Rome Must Fall

Chapter 323: The Frustrated Chief of Aldei

"I support the tribes of Budokaribas and Cisselitses to move to the Sava River!" Alsipampas said loudly, raising his right hand high.

Alsipampas has a high prestige among the tribes in the western mountainous area. His statement was followed by the other five elders from the western mountainous area.

Cleobrotus looked at the twenty-five right hands raised in the hall, and suddenly became nervous, trying to make a last-ditch effort, so he loudly persuaded: "Everyone, our ancestors have lived here for hundreds of years, Al Dee got his name from this. If he leaves here, can he still be an Ardie? Please think carefully and don’t make a hasty decision——"

"Cliobrotus, stop whining and announce the results of the vote quickly!" Cicelites urged impatiently.

"Yes, announce it quickly! We have already thought about it and will not change our decision!" Other elders who raised their hands also expressed their opinions one after another.

Even so, Cleobrotus still lingered for a while and found that the number of hands raised had not changed. Then he reluctantly announced: "This time, there were 48 people participating in the tribal meeting. They agreed with Cicelitses and Budo. There are twenty-five elders led by Karibasi and others to move to the Sava River, and more than half of them have passed. According to the tribal regulations...this request...has been approved."

Cheers suddenly erupted in the hall, and even Cicelitses and Budokaribas hugged each other excitedly.

Budokalibas whispered: "You always like to mess around, this time you got it right."

"What's wrong? Since we are all prepared, we should take action early! If you are worried about this and that, it will be a waste of time!" Cicelites retorted while laughing.

Aristakas gritted his teeth and did not shout out the "I disagree!" that rushed to his throat.

Now he only hates why he is not the real leader of Ardie. Otherwise, in the voting just now, the leader would be counted as five votes, and Cicelitses and the others would not be able to pass half of the vote!

Now he understood: why had Cicelites made such a request at the beginning of the meeting? He is obviously taking advantage of the favorable opportunity when the tribe has not yet established a big leader to seek benefits for himself!

Damn Ciceliteses! Damn Budokaribas! And that damned Carl Sepimpas! ...Aristakas secretly resented it.

"I would like to ask you what to do with the iron mine after you move your people to the Sava River?" Ambrasinos suddenly asked loudly.

"The iron ore is located in the western mountainous area. It originally belonged to the tribes in the western mountainous area. After we leave, the iron ore will of course belong to Kalsi Pampas and the others!" Budokaribas replied without hesitation.

"No! No!" Ambrasinos shook his head repeatedly: "The tribes in the western mountainous area have long since abandoned the iron mine. The iron mine has been abandoned for several years. Last year, the big leader took it back to the entire tribe. Our tribes along the Mreznica River sent people and materials to rebuild it. In order to make your life easier, we gave it to you for the time being.

But you really regard the iron ore as your own, and you want to give it to others when you are leaving with your tribe. How shameless are you? "

"Ambracinos, you are talking nonsense!" Cicelites yelled angrily.

"Who is talking nonsense!" Ambrasinos lowered his face and said loudly: "The iron ore must be handed over to us who have done a lot for it! Elder Cleobre Brotus, you Is that right?"

"Budokaribas, you really have no right to transfer the iron ore privately." Cleobrotas said seriously: "This matter should be discussed and decided by our tribal meeting."

"Then let it be voted upon," said Cicelites again.

"I don't agree to the vote!" Aristakas refused without hesitation. He said decisively: "The iron mines must be handed over to the tribes along the Mrezhnica and Korana rivers!"

"If this matter also needs to be voted on, we will withdraw from this tribal meeting!" Ambrasinos's attitude was also very tough, because he saw that Budokaribas and Cicelitses The three parties have already joined forces with Carl Sipimpas, and the result of the vote will only be the same as before.

The elders from the tribes along the Mrezhnicacha River and the Korana River also expressed their intention to advance and retreat with Ambrasinos. These more than 20 elders refused to vote, so naturally the vote could not be held.

Seeing that the two sides were about to reach a stalemate, Kalsipempas looked at Alistakas and said bluntly: "Let's make a deal. The tribes in the mountains to the west of us will be responsible for the iron mines. Chief Aldiyi It’s up to you!”

Aristakas immediately retorted: "Nonsense! The position of the great leader is originally mine——"

Ambrasinos coughed hard, and Aristarchus suddenly woke up: The election of the chief leader of the tribe will be held soon. Expressing opposition, it is really a question whether he can succeed as the leader!

For a moment, he sat stiffly, neither daring to say any harsh words, nor willing to bow his head in submission, but just gestured to Ambrasinos with his eyes.

"Aristarchus is the son of the great chief Archupagos, and a hero who recovered the lost lands along the Korana River and helped the exiled tribes reorganize their homes. His successor as great chieftain is the leader of all Ardei tribes. People's expectations!" Ambrasinos said with a serious face: "Of course, life in the mountains to the west is really difficult. Let Carlsipampas and others take charge of the iron mines, which will help improve their lives. I think it can consider.

However, the profits from the iron mines cannot all go to the tribes in the western mountains. As you have seen in the past few days, the tribes along the Korana River have suffered great losses this time and need to share part of the profits from the iron mines. Come and help them, what do you think, Carlisle Pompus? "

Kalsipempas responded: "This time the tribes along the Korana River are suffering from war disasters. Of course we should provide help. We can allocate part of the profits from the sale of iron ore to them. But I think this should only be temporary. Yes, when the lives of the people along the Korana River return to normal, they should no longer share the profits from the iron ore! After all, in addition to the harvest from the land, they also have the profits from the salt mine, right?"

Chalsyponpas and Ambrasinus looked at each other for a moment. Ambrasinus turned to look at Aristakas, deliberately showing a respectful look, and asked: "Do you think this suggestion is okay?" ?"

"That's it." Aristarchus responded hastily. He just wanted the matter to end quickly, because he chose to compromise under the threat of Calsipempas, which made him feel very humiliated.

In the end, the result of this tribal meeting in Ardei was that the tribes of Ardei, which had lost their land in the war with the Pannoni and later signed an agreement with the Nix tribe, would collectively move to the Sava River, and the iron ore would be transferred from The Aldiyi tribe in the mountains to the west is responsible. Within two years, 30% of its profits must be handed over to the tribes along the Korana River to help them rebuild their homes;

Aristarkas succeeds as the chief of the Ardei tribe; the burial of the ashes of the former chief Acoupagos and the tribe's memorial ceremony will be held ceremoniously four days later.

Akupagos died in anger when the Pannonian army invaded. However, at that time the entire tribe was facing life and death, and the leaders of each tribe had been busy preparing for war. Although the crisis was resolved later, they were busy regaining the lost territory and resettling the exiles. The ethnic minority had no time to deal with his funeral affairs. As a result, it took too long and the body that was parked became smelly and had to be cremated first.

Now that the tribe has finally recovered, Alistakas has successfully become the leader. He wants to take advantage of the fact that the elders are all in the main village, so that he can organize his father's burial ceremony and his leader's funeral ceremony as a matter of course. The inauguration ceremony was held one after another under the attention of many elders.

Since the teams led by the tribal leaders were still gathered in the main stronghold, the food supply was somewhat tight. The reason why the event had to wait until four days later: On the one hand, under the reminder of Ambrasinos, Alistaka Si realized that the inauguration ceremony of the great leader needed to be held grandly to enhance his prestige among the people, but this required time to prepare; more importantly, Aristakas had to send someone to inform the Nyx tribe and invite Mark Chief Sims arrives to attend, which takes some time.

Since Nyx is an ally of Ardei, and Maximus and Alistakas are still related by marriage, from a common sense point of view, even if Maximus cannot come, important members of the Nikos tribe will inevitably be sent. Characters come to participate.

When the Nix tribe first arrived the year before last, they had to rely on the help of the Ardei people to gain a foothold along the Kupa River. Just over a year later, the status of the two sides has changed dramatically. The Nyx tribe has become a strong ally in saving the Ardie tribe. If Nyx officials attend the inauguration ceremony of Aristakas as the chief, it means that it is The recognition of Aristarchus can make the people of Ardi feel relieved and greatly increase his prestige.

Although Aristakas feels a little dissatisfied, this is the reality. The Nyx tribe has won one victory after another to win its position in the hearts of the Ardei people today.

The meeting ended and everyone dispersed, but Alistakas still sat blankly.

The resettlement of the Korana River tribesmen a few days ago had already troubled him, but he didn't expect that today's meeting would make him physically and mentally exhausted.

He used to feel that his father was not decisive enough in doing things, but when he sat in this position, he realized how difficult it was to do something well. He had no idea whether he could be a good leader. Suspicion arose.

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