Rome Must Fall

Chapter 324 Jealousy

Ambrasinos walked in and saw Alistakas in a daze. He thought for a while, walked over and whispered: "The big chief——"

Aristarchus immediately raised his head. This was the first time someone called him "big boss".

"It's actually a good thing for these tribes like Cicelitses and Budokaribas to leave here. It's not that you don't know that in the past few years, they have come to your father almost every month, or begged your father to perform Mobilize the military and form an army to fight the Segestika people and help them regain their territory; or ask your father to give them a better land so that they can live a better life; or ask your father to give them more Food and supplies allow them to survive the cold winter better...

Your father was not in good health, and he was always worried about the affairs of the tribes such as Budokaribas and Siselitses, which is why he passed away so early... This time they all went to the Sava River , I believe that I will never harass you again like before, and you can feel more relaxed when you are the leader——"

"I hope they come to me to make demands and see how I deal with them!" Aristakas said bitterly.

Ambrasinos knew Aristakas, and he knew that his son-in-law was just being tough. If Budokaribas and the others came to him and asked him, he would probably avoid it with a headache. Because he doesn't have his father's abilities and lacks patience.

Therefore, Ambrasinos did not comment on Aristakas's words, and then said with relief: "You also saw it just now, Budokaribus, Cicelitses and Carlsipempas joined forces. , causing us to have to make compromises. If they do this in the future, you, the big leader, will feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, they have to go far to the Sava River, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth to the main village, so they cannot appear here often. As long as you hold less tribal meetings, they will hinder you in handling tribal affairs. "

Alistakas asked unwillingly: "Can't we break up the three-party alliance and win some people over?"

"What are you going to use to win over? Land or wealth? No, first you have to have prestige, high enough prestige! Like your father, making the tribal elders willing to follow you and believe in you takes time and you have to do it slowly. "Ambrasinos persuaded with earnest words, and then emphasized his tone: "Do you know who has the highest prestige in our tribe now?"

Without thinking, Aristarchus replied: "Calsipempas."

"You are the big leader now. Don't just focus on Chalsipempas like before." Ambrasinos reminded: "When Chalsipempas left the mountains to the west, he had great influence in the entire tribe. The appeal is not as good as that of Budokaribas, it is Cleobrotus!

He has helped your father handle tribal affairs for decades. Many tribes remember his kindness. Even in the main village, your appeal is far less than his. When did you have the prestige he did? I think most of the elders in the tribe Everyone will listen to you. "

Ambrasinos's words immediately reminded Aristakas of the scene when he could not get everyone to stop making noise at the beginning of the tribal meeting, and Cleoblotus restored silence to the hall with just one word. Originally, because of Cleo Some of the goodwill Brotus had accumulated by helping him resettle the exiled people in the Korana River was instantly lost...

He didn't speak, but his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

All this was seen by Ambrasinos...


Selicis received an order from the village chief Puro at dusk yesterday, asking him to lead forty selected reserve tribesmen to the shore near the pontoon bridge.

Early this morning, Selicis called the tribesmen and set off together.

Most of these forty preparatory tribesmen were Segestikas, and a smaller half were Skodisci. Because of this, the team seemed silent on the way, and the two sides naturally divided into two teams, clearly distinguishable.

Selicis has become somewhat accustomed to this, and as long as both parties are in peace, he will not make too many demands.

Village No. 21 is not far from Ofidilia. After walking for more than half an hour, the group arrived at the village gate.

Although the name of the main village has been changed, there is no change in appearance, except that the flag flying on the gate of the village is no longer a stag, but a monster with fangs and claws. It is said that it is called "Dragon", including Selicis. The Segostika people inside have mixed feelings about this.

The guards at the village gate stopped them: "You can't go in!"

"We came to see the bridge being built!" Celysis explained.

"I know. But there will be a lot of people coming today. In order to avoid disturbing the order inside, the Political Affairs Hall has issued a special ban. However, if you want to see the bridge being completed, you don't need to enter the village. You can go directly to the river bank and you can see it clearly. "The guard reminded: "Go quickly, you won't get a good seat if you go late."

Selicis had no choice but to lead everyone away from the village gate, around the perimeter of the village, and towards the river bank.

On the way, Militus complained: "We didn't come to see it ourselves, it was the Knicks who begged us to come. It's really too much to treat us like this! Let's just stop watching and go back!"

Although Militus's words relieved everyone's anger, in the past few days, everyone had been plowing the land under the leadership of the village chief. They finally came out to relax and take a good look. After returning, the tribesmen asked about it, but they couldn't answer. It would be embarrassing to come up, so no one followed him to make noises.

Sure enough, as the guard said, there were already many people on the river bank, and the places close to the stockade were all occupied. Selicis had no choice but to take the people to the farther river bank.

As soon as everyone stood up, someone exclaimed: "Is that the bridge the village chief said?! It's so... so spectacular!"

In the distance to the right, a long wooden building like a dragon towers over the broad Sava River, connecting the river banks of the east and west villages. The slow and deep river water flows under it, and the warm sunshine illuminates it. It envelopes and exudes a yellow light...

There used to be bridges on the Sava River, but they were pontoon bridges, which were spliced ​​together by boats. People would keep swaying when walking on them, and they could not withstand the transportation of heavier goods. Whenever there was a flood on the Sava River, the pontoon bridges would be closed. It will be dismantled and reconnected after the water falls, otherwise it will be washed away by the rapid river...

The bridge in front of the tribesmen did not have any shadow of a ship. Its entire bridge was suspended above the river for more than two meters. There were countless thick wooden pillars crisscrossed below, supporting its long bridge. It extends to both sides of the bank and is far more spectacular and majestic than the floating bridge.

The people stood on tiptoe and stared, making sounds of exclamation from time to time.

Militus muttered unconvincedly: "This bridge is beautiful, but I don't know if it can be used to pass people..."

Suddenly, huge cheers sounded from both ends of the wooden bridge and lasted for a long time.

Militus was asking the tribesmen in front what happened when he saw someone walking onto the wooden bridge and walking safely to the other side of the river... Then more and more people walked onto the bridge, and they all arrived safely. The other side... After a while, no one got on the bridge again, but two pack cars drove onto the wooden bridge from both sides of the river, and slowly drove to the other side. The wooden bridge was still safe...

After a while, three small boats without masts appeared on the river on both sides of the wooden bridge. With the sailors rowing hard, the boats smoothly passed through the bridge holes under the wooden bridge and between the wooden pillars, and successfully reached the wooden bridge. The other side of the bridge…

Militus marveled and cheered like the other people, without any complaints.

Yes, indeed, as the village chief Puo said, this is a real bridge, much better than a pontoon bridge!

At this time, one cavalryman after another passed behind them, shouting: "Chief Maximus has an order. From tomorrow on, as long as the people of the Nyx tribe can do so without hindrance, Cross the wooden bridge and go back and forth between the two sides..."

Hundreds of preparatory people from both sides of the Sava River came to watch the completion of the wooden bridge and gave deafening cheers.

On the way back, the people were no longer as silent as when they came. They excitedly discussed the wooden bridge.

Selicis keenly felt that there was a bit of pride in their surprised tones...

On the west bank of the wooden bridge, Maximus was very satisfied after watching the completion and inspection of the entire wooden bridge: "Spukala, you did a good job. You really built this bridge in half a month." Wooden Bridge, you have completed the task assigned to you by the tribe very well!”

Spukala responded modestly: "Chief, even though the surface of the Sava River is twice as long as the Kupa River, the Segestika people are still very discerning. They chose this pontoon bridge. In this place, the water flow is very gentle, and the bridge construction conditions on the river bank and river bed are also very good, so we don’t need to worry about choosing a new bridge site and can start construction.

We have already had the experience of building a wooden bridge once, and we will only become more skilled in building it again. Moreover, most of the wood needed to build the bridge has been prepared, and there are also some Segostika carpenters to help, as well as Yuka Pitot provided us with all kinds of help at the rear, and it was natural for us to build the bridge in fifteen days. "

Maximus laughed and said: "Spukala, you are so humble! On this riverbank where the situation is not yet stable and does not fully belong to our Nix territory, you can still build a wooden bridge in such a short period of time. Whether it's Capito, you, or our many craftsmen, they have all put in a huge effort!

After the wooden bridge is built, we can invest more manpower on the east bank of the Sava River and make the other side of the river become our Nix territory faster. So this time the bridge construction team led by you has made a great contribution! Later, you can report the names of the craftsmen who have performed well. After my review and approval, they will be handed over to the Ministry of Personnel Affairs to record their merits! "

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