Reality still looks normal, but one can sense the storm beneath the calm.

The night before Lin Qing planned to go to the agreed island, he received a message from Lu Yan.

“I have also received an invitation from the rich boss Qing Feng Zhan. Will you go?”

Lin Qing replied: “Yes, I will go too.”

Lu Yan responded happily: “Great. I feel relieved to have you here. I have said that you are a trustworthy boss in the channel. My mother is worried about my safety. Since the incident with my buddy last time, my mother has been scared, afraid that I would expose my identity as a player and be killed by others.”

“Although it is safe at home, I can’t even step out of the house. I am so bored now.”

Followed by a picture of a bored man looking at the sky, the background is a large villa, and there is a lush garden.

Lin Qing:.

She remembered that Lu Yan told her that he seemed to be a rich second generation.

Lu Yan immediately said, "By the way, rich boss, you are in Xia Country, right? I see that the beach that boss Qingfeng has booked is quite far away. We can go together. I have a direct flight here, which can save a lot of time."

Lin Qing refused.

"No, I'm quite close to this place. It only takes an hour to drive there."

"Okay," Lu Yan still looked quite regretful, "Then boss, let's see you tomorrow."

The place where Qingfengzhan agreed to meet is at the holiday beach southeast of Jiangning City.

It is a very mature holiday area with many adult tourists and tourist villas all over the mountains.

To be honest, Lin Qing has a bit of PTSD about words like islands.

After all, her first copy is an island.

If Chen Jun and Bai You were not going there, she would definitely consider it carefully.

Otherwise, gathering in such a place always feels like dancing in a sensitive place.

However, Lin Qing was still quite surprised about the location of this gathering.

It is so close to Jiangning City.

Could it be that Qingfengzhan is also from the vicinity of Jiangning City?

Early the next morning, she planned to drive to the island resort.

Lin Qing had already passed the driving test, and the car was newly bought two days ago.

Before she set off, she had already told Meng Qing and Lin Ning that it was a gathering of well-known players.

Lin Ning patted her chest and assured, "Don't worry, sister, I'll take care of the house. If there is any problem, I will definitely contact you or Captain Jiang."

Lin Qing nodded, "Okay, I'll leave the house to you."

Meng Qing said with worry in her eyes: "Qingqing, pay attention to safety too. Although they are all acquaintances, people's hearts are separated from their stomachs, and you can't guarantee what will happen."

During this period, although Jiangning City has been much calmer and no abnormal incidents have occurred.

However, the incident in the mall still left a big shadow on Meng Qing.

Although the live broadcast incident was suppressed, it caused an uproar on the Internet. Netizens speculated and said all kinds of bizarre statements.

Meng Qing had seen many similar incidents on her mobile phone intentionally or unintentionally, and was even more afraid of Lin Qing's actions at that time.

If anything goes wrong, it's unimaginable.

Lin Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, mom, I'll pay attention. The players who organized the party this time are more reliable and trustworthy. It's just an ordinary party, there won't be any danger."


An hour and a half later, Lin Qing drove to the agreed location shown on the map.

This is a mountainous area by the sea. In addition to the sound of waves hitting the shore and the beach, there are also dense mountain forests and vegetation.

After it was developed into a resort, many villas and courtyards were built in a scattered manner, hidden in the dense vegetation, with good privacy.

The place where she parked was a small courtyard in Western style, and a familiar person was standing at the gate.

A young man with a gentle and elegant face, wearing a white shirt, was standing at the door with his hands in his pockets.

Except for a better mental state, there was not much difference from the game.

After seeing her, Qingfengzhan came over, "Get rich!"

The two had met in the toy house world before, so Qingfengzhan knew her.

However, it was the first time they met in reality.

Lin Qing suddenly felt awkward, like netizens calling each other by their online names when meeting, "Just call me Lin Qing."

Qingfengzhan was stunned for a moment, then laughed heartily, "Okay, my real name is Li Qingfeng, but it's no different from my game name, just call me whatever you want."

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Lin Qing asked about the party members.

Just as Qingfengzhan said, he only invited a few familiar players.

In addition to her, there were Chen Jun, Bai You, Lu Yan, Yuan Pang, Black Storm, and a few players that Lin Qing was not familiar with.

Yuan Pang and Chen Jun had already arrived.

Yuan Pang came up and said, "Big rich man, take a rest first, the others will be here soon."

In the courtyard, there stood a wheat-colored young man, baring his white teeth and disdainfully saying to his companion, "This is just getting rich overnight, it doesn't look that great, not as strong as me."

Lin Qing's hearing improved a lot, but he still remembered the purpose of coming here today, so he just raised his eyebrows and pretended not to hear.

After all, this was not a game, and the atmosphere was not that tense.

However, these words also fell into Qingfeng Zhan's ears.

His face instantly turned cold and he gave him a warning look. The wheat-skinned young man snorted coldly and did not continue talking.

Chen Jun, dressed in casual clothes, greeted Lin Qing.

Lin Qing took advantage of the time to ask Chen Jun about the question of physical training.

Listening to Lin Qing's description, Chen Jun thought, "It sounds no different from the movements we practice martial arts, but since it is to complete the practice of the technique, it must be able to perform this set of movements perfectly. Let me see your movements first."

"Okay." Lin Qing agreed, and then made a few moves.

These days, she has been practicing hard, and she can perform well.

Chen Jun commented and corrected the inappropriateness of several of her movements.

"Well, it's not bad, but the chassis is a little unstable, and you need to practice hard. You can practice horse stance or military boxing in your daily life."

After being corrected, Lin Qing finally understood the gap between the movements in the book, and quickly integrated them and performed a part of the physical training method completely.

After this set of movements, her body meridians became more unobstructed, and she used them more skillfully and freely.

Soon, she was sweating all over.

Lin Qing stopped and was a little excited.

This kind of physical training in the game is not quite the same as in reality.

These movements are basically very simple, allowing players to learn them through practice, which is equivalent to brushing up their practice time.

That martial arts book is just a one-time item, and it has obtained the qualification to improve physical fitness.

Once she has completely learned this physical training method, she can get the 20 points and allocate physical fitness.

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