Lin Qingzheng and Chen Jun were chatting when they suddenly heard a helicopter rumble overhead.

Along with the noisy noise, Lin Qing saw the rope ladder of the helicopter being lowered, and a familiar figure poked out from the door and greeted Lin Qing below.

"Suddenly rich man, we finally meet again."

Lin Qing's eyes were shocked.

It’s actually Lu Yan!

He was wearing a very slutty white suit and shiny leather boots. His hair, which had been meticulously taken care of, was now as messy as thatch blown by the wind.

The helicopter stayed in the air, and he climbed down from the rope ladder to the small courtyard.

Suddenly, this sudden person couldn't help but attract everyone's attention.

"Who is this? I've seen rich people, but never such a coquettish one?"

The wheat-skinned young man just now began to discuss dissatisfiedly.

However, no one heard his words for a while, only paying attention to Lu Yan on the rope ladder.

It wasn't until Lu Yan landed completely in the courtyard, lost his footing and fell onto his butt that the helicopter retracted the rope ladder and flew away into the distance.

Lu Yan looked at it as if it was nothing, stood up with his hands on his butt, and greeted the players in the courtyard, "Hey, it seems that everyone is here, so I am not too late."

"It's not too late, it's just the right time."

Qingfeng Zhan walked over and looked at his butt hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Lu Yanxiang Ruowei waved his hand, turned around and walked towards Lin Qing and Chen Jun with a grin on his face.

However, the way he appeared was hard not to remember.

He sat down opposite Lin Qing and instantly cried, "Oh, my butt."

Lin Qing was almost amused, "Your way of showing up is quite unique."

Lu Yan poured himself a drink, "Don't mention it. After I went back, my mother ordered me to be locked up and hired a coach for full-closed survival training. If this excuse hadn't come out, I would have really wanted to do it. Great luck."

"I didn't choose this way of playing. If I didn't climb down the rope ladder, the coach would throw me into the sea. My legs are still weak now."

He knocked on his leg and looked around, only to find that there was a woman with sharp eyebrows next to Lin Qing. She had short hair and was dressed very handsomely.

"Who is this?"

"This is the military general Chen Jun." Lin Qing took over the conversation with a smile and introduced to Chen Jun: "This is Lu Yan. The name of the game is one mouthful of food and one mouthful of water."

Chen Jun nodded to him, and Lu Yan scratched his head and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be a military commander, and you are here. Hahahaha, the real person is different from what I imagined."

While on the channel, Chen Jun also spoke a lot under the name of military commanders.

Most people think that a military commander is a man, and few people associate this title with a girl.

On the contrary, Chen Jun looked like he was used to this scene.

The viewing courtyard facing the sea, with the sparkling sea in the distance and the emerald green color nearby, accompanied by the leisurely sea breeze, is really a good place for a vacation if it is not a gathering of survival game players.

Soon, Ghost and others also arrived one after another, and basically everyone at the party had arrived.

In this gathering, most of the top ten players on the channel were basically included.

The first is Lin Qing, the second is Qingfeng Zhan, the third is Ghost, the fifth is General, the seventeenth is Yuan Pang, and the twenty-third is a mouthful of food and a mouthful of water.

Qingfeng Zhan did not conceal the greetings. After briefly introducing everyone's identities, he directly stated the purpose of this gathering.

"Recently, you should have seen the strange things happening all over the world from the news. Especially the recent player live broadcast in Jiangning City was a bloody scene. I heard that if it weren't for another powerful player Now, even the Special Security Bureau is helpless."

"Although I am reluctant to admit it, the force that pulls us into the survival game has clearly invaded reality. Even though the Special Security Bureau is an officially established organization, there are places where it is obviously beyond its reach. That means that this kind of It’s very powerful and a very terrifying existence.”

Hearing this, everyone present looked solemn.

What Qingfeng Zhan said was correct.

Whether in the real world or in the copy behind the door, they are facing a very powerful enemy.

"But the reason why I invited everyone here today is actually because of another matter."

Hearing this, everyone's spirits were shaken.

After all, that's what they came for.

Qingfeng Zhan did not talk about this matter in the channel, but invited trustworthy players, which shows that the importance of this matter is self-evident.

"The live broadcast of the Flower Association in Jiangning City proves the existence of another hidden rule in the dungeon. This kind of lunatic believes in a certain god in the dungeon game, and those so-called "gods" are very willing to attract players to join, and even Willing to cooperate with players. Players can cooperate with them to survive, but they will also be affected accordingly.”

"And there is more than one such god. They will use various methods to confuse players to achieve their own goals. However, I would like to advise everyone, unless it is the most critical time, you must carefully choose the person you are attached to. "

"Some of them are strong and weak, some are good and some are bad, which requires calm thinking and judgment. Even the "gods" who are on the good side may have some irreversible impact on the players."

Lin Qing looked at the ghost thoughtfully.

Captain Jiang did not remind her of this.

Is it that the Special Security Bureau deliberately concealed it, or is there another reason?

However, Ghost still looked calm, and it seemed that this sentence did not cause any fluctuations.

However, if she did not know, she would definitely be a little surprised.

A girl stood up unconvinced, "Although you are the boss of Qingfeng, I want to ask, the so-called "god" you mentioned, is it possible that it is the boss monster in those games?"

"What is your intention to persuade us to cooperate with such monsters? This is all news that even the Special Security Bureau has not disclosed. Where did you get it from?"

Qingfeng Zhan seemed to have expected that his words would cause an uproar.

So he patiently explained, "I have nothing to say about the source of the news. Although I don't know why the Special Security Bureau deliberately concealed this information, I don't know the truth. However, I am just sharing a suggestion with everyone. As for whether it is useful or not, you still need to judge for yourself."

"As for why I don't want to share this news on the channel, I specially selected the candidates for the meeting, just because I don't want to be used by those with ulterior motives."

Qingfeng Zhan's news is indeed correct.

According to Lin Qing's experience, the strange player and the black mamba he met in the hell maze clearly seemed to believe in some kind of god.

If Lin Mo was also considered one, Lin Qing had indeed been forced to cooperate with her.

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