Although for players, the three body values ​​require a special mechanism to increase them.

But personal physical exercise is also extremely important.

During these days of continuous practice, Lin Qing deeply realized that exercising actually improves his control over his body.

Even if it is not reflected in the values ​​​​on the personal panel, the player's ability to control the body is also extremely important. Speed, strength and agility are just external manifestations of controlling the degree of body muscles.

For humans in modern civilization, the physical requirements are not that high.

But being in a dungeon world, which is equivalent to being in a competitive jungle, requires not only a smart mind, but also a higher level of physical fitness.

Lin Qing knew this very well, so at her request, she began to take Meng Qing and Lin Ning to do basic exercises.

Of course, she didn't forget about physical training.

Therefore, Lin Qing contacted Chen Jun that night and asked her for her opinion.

Chen Jun quickly responded to her, "Of course. I heard Qingfeng Zhan said that he was preparing a party, and I agreed to meet him. Let's meet and chat."

Lin Qing almost forgot about this matter.

When she returned to the real world, Lin Qing received an invitation from Qingfeng Zhan.

At that time, she originally planned to reply to her the next day, but she did not expect that the Flower Association incident happened, and Lin Qing did not have time to reply to him.

After the merger, I don’t know what will happen.

There are only a few dozen players left in their small area. Just like Qingfeng Zhan said, it doesn't matter if they meet at a gathering and discuss the next countermeasures.

Moreover, she was also curious about the important news Qingfeng Zhan said.

However, Lin Qing had a vague concern.

Just when she was hesitating about this matter, an unexpected person suddenly sent her a message.

"Hello, I am Ghost. You can also call me Bai You. Captain Jiang should have contacted you. I am the follow-up contact person responsible for the world gold coins and prop consumption compensation."

"Can you make a list? I'll prepare it first and see if there are any suitable supplementary props."

Lin Qing was instantly shocked.

After she came back, she tried it with Lin Ning. Players in different regional channels were temporarily unable to add friends and contact messages.

Originally, Lin Qing thought that this follow-up contact person might be the player he met after the zone was merged later.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a ghost in the same area as her.

Lin Qing saw her in the quicksand maze. She was a girl with long silver-gray hair.

Lin Qing was quite impressed by her.

Unexpectedly, it was actually related to the Special Security Bureau.

This is really surprising.

She thought for a while and replied: "Hello, Bai You. I used a prop worth 50 gold coins, plus a bomb quota of 5 gold coins. In addition, there is no loss of the prop."

Ghost: "Okay, you can hang up anything in the game world. I will transfer it to you later by taking an order from your personal mall. The amount of ammunition consumed can be converted into gold coins. However, I will probably open a player friend later." Which transfer system do you think is better?”

With gold coins in hand, I have the world.

Lin Qing's harvest in the dungeon world was quite rich. Although he consumed some of his ammunition in the restaurant, he still had enough ammunition.

In order to avoid too many daily dreams, Lin Qing of course chose to pay now.

Soon, Ghost's order popped up.

Lin Qing's number of world gold coins increased by 60 more.

With the rewards given by the prompt system, there are a total of 327 world gold coins.

She felt instantly rich again.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the real world, I can also earn world gold coins. At least there is one more way to obtain world gold coins.

However, at this time, Lin Qing had more questions.

What if players use high-end props and spend a lot of gold coins to solve tasks? This kind of loophole is obvious?

Lin Qing asked tactfully, and the ghost gave the answer:

"The Special Security Bureau will have specialized personnel to evaluate the difficulty of the task and give a certain range of gold coin consumption. If there are too many, there will be no overcompensation here."

Lin Qing sighed: "No wonder, everyone chooses high-end props, and the world gold coins consumed are too extravagant."

However, new problems also emerged.

There are also many players like Lin Qing. The Special Security Bureau can afford such a huge consumption of world gold coins. How do they collect it?

Ghost did not explain this issue, but said it was kept secret for now, so Lin Qing gave up on pursuing the matter.

After all, this matter has little to do with her.

What did the ghost think of? "If you have any props that need to be sold, you can also contact me. I can give you a very preferential price."

"Okay." Lin Qing agreed immediately.

After all, there are many friends and many paths, so it would be nice to have one more channel.

However, she has no current plans to sell the props.

Although she now has some on hand, some of the more functional props are only enough for her own use, or she can leave them to Lin Ning for his own use.

Even if there are several props with repeated functions, she has to think more about them.

After all, most props are not unlimited in use and will basically be scrapped after two or three uses.

Especially in emergencies, the advantages of multiple props will be apparent.

Regarding Lin Qing's rejection, Ghost didn't say much.

After the two chatted for a few more sentences, Lin Qing planned to log off, but Ghost unexpectedly mentioned Qingfengzhan.

"Three days later, it's the day Qingfengzhan plans to have a party. Will you go?"

Lin Qing keenly sensed the meaning of her words, "Are you going too?"

Ghost: "Well, the Special Security Bureau is not convenient to come forward for some things, so I need to coordinate. According to the Special Security Bureau, Qingfengzhan is a reliable player. If he can unite players, his ability is also quite good."

"After all, every time players merge, there will be a bloody storm. It's not a bad thing for us to prepare in advance."

Since he has Ghost's certification, Lin Qing thought about it and nodded, "Okay, so it's not bad for everyone to meet. But he said he would reveal a message, do you know what it is?"

Ghost responded: "I don't know about this. In fact, I don't know much. Survival games are ever-changing, and the experiences of different batches of players are not exactly the same. Even the top leaders of the Special Security Bureau don't fully understand survival games."

"Qingfengzhan may have some new discoveries." Ghost added at last.

After ending the chat, Lin Qing was thoughtful about the conversation just now.

What the ghost said should be true.

However, even the top officials of the Special Security Bureau do not fully understand the survival game. What does it mean?

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