Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 988: "·Luxi Outlook"

Because smile is the beginning of love, once we start to love each other naturally, we will think about doing something for each other.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

The Spartan Legion, the First Roman Legion, the Second Roman Legion, and the three strong armies surrounded and annihilated a remnant army of less than 30,000 people who had fought hard for four or five hours; if Leonida and others could not complete the mission, then they But you can really get rid of the armor and return home to take care of you every year.

Gregory’s remnants of the siege were completely wiped out, which was what Bai Feng expected; what Bai Feng expected was that the brave and fearless Francois on the battlefield would choose to lead him at the end of the battle. Nearly ten thousand soldiers laid down their weapons.

Under the starry night, nearly 70,000 soldiers under the leadership of Xiachuan Pinggong and Xicunjun dragged their tired bodies and more than 30,000 corpses of robes back to the camp; the original quiet camp soon sounded The families of the fallen soldiers cried.

The death of more than 30,000 soldiers means that there are nearly one hundred thousand people in the camp, and today they have lost their closest relatives. In the face of such a sad atmosphere, the joy of everyone’s victory in the war is diluted, and finally a helpless sigh .

The first Roman legion and the second Roman legion that entered the camp in turn joined forces with the seventh Roman legion that entered the camp last night. Looking at the Spartan legion that held nearly 10,000 captives, they built a temporary military barracks in the camp. Enter the camp.

The reason why the Spartan Corps set up a temporary military camp outside the camp is not because there is no space for the Spartan Corps to enter, but because Bai Feng is worried about the family members of the fallen soldiers who are out of control. What an overwhelming thing is coming.

The particularity of the Roman city determines that Baifeng has no particular hostility to the barbarian forces in the eastern region; in other words, all the soldiers of the barbarian forces in the eastern region can be transformed into Baifeng’s eyes. Pull the object with its own power.

From the initial annexation of the Tassia tribe, to the later vassal of the Aisini kingdom, and then to the conquest of the Wit tribe, the continuous expansion of the size of the Roman city army required basically all the soldiers from the barbarian forces; now Luxi and the Eastern Alliance Nature is no exception.

The newly established Kingdom of Luxi in the area south of Lulu is already a vassal of the Roman city, and its army will be used by Bai Feng; as for the area of ​​Luluo in the north and the alliance of the East, it will be classified as Rome in the future. The city is directly under the ruling area.

The original Lu Xiluo fighters and the former Eastern Alliance fighters living on this vast land should be potential soldiers of the Roman city army. Even if the Roman city army will not be expanded for the time being, with the increase of direct towns, the Tuntian Corps also Warriors need to be recruited.

Therefore, the captured soldiers in the northwest of Wanlu, Bai Feng intends to put them in custody first; after the battle of the Roman city to conquer Lu Xiluo and the Eastern Alliance, according to the specific circumstances, consider how to place these Luxi captives.

The matter of appeasing the family members of the warriors who died in war was handed over by Bai Feng to Yang Xi, Yamashita; after all, he was the newly born king of the Luxi Kingdom, and it was most appropriate for him to deal with these matters. of.

And Bai Feng paid for this is a full of three million gold coins and ten million silver glittering silver coins; three million gold coins is a pension for the families of the fallen soldiers, and ten million silver coins is a reward for today's warriors. These gold and silver coins were issued in the name of Rome.

It is undoubtedly worth the four million gold coins in exchange for the goodwill of the entire Luxi Kingdom of 700,000 soldiers and civilians to the Roman city; looking at the Roman City vassal power attribute table, the Luxi Kingdom has increased its loyalty by 10 points, Bai Feng thought.

François and Gregory, who ordered the disabled army to lay down their arms, were taken care of by Leonidas; on the one hand, they were prevented from escaping, and on the other hand, they were prevented from committing suicide.

The pride of the famous generals, no one knows what violent actions Gregory will wake up; in order to avoid something that everyone does not want to see, Leonidas’s approach has gained Bai Feng’s Recognized, even Bai Feng also added manpower.

With the fiery sword saint white five and dozens of elite warriors of the Spartan legion guarding François and Gregory, even if they want to commit suicide, it is impossible; in front of the powerful flaming sword saint, Francois and Gregory are not much better than ordinary fighters.

After everything was arranged properly, Bai Feng discussed the development of the next battle with his generals in the temporary headquarters of the camp; this time, Xiachuan Pinggong and Xicun Jun who made great contributions today were also called by Bai Feng Come in and listen.

Yamashita, who was busy appeasing the families of the fallen soldiers, did not participate in this meeting because the number of people who needed to appease was too large; in fact, as the King of Lucy who had to stay and sit in the Kingdom of Lucy, Yamashita also had no need to participate This military meeting.

At the meeting, Bai Feng decided to stay in Kirkwall camp for another day, and then lead the Roman army northwards. At that time, the Kingdom of Lucy, who had just experienced a **** battle, will be led by Xicunjun 15,000 soldiers to follow Baifeng northward.

Of the remaining 50,000 fighters in the Kingdom of Luxi, only 30,000 fighters will be left in the Kirkwall camp, and the remaining 20,000 fighters will be under the command of Xia Chuan Ping Gong to the southwest of Lusi that has not yet been included in the Kingdom of Luxi. Several settlements launched a war of conquest.

This matter was determined long ago. Half of the mountains and rivers in the western part of Luxi were Baifeng’s sphere of influence for the Kingdom of Luxi. Xia Chuanping’s next army led the battle, but only officially classified the military and civilians who should belong to the Kingdom of Luxi. Under the rule of the Kingdom of Lucy.

When all the soldiers and civilians of the Kingdom of Luxi are concentrated in the Kirkwall camp, Yamashita Yangxi will start the process of civilization of the Kingdom of Luxi with the full support of the Roman city, that is, the construction of towns in the Kingdom of Luxi. To disperse the people of the kingdom in the town.

The progress of the urbanization and civilization of the Essini Kingdom is not fast. This is caused by the historical reasons of Queen Budeka’s hardship; the newly born Kingdom of Lucy is different, just like a blank piece of the Kingdom of Lucy, There are more opportunities directly in one step.

According to Bai Feng's conception, the Kingdom of Luxi with a total population of about 850,000, it is best to build three river port towns and nine inland towns with a uniform population distribution. In this way, the overall development of the Kingdom of Luxi The speed will inevitably be greatly accelerated.

Various resources and many caravans from the city of Rome will follow the port towns along the river to enter the Kingdom of Lucy, which will inject a strong impetus into the economic development of the Kingdom of Lucy; Completely solve the food shortage problem in the Kingdom of Lucy.

With the support of advanced and mature farming techniques and developed irrigation technology in Rome, the food production of the Luxi Kingdom will soon be increased by leaps and bounds; by then, the Luxi Kingdom, which has solved its own food and clothing problems, naturally has more Yuli to develop the economy.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, as long as the economic level of the Kingdom of Lucy comes up, the strength of other aspects will also be strengthened; Bai Feng believes that sooner or later, the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Essini will become a city of great value in Rome. Vassal forces!

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