Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 989: "·See the previous side"

If you criticize others, you will not have time to give love.

——Sister Teresa (a world-renowned Catholic charity worker who established the Renai Missionary Church)

Early in the morning after the war, Yang Xi Yamashita was busy with the families of the fallen soldiers he hadn’t appeased. Xiachuan Pinggong had already led 20,000 rested soldiers to the east, and Nishimura was preparing for the upcoming battle. Fifteen thousand soldiers distributed weapons and equipment.

Yesterday’s battle was not only the first battle after the founding of the Kingdom of Luxi, but also the battle in which they gained Bai Feng’s initial trust; when treating an army worthy of his trust, Bai Feng would not be stingy, as he shot 20,000 sets of more sophisticated Weaponry.

Before Bai Feng handed over to Naoki Yoshikawa and others, the weapons and equipment used to arm the rebels were all the weapons and equipment used by the barbarian soldiers captured by the Roman city. The quality of those weapons and equipment cannot be used no matter how well preserved. Sophisticated to describe.

However, compared with the temporarily assembled weapons and equipment used by the rebel soldiers, the reserve weapons and equipment of the Roman city are still stronger; but compared with the weapons and equipment that Bai Feng took out this time, the gap between the two Very disparate.

These 20,000 sets of weapons and equipment consisting of long swords, leather armour, and round shields are not the spoils seized by the Roman city, but the weapons and equipment made by the professional professionals of the Roman city, such as swordsmiths, blacksmiths, tailors, etc., quality Compared with the system weapons and equipment are not successful.

Of such excellent 20,000 sets of weapons and equipment, 15,000 sets of Baifeng were used by Nishimura Junyu for the replacement of 15,000 Luxi Expeditionary Corps soldiers, and the other 5,000 sets were left by Feng Feng to Yamashita. He used 5,000 personal guards to dress up.

Because the color advocated by Lu Xiluo is yellow, the newly established Kingdom of Luxi also uses yellow as the color of the kingdom; even the Luxi Expeditionary Corps, which has just changed the new number, chose yellow as their uniform and flag color.

Looking at the densely dressed soldiers of the Luxi Expeditionary Corps, they have always disliked the yellow Baifeng, and they always feel that there is a little awkwardness in their hearts that is unclear; fortunately, this is not the first time he has experienced this kind of thing. Nothing more was said.

On the color of military uniforms, the barbarian people are worse than the Tianlong Empire by more than a star and a half; under Bai Feng alone, there are the gray uniforms of the city defense army, the white uniforms of the standing army, the dark red uniforms of the Yulin Corps, and the fiery red of the Blaze Corps Military uniforms and so on.

In addition, there are the purple military uniform of the Imperial Thunder Corps, the blue military uniform of the Imperial Storm Corps, and the golden military uniform of the Imperial Guard Corps; after the establishment of the four major governor palaces, each of the governor regiments has its own special Military uniform color.

In this regard, it does not include the uniforms of various colors used by the rich and private families of the Tianlong Empire. It is no exaggeration to say that if all the troops of the Tianlong Empire are grouped together, the military uniforms of various colors will be as many as Baifeng. See the point of fancy!

Compared with the colorful dragon uniforms of the Dragon Empire, the current situation of the city of Rome is not bad; at least, the Roman city’s own army has always adopted a standard black uniform, and the color of the military uniform of the vassal forces has also achieved internal unification.

For example, Queen Budeka’s Kingdom of Essini, whether it’s the guards and third legions of the left-behind kingdom, or the first and second legions returned to Rome, the military uniforms worn by the soldiers of these legions, All are standard green uniforms.

After the adjustment of the army designation, the Kingdom of Lucy, the 15,000 soldiers enlisted by the Roman army followed by the commander of Nishimura, their official designation is the Lucy Expeditionary Corps; the 50,000 soldiers who stayed in the Kingdom of Lucy were divided into four more. The legions are the guard legion directly under Yamashita Yamashita, the first legion of Xiachuan Pinggong, the second legion of Willed, and the third legion of Walker.

Among them, Yamashita's Yanghei Guard Corps has 5,000 elite soldiers and 5,000 ordinary soldiers, Xiachuan Pinggong's first army has 20,000 soldiers; the remaining second army and third army, each have 10,000 soldiers.

Willied and Walker, who were promoted to the head of the army by the king of Luxi, were not generals of the shogunate or the shogun ninja, but were born and born of the noble warriors in southwestern Lu; their loyalty to Yamashita Become a newcomer to the kingdom.

For such internal affairs of the Luxi Kingdom, as long as Yamashita Yangxi thinks it can, and will not affect the development of the Roman city, generally Bai Feng will not interfere; proper decentralization, undead seize power, has always been Bai Feng One of the advantages.

After watching the Lucy Expeditionary Corps dress up for about two hours, an Spartan Corps captain came to report to Bai Feng that the enemy captured by the Spartan Corps, the captured captain, is now awake and hopes Meet the rebels in power.

Now that Gregory can use the fresh adjective'rebel in power behind the scenes', it shows that his understanding of the situation is still relatively clear; for this clear-minded barbarian general, Bai Feng will naturally not mind the other party See the previous side and have a good chat.

When Bai Feng brought Bai first-ranked four bodyguards and general guards near the barracks, the soldiers of the 1st, 2nd, and 7th legions who were cleaning the battlefield outside the city stopped their movements and walked hundreds of meters away. Bai Feng saluted as a tribute.

Such a scene, for the generals of the city of Rome who are used to it, is just a small detail that is commonplace; but for Gregory, who also saw this scene, it is like a thunder in the clear sky, which is deep in his heart. With a hint of hope, he smashed it.

Meteor Meteor walked into the white peak of the military account and saw Gregory, who was somewhat disoriented, but Francois behind Gregory, a faceless expression, like the white five guarding them in the military account, owing him Like millions of gold coins.

"Governor!" Bai Feng just walked into the military account, and the elite soldiers of Bai Wu and the Spartan Army bowed in unison.

Bai Feng, who was quite self-confident, commanded: "Bai Wu stays, everyone else will retreat first."

"Nuo!" The spartan soldiers who had been forbidden, after turning sideways, walked straight out.

After the soldiers of the Spartan Legion left, Bai Feng walked beside Francois Valerio's nervous look, next to Gregory's lifeless eyes, and asked him: "You are Lu Xiluo General Gregory, one of the three big names?"

"I am Gregory." Gregory said bitterly: "In front of the governor of Rome, I dare not call myself a star."

Gregory's words made Bai Feng curious, and he said with surprise: "Do you know the existence of the city of Rome?"

"I didn't know it, but I do know it now." Gregory, who carried the barbaric attributes of the barbarian, said the truth: "Last night, Francois did not sleep all night. Those who listened to you repeatedly mentioned the city of Rome; today I After waking up, he told me everything he heard."

"That's what it is!" Bai Feng, who nodded by default, suddenly turned his head and ordered: "White five, you go to the original story that General Gregory just said to Leonidas; tell him, this time it's fine, I I don't want this kind of thing to happen next time."

"Nuo!" Bai Wu turned and left.

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