line of rifle defense.

Considering the presence of 4,000 cavalry in the enemy, the two Longbow Wings that were supposed to be deployed directly in front of the lance line were directly deployed by Leonida directly behind the phalanx of the lance; the longest range of the longbowman was up to Four hundred meters, deployed directly behind does not affect their play.

The remaining two thousand cavalry squadrons, more than 2,000 light cavalry and Maxi and Darnell, were divided into two mobile units by Leonida, and remained on the outer sides of the two wings of the army to prevent the enemy cavalry from bypassing. Attacked the rear of the rifle line of defense.

In the face of the Spartan Legion, who has never seen the powerful Gregory of the Macedonian phalanx, he was instinctively afraid of the immobility of this force; but he had no choice but to lead the 4,000 cavalry. , Heading towards the enemy's flanking battle.

The target of Gregory's attack was a flanking battle formation composed of elite infantry wing, not a lance phalanx of Lin. It was purely because of the sensation of the lance phalanx. , Smelled the smell of death.

Most of the famous generals in the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign worlds believe in their intuitions; some even believe that their instincts are more reliable than the so-called tactics. Gregory, a famous Lucy, is no exception.

The frontal spear line of the Spartan phalanx wing is the invincible line of defense that allows the orcs’ wolf cavalry to hate the battlefield; Gregory’s choice based on his intuition is indeed an extremely wise choice, but unfortunately the meaning is very limited .

When the four thousand cavalry headed by Gregory rushed to the position only 400 meters away from the Spartan Army, the two longbowmen of the Longbow Wing started their salvo; the distance of 400 meters, already Long enough archers to shoot at least four rounds of arrow rain!

The nearly 10,000 arrows fired by the four rounds of arrow rain, the Gregory cavalry that made people turn their horses, and more than half of the cavalry were killed on the spot; The blow was simply terrifying.

The Lucy cavalry, who had never been baptized with such a sharp arrow rain, had finally survived the four rounds of arrow rain and had not waited for them to rush into the flanks of the Spartan Legion. He rushed towards them.

The elite infantry of the Spartan Legion wearing black armor, with a square shield in their left, and a dagger in their right hand, look like a Roman youth army; even if they don’t use shield wall defense, they can use their hands Fang shield, to block the charge of the enemy cavalry.

The over a thousand Lucian cavalry who were caught off guard, had no time to react at all, and were beaten up by the swoop of elite infantry of the Spartan regiment; when Gregory responded, the number of his cavalry was less than five. hundred.

The Spartan Army, which had resisted the Orcish Empire Cavalry Cavalry and the Jurchen Horde Eight Banner Cavalry, was still capable of responding to the enemy cavalry charge; Gregory paid a heavy price for his blind charge.

Breaking through the hopeless Gregory wanted to lead the remaining cavalry to withdraw, but was once again covered by the arrow rain of the long archers; the dense arrow rain caused the entire army of Gregory and his Lucy cavalry to be wiped out, even He himself fell to the ground and his life and death were unknown.

François saw his teacher as a father-loving teacher, and was shot by the enemy archers during the offensive; his eyes were instantly red with blood, and he immediately led more than 20,000 soldiers behind him against the enemy. The line of defense launched a decisive charge.

Lu Xiluo's flesh and blood of elite warriors is clearly superior to the sharp arrow rain of the long archers of the Spartan legion; there is an unbreakable long line of defense in the front, and there is a sharp arrow rain covering the shot, Fran Sova's attack was **** and tragic.

After tens of thousands of soldiers were bloodshed, Francois, who was also in the four arrows, knew that his teacher Gregory was not shot by the enemy; several loyal Lucy cavalrymen fell in Gregory. After the horse was in a coma, they blocked all the arrows for Gregory with their bodies.

After the rage of revenge in his chest was extinguished, François' determination to fight to the end was destroyed. It was at this time that Li Sini and Vermina's army also followed up, knowing that François was hopelessly breaking through, bringing The teacher who was unconscious chose to lay down his weapon.

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