Rome Must Fall

Chapter 320: Driving the Wolf and Devouring the Tiger

Maximus looked around and saw that the place Quintus was pointing to was near the northern end of Gonami Lake and on the west bank of the Sava River. It was a sign of the Segestika tribe, with a line of small words "more than 1,000 people" written underneath. This is not an accurate number, indicating that this tribe has not yet had the Centurion of the First Legion stationed. It is just the previous population of this tribe provided by Cassinos. After this war and the possible escape now, the current population of its tribe Definitely less than 1,000 people.

In any case, it is a small tribe, which can be easily converted into a camp and the small population in the tribe can be moved to other villages.

Maximus thought for a while and asked: "You chose this tribe by the river because you thought it would be convenient to transport supplies and soldiers from Ofidilia to this camp in the future?"

"Yes, leader." Quintus explained seriously: "You told me before that the Gonami Lake area has special terrain. The people there used to be a headache for the Segestika tribe. If we want to conquer It also requires a lot of energy and time, so why not temporarily let the Gonami Lake area serve as a buffer between us and the Brochi people...

Since we won't be marching to Lake Gonami or even Broch in a short time, we might as well spend more effort to build this tribe into a strong military camp. Normally, only a few hundred soldiers and a few cavalry need to be stationed for surveillance. Movements in the south. Once it is discovered that the Segestika people in the south are trying to invade our village, this military camp can directly send troops to repel them. If Broch or Maziyi's army comes north to attack, they can also Hold on to the camp and slow down the enemy's attack, giving us time to mobilize our troops for counterattack.

This camp is by the Sava River. It is very convenient to transport troops and food by water. It can not only reduce the consumption of food, but also ensure that the camp will not be completely surrounded by the enemy, thereby cutting off the connection with us..."

Maximus stared at the map, thought for a while, and said: "We can build a military camp here, but we have to move all the people in this village first. Later we will hold an emergency political hall meeting to discuss this matter. ,confirm……

After all the villagers have moved away, ask the First Army Corps to send 2,000 soldiers to improve the village as soon as possible. At the same time, your Ministry of War must also formulate a plan as soon as possible. How many soldiers will be stationed in this camp? Which troops will be drawn from? How to perform rotation? ... Submit the garrison plan later and leave it to me for review, approval and implementation. "

"Yes, chief."

"By the way, has the fleet you mentioned last time been assembled?"

"It has been initially built. This fleet has 80 ships, with an average of about 6 sailors per ship, and a total of 500 people. 80 of them are soldiers of our Third Army. They were all sailors before. This time it’s to captain each ship.

The crew members are all Skodisci slaves who have just joined the tribe. They all have rich experience in fishing and transporting goods with their masters in the Sava River for many years.

The captain of the fleet is Amfertaas of the Third Legion, and he has already reported it to you, the leader. "

"Yes, I remember." Maximus touched his chin.

Amfertaas was a centurion of the Third Legion. He was once a slave sailor in Campania. He had made some military exploits in the past. When he learned that the fleet was established, he took the initiative to join and serve as the captain of the fleet.

Although sea sailing is very different from inland navigation, and naval battles are also different from river battles, it is still better than letting someone who can’t operate a ship serve as captain, and if Amfertaas has this interest, he will naturally He was more proactive in studying the tactics of water warfare... so Mark Sievers finally agreed to let him serve as the captain of the fleet, entrusting him with the important task of ensuring the safety of the waterways of the Nyx tribe in the Sava River plain.

Quintus added: "In the past two days, Amfertaas has begun to lead the fleet to patrol the waters near Ofidilia day and night, making every effort to ensure the safety of the bridge repaired by the Ministry of Works."

"Yes." Maximus nodded and asked, "How is the situation in the north today?"

"Still no movement," Quintus replied.

"Quintus, why do you think the Segestica tribe in the north has been so peaceful?" Maximus asked again.

The reason why he pays so much attention to the north is because according to the information he has learned so far, the north of Ofidelia is the only area in the heavily damaged Segostica territory that can still send 2,000 to 3,000 warriors.

After confirming the authenticity of this information, Maximus and the heads of various departments felt a little nervous. If the Segestika tribe in the north sent troops to attack the area occupied by the Nyx tribe, it would inevitably have serious consequences. Nix has renovated various villages, so the soldiers of the Third Army in Ofidilia's Western Village are always on alert and ready to attack northward at any time.

If the Segestica tribe in the north sends ships down the river, it will pose a major threat to the bridge that Nyx is building, so Quintus will quickly build a fleet to prevent the invasion of enemy ships from the north.

However, Maximus tried his best to take all precautions against the Segestica people in the north, but there was nothing unusual about the people they were worried about. No wonder he had doubts.

"Chief, I think the reason why the Segestika tribe in the north has always remained calm is probably because they are worried about the Yabods." Quintus analyzed: "Listen to Cassinos, Segestika To the north of the Ka territory are the Yabods, who often invaded and plundered the territory of the Segestikas. After Andres became the chief, he led his army north to attack the Yabods.

The Yabods suffered a disastrous defeat and were deprived of part of the flat land on the upper reaches of the Sava River by Andres. After that, the Yabods never had any conflicts with Segestika, but this did not mean that the Yabods People forget this hatred.

Before, Kabdus formed an army to attack us, but did not ask the Segestika tribe in the north to provide more soldiers. It is said that it was because of the news that the Yabod people had moved, and in order to ensure the safety of the north, they had to let Those tribes try to preserve their strength.

Now that the Segostika army has been destroyed by us, and the core area is also occupied by us, the Segostika tribe in the north may all be frightened. Once the Yabods attack, they will no longer have reinforcements. You can only rely on yourself to resist the ferocious Yabod people...

In such a bad situation, they probably don't have the guts to provoke us again. Instead, they hope that we will not attack them and try to maintain the current calm situation, so as to scare the Yabod people and prevent them from taking rash actions. "

"Your analysis is very reasonable." Maximus stood up and paced, and said thoughtfully: "...It is very likely that the Segostika people in the north are embracing some of the Segostika people who have just become foreign auxiliary people of the tribe. With the same luck, we want to wait for the reinforcements from the Pannoni Tribe Alliance to drive us away and regain the territory of Segestica, so that they are all safe again..."

Maximus sneered twice: "But that's fine. This period of calm surrounding the situation is just enough for us to complete the annexation and integration of the core area of ​​​​Segostika!... Quintus, before the Yabods We have been at peace with the Segostika people for a few years, but something happened this year. Do you think the Yabod people know that Segostika has suffered a series of defeats and is about to be destroyed?”

"The Yapod people only border a small part of the northwest border of the Segostika territory. The rest of the land is separated by countless mountains. The two tribes are enemies and have no contact at all. If the Segostika people are interested, Blocking the news, it should be difficult for the Yabod people to know the situation inside the Segostika territory. If they really knew the current situation of Segostika, they would have invaded the Segostika tribe in the north. Already..."

Quintus hesitated for a moment and said: "However, I think... the Yabod people may have vaguely guessed something, so they made strange moves to test. Leader, some Skodischi who were rescued by us last year The slaves once formed a team and made trouble in Segestika's territory for several months. Later, Segestica specially formed an army to encircle and suppress them, and finally forced them to stay away from the core area of ​​Segestika. , hid in the mountains to the north, would he have had some contact with the Yabod people? "

Master Quintu's words immediately reminded Maximus. He fell into thinking, and a new plan was gradually forming in his mind, but before that, he had to figure out one thing.

"Marclus, you will ride to Todelido tomorrow and ask the commander of the legion, Tolerugo, to help you find a soldier named Galves. Then you ask him. Last year, he led his tribe to Sege. Did you come into contact with the Yabods when you were wandering in Stika territory? If he says 'yes', bring him here."

"Yes, leader!"


Today, the hall of the main house of Aldiyi's main village was filled with elders from various subordinate tribes.

A few days ago, Aristakas led the army to "recover" the land along the Korana River, and then he was busy every day helping the tribesmen who had fled to rebuild their homes, and even had to discuss with the elders of other tribes. I hope their tribe can provide more supplies to help the people of the Korana River survive this winter better.

In fact, it was Cleobrotus who contributed the most in this process, but Aristarchus, as the acting leader of the entire tribe, naturally deserves most of the credit. After the settlement, he requested to convene a meeting of tribal elders, hoping to use this merit to smoothly take the position of leader of Aldiyi.

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