Rome Must Fall

Chapter 322: Debate on Tribal Migration

Ambrasinos said nothing, but nodded slightly.

Everyone looked at Budokaribas and Cicelitses with slightly calmer eyes.

Another elder from a tribe along the Mreznica River said dissatisfied: "I don't understand why I agreed to let them write this article when we signed the covenant with Nix, otherwise there would be no such trouble."

Cleobrotus' face turned cold, because it was the covenant he had made with the Nyx people. He was about to argue when a tall figure stood up:

"Isaac Menas, you really stand up and talk without pain! Do you know that when Chief Maximus wanted to buy land, he not only made requests to me, but also to Otariat and several other Yili people? The pirates from the Riya tribe have made demands!

The article in the covenant you just mentioned was what Leader Maximus insisted on writing. If we had not agreed at that time, then the two sides would not have been able to reach an alliance! Chief Maximus will lead his team to other Illyrian tribes. You can think about what it would be like if the Otariat formed an alliance with Chief Maximus. Condition! "

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but shudder. They could imagine that with the terrifying fighting power of the Nyx people, with their help, the Otariat people would not only be able to hold on to the salt mines for a long time, but would even lead their troops northward. , then the Ardei tribe is likely to repeat the tragic experience of the Segostika people today...

"Don't forget! At that time, the Segestica army continued to invade, and our tribe was always in danger of extinction. However, after forming an alliance with the Nyx tribe, less than two years later, our tribe not only broke away The danger of destruction, and our enemies are about to perish! Isaac Menas, answer me honestly! Did this covenant we signed save our tribe?"

The elder named Isaac Menas lowered his head and stopped talking.

Cleobrotus cast a grateful look at Chalcyempus.

"Inviting the Nix people to buy land and settle in our tribe is of course the most correct decision for the big leader!" Another elder of the tribe along the Mreznica River said: "But since the Nix tribe has moved from Segostika Since you have captured so much land from the people, you can directly ask Chief Maximus to give you the land along the Kupa River, so that you can live on your original land and don’t have to stay far away. We are."

"Do you think we didn't make such a request, but Chief Maximus didn't agree?" Budokaribas sighed: "It's like a beggar going to beg. You can eat whatever is given to you. It's impossible. You have the right to choose!”

"Budokaribas, I listen to your tone. You don't really want to take your tribe to the territory of Segostika. Aren't you living a pretty good life now, and there will be no Segostika people in the future?" If you are threatened, life will be better than before, just continue to stay here, why bother!" Another elder from the south advised.

Cicelitses couldn't help but said: "If you are willing to exchange the land of your tribe with the place where my tribe lives now, of course I am willing to stay! Are you willing? Of course you won't be willing!

Because your tribe lives along the Mrezhnica River with flat and fertile land, and has no worries about food and clothing; but most of my tribe lives in the mountains, lacking arable land. Not only do they not have enough to eat, they also have to worry about the food and clothing in the mountains. Wild beasts, snakes and insects, tribesmen often died of illness and starvation. Can I not worry about the tribe's population decreasing day by day? Now that I have the opportunity to save my tribe from the danger of extinction, of course I have to choose to leave! "

Cicelitses gnashed his teeth and showed that he would fight anyone who dared to stop him, which made some elders who wanted to continue persuading give up their thoughts.

"Cicelitses, actually you... can return to your original homeland. This time the Brochs suffered heavy losses. They should not dare to invade the hills to the west again." A man from a tribe along the Korana River An elder suggested softly.

"Oh, you won't do it if you say you won't." Cicelitses retorted unceremoniously: "The Pannoni Tribal Alliance was defeated this time, but their strength is still far stronger than us. I don't dare Take this risk again and let the people suffer again!

Besides, are you really thinking about us? In fact, you still want us to return to the hills to settle down and protect your tribe from the threat of the Broch people. "

"You——" The elder felt embarrassed after his thoughts were pointed out by Ciselites.

One after another, the elders ran into trouble in front of Budokalibas and Cicelitses, and they became cold for a while.

Alistakas winked, and Ambrasinos had no choice but to persuade him: "Budokalibas, Ciceliteses, and others want to lead their tribesmen to move to Segestica." Elders of the territory, please think carefully!

Although the Nyx defeated the Segestica, the Pannoni and six or seven other large tribes such as Brochi and Mazii have always been relatively united. The fact that they were able to form a coalition to attack us this time is proof! They will not allow the Nyx to occupy the land of their compatriots. In the future, the Nyx and the Pannoni will have constant wars in the territory of Segestica!

The Nixes are good at fighting, but they are few in number, and it is hard to say who will win or lose in the future! It is difficult to guarantee the safety of your people if you move there! It is better to stay here. Although life is a little worse, it is at least safe, don’t you think? ! ”

Budokaribas smiled and said, “Ambrasinos, thank you for considering us! However, Chief Maximus has promised that he will give us safe land that will not be attacked by the Pannonians.

In addition, we have also considered that the Pannonians will send troops to recapture the land occupied by the Nixes. However, although the Nixes are few in number, they can defeat Segestica and the coalition forces of the Pannonians in just over a year. Now that the Nixes have obtained more land and more people, the Pannonians may not be their opponents. ”

Cisselitses then said, “Maybe in a few years, the Nixes can defeat other Pannonian tribes such as Brochi and Mazii. We may get more benefits if we live there! "

Aristakas looked at the boastful look on Cicelitses' face, and a wave of disgust surged in his heart. He couldn't help but shouted: "No matter what you say, I will not allow you to leave the territory of the Ardi tribe and go to the Sava River! Absolutely not!"

Budokaribas and Cicelitses and others were not intimidated by Aristakas's determination.

Cicelitses sneered: "Hey, Aristakas, you are not the chief yet, but you are showing off to us! Even if you become the chief in the future, you have no right to decide the tribal affairs at will! I request--"

Cicelitses said loudly: "Take a vote! "

Aristakas was so angry that his face turned blue. Cicelitses' words hit his sore spot. His eyes were like spitting fire and staring at Cicelitses.

Cleobrotus saw that the atmosphere was not right and said quickly: "Cicelitses asked for a vote on the relocation of his tribe to the banks of the Sava River-"

"Not only Cicelitses' tribe, but also my tribe!" Budokaribas reminded.

"And my tribe! ..."A group of Aldei elders who had signed an agreement with the Nix tribe rushed to express their opinions.

Aristakas clenched the arms of the chair with both hands, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his chest.

"Since you all proposed to vote on the relocation to the banks of the Sava River--" Cleobrotus turned his head to look at Alistarkas, waiting for his final decision.

After taking a breath, Alistarkas felt a little better, and he found that these elders who clamored to leave were not in the majority, and he felt a little more lucky in his heart, so he said unhappily: "Then let's vote. "

The Ardi tribe that originally lived along the Sava River was very powerful. The family of Budokaribas even served as the chief of the Ardi for decades. A few years ago, there were twelve Ardi tribe leaders living in this area who were elders of the entire tribe. Because of the war with the Segestica people in recent years, two of the elders died and no replacements have been made.

The hilly area east of the Korana River is vast, but the land is relatively barren. However, there are abundant animals such as pigs, deer, and sheep. There were quite a few Ardi tribes that once lived there, and nine elders have been produced, and there has been no reduction in the number of elders so far.

But they only add up to nineteen people, less than half of the forty-eight elders, and the elders from the banks of the Mrežnica River and the Korana River all voted against it, leaving only six elders from the western mountains.

Aristakas's eyes fell on Archipenpas Although he had always been at odds with the pirate leader, he still hoped that the other party would make a decision that was in the overall interests of the Ardei tribe.

During this period, because of Akupagos' serious illness, Chalsipompas stayed in his tribe and did not go out to sea to plunder. When the Pannonian army invaded, Aristakas not only asked for help from the Nix tribe, but also sent people to the western mountainous area to issue military mobilization orders to all tribes.

When Archipempas received the news, he immediately led the warriors of the tribe to the Mrežnica River.

In fact, the teams of the tribes in the western mountainous area arrived at the main camp a few days ago, and the crisis of the Ardei tribe had been resolved. Seeing that the leaders of the tribes had gathered here, Aristakas wanted to take this opportunity to hold a tribal meeting so that he could succeed to the throne smoothly, but he did not expect to encounter difficulties at the beginning of the meeting.

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