Rome Must Fall

Chapter 321: Aldei Tribe Meeting

Unexpectedly, the meeting had just been held, and before Aristarchus had time to propose the main topic of today's meeting, Ciceliteses made an incredible request first, causing everyone to be in an uproar.

"Elder Cicelitses, do you know what you are talking about! Are you going to take the people of your tribe to leave the land where our ancestors have lived for generations and go to settle on the banks of the Sava River where our enemies, the Segestika people, are located? ! Are you still dreaming?"

Angry at Ciceliteses for ruining his good deeds, Aristarchus put aside Cleobrotus's repeated reminders to him that "as a great leader, you must be careful with your words" and couldn't help but shout. mockingly, causing some southern elders to laugh.

"It's not that I'm dreaming, it's that you just stare at everything in front of you and don't know that the outside world has changed!" Cicelites glanced disdainfully at Alistakas and the laughing elders , said loudly: "Leader Maximus has invaded the territory of the Segestika people, seized their main stronghold, and occupied a large area of ​​their territory. Now the Segestika people have completely collapsed. ——”

Before Cicelitses finished speaking, the whole hall suddenly burst into excitement: "The Nyx people captured the main stronghold of Segestica?! This is impossible!"

"The Nyx can defeat the Pannoni Alliance army. It is still possible to defeat the Segestica people and occupy their main stronghold. It was just a few days ago that they just repelled the Pannoni Alliance army. How could it be possible? Invading the territory of the Segestika people soon?"

"It would be a great joy if the Knicks really completely defeated Segestica! From now on, we no longer have to worry about the threat of Segestika!"

"Quiet! Quiet!..." Aristakas shouted several times, and the elders were still discussing heatedly.

Alista Caston felt angry, grabbed the jug next to him and threw it to the ground. There was a "pop" sound, the jug was smashed, and the pieces scattered everywhere.

The elders looked at Alistakas in astonishment.

Aristakas shouted loudly and asked: "Look what you are doing! This is the sacred hall of the tribal meeting, not a wheat drying ground for villagers to chat. Could it be that you were so noisy in the meeting when my father was here?" !"

Aristarchus' words were a bit rude, and some elders immediately wanted to refute him. Upon seeing this, Cleobrotus stood up and shouted: "Everyone, please keep quiet so that the meeting can proceed smoothly! Cicelite Seth, you just said that the Knicks occupied the main stronghold of Segestica, is this true?"

As soon as Cleobrotus opened his mouth, the hall became really quiet. In addition, his question was what everyone was concerned about, so almost everyone closed their mouths and focused their attention on Ciceli. On Teresus.

"This thing is true!" Before Cicelitses could respond, Budokaribas, who was sitting next to him, answered. He had originally discussed it with Cicelitses and others. , wanted to wait for the meeting to progress to a suitable time before making this request, but he did not expect that Cicely took action without permission soon after the meeting began, which forced him to express his attitude as soon as possible, and to deal with the reckless Cicely Teresus stood together.

"After Chief Maximus led the Nix army to defeat the Panronian coalition and eliminated the threat to us in Ardie, Cicelitses and I went to thank Chief Maximus, but we heard that because of the The armies of Gostica and Desitiatae attacked the Nyx territory from the north, and Maximus, the leader, led his army to resist—"

When Alistakas heard this, his face twitched unnaturally. He remembered his anger because he didn't see Maximus that day.

"Because I was worried that Maximus's army would suffer a defeat and that Segestica's army would once again become a threat to our Aldee, I went to Nyx's territory with Ciceliteses and the others to learn more as soon as possible. The battle situation...

As a result, when we arrived at the battlefield, we learned that Maximus had won another great victory, and that he led his army to attack the territory of Segestica early the next morning after his victory——"

Budokaribas sighed: "It has always been the Segestikas who attacked us, but we have never taken the initiative to attack the Segestikas! Out of curiosity and excitement, we followed the steps of the Nix army. The march route continues..."

At this time, the hall had completely quieted down, and the elders were listening carefully to Budokaribas' words.

"As a result, when we arrived at the territory of the Segestika people, we heard that the Nix army had captured the west fortress of the main fortress of Segestika. When we entered the west fortress of Segestika the next day At that time, the Nix army captured the east stronghold of Segestika on the other side of the Sava River——"

At this time, there were suppressed exclamations in the hall. It was the elders who couldn't help but marvel at the powerful and fast attack power displayed by the Knicks army in Budokaribas's story.

"We didn't see the process of the Nix army defeating the Segestica people and capturing their entire main fort, but we walked into the main fort of Segestica and saw the Nix soldiers patrolling the streets. , saw the flag of the Nyx tribe flying on the main house, and saw a large number of Segestika people captured by the Nyx army...

Also, in every Segostika village we passed through on the way to the main village through the Segostika territory, we could see the Segostika people hiding in their houses in fear... The Nyx army really defeated the Segestica people! "

Budokaribas felt that the elders were in awe of the Knicks tribe due to his narration. He did not want everyone to make noise again and break the atmosphere, so he spoke faster and continued: "We met Maxim The leader of Sice originally wanted to congratulate him, but unexpectedly he proposed that he was willing to allocate a large piece of fertile land on the Sava River territory of Segostika to the tribe of Siselitses and to me. '"

As soon as Budokaribas said these words, the hall suddenly became extremely quiet.

He glanced at everyone and said in a solemn voice: "I, Cicelitses, and the other Ardei tribe leaders with me all agree!"

Cicelitses swallowed his saliva. He had to admit that Budokalibas was more eloquent than him. He described the behavior of his group of people to ask for the land as going out of their way to congratulate the Nix people on their glory. Victory and generous gifts from Maximus.

"I don't agree!" Aristakas broke the silence in the hall and said angrily: "I have said before, you are people of Ardei, but now you are leaving the land where you have lived for generations and running to Seger. Go to Stika, this is betrayal!"

"Aristarchus, don't accuse me of random charges. How can this be called betrayal!" Cicelites immediately retorted: "After we moved there, although we were farther away, we still We will continue to adhere to the traditions of Ardi, continue to participate in any meetings held by the tribe, and will continue to respond to the tribe’s requests and send troops to join the tribe in fighting the enemy. We will always be Ardi people!”

"Even if you think so, there are many things that are not up to you." Ambrasinos said with a serious expression: "Just like the Pannonians, they were also Illyrians, but after they left After returning home and settling in the north, they gradually became like the barbarians, and finally they turned around and invaded us, who were once compatriots with them!

If you choose to stay away from your homeland, can you guarantee that your descendants will still be able to uphold our Aldiyi traditions like you! Do you dare to guarantee that your descendants will not wave swords and spears at us like Pannoni one day? …”

Ambrasinos' question made Budokaribas difficult to answer for a while. He wanted to say: "Even if there is, it will be many years later. Time has passed. Of course, many things will change..."

But such an answer would be emotionally difficult for the elders to accept.

At this moment, an elder from a tribe along the Mreznica River also questioned: "I don't understand that Nix is ​​Nix, Budokaribas and you are Ardeii, how can Chief Maximus Will they give you the land they worked so hard for? Have you abandoned your identity as Ardeans and joined the Knicks?”

This question was tantamount to accusing Budokaribas and the others of betraying the tribe a long time ago. Budokaribas not only did not feel angry, but secretly rejoiced and quickly answered: "The reason why Chief Maximus did this is because That's because last year the Knicks tribe signed an agreement with us Ardeyi tribe leaders who lost their homes. In the agreement, Chief Maximus promised that 'the Knicks tribe will try its best to provide us with suitable land to settle'.

The reason why we went to sign this agreement with the Nix tribe is because last year after the Nix people seized part of the land along the Kupa River from the Segestika people, we went to find the Aco Upagos tribe. Chief, I hope he can discuss with the Knicks so that Knicks can give up part of the land to us, because the land along the Kupa River originally belonged to us.

But the big leader felt very embarrassed. He told us that 'in the covenant signed between Aldie and Nyx, it was clearly stated that the land that the Nyx people seized from the Pannoni belonged to the Nyx tribe.' He could not Violation of this covenant.

We were not willing to give in, and we went to the big leader many times to make requests. The big leader was so troubled by us that he suggested that we go to the leader Maximus to discuss it ourselves. We bit the bullet and asked the leader Maximus of the Nix tribe. When we asked for land, he did not refuse, but instead made a promise to us!

When we signed this agreement with Nyx, the great leader knew about it and had his consent. Cleobrotus and Ambracinus were both present at the time. "

Cleobrotus saw that everyone's eyes were turned to him, so he had to nod and said: "The big leader does know about the agreement signed by Budokaribas and the Nix people."

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