After thinking for a long time, Lin Qing's eyes swept over the man standing next to her.

During this period, Quincy had been waiting, and did not urge Lin Qing anxiously, obviously very patient.

Although this demon showed her unparalleled sincerity, Lin Qing did not trust him much.

After all, this is a demon.

He seemed to be very familiar with the dungeon world. Not only did he know some "common sense" that even players did not know, but he also kindly told her the location of the treasure room.

He looked gentle and harmless, and had not shown any danger until now.

But in Lin Qing's view, no one would be good to another person for no reason, and the same was true for guys like demons who were good at profit.

Her eyes fell on the silver treasure chest that had just been opened, and she saw what was inside.

Lin Qing frowned slightly.

The things here did not seem to be as abundant as those in the copper treasure chest.

At least in the copper treasure chest that Lin Qing had opened, there would be room upgrade materials, props and weapons, and the supplies were relatively abundant.

Could it be that the high-level treasure chests had regressed?

Lin Qing leaned over and took out several items from the dungeon.

However, when she looked at the brief descriptions of these items, her eyes lit up.

The first item was a scroll-like collection plan, which explained in detail the collection rules of the dungeon world.

The dungeon owner can collect materials from the dungeon, but because the dungeon level is limited, there will be a certain limit.

When a dungeon has forests, mountains, and mining areas, the dungeon owner can reasonably mine and smelt them into room upgrade materials, which can become his own private property.

Of course, when players break into the dungeon world, such places will also be open to them, and players can also explore and mine.

Under the restrictions of the rules, the dungeon owner can reasonably expel and interfere, but it may also affect the settlement of dungeon management rewards.

Because the dungeon management reward is a fixed reward settlement, it means that there will be a stable world gold coin income, as well as an accompanying management treasure chest.

Although Lin Qing doesn't know what is in the management treasure chest now, it seems that the rewards for operating the dungeon should be considerable.

In this case, it may not be cost-effective just for room upgrade materials.

Lin Qing put away the scroll and then checked the second item.

When she saw the name, she was even more shocked than the first mining plan.

This turned out to be an invitation letter for the qualification of a prop master.

It read:

Dear player, congratulations on receiving this invitation letter, which means that you will be eligible to compete for the identity of a prop master and have touched the threshold of a prop master.

However, to become a prop master, you need three copies of the document. That is, the player's prop invitation letter, the master's inheritance letter, and the survival game's certification.

Different masters' inheritance letters will mean that you can make props of different qualities and different types, so please use your prop master qualification invitation letter with caution.

PS: The Prop Master Association left

These simple lines of words caused a turbulent shock in Lin Qing's heart.

Although the props she had obtained before also introduced the makers.

She also suspected that the props in the treasure chest, although randomly dropped, might also be made by people.

The invitation letter in front of her undoubtedly gave her a definite answer.

She calmed down for a while, and then she realized that the copy world she had touched before was just a tip of the iceberg.

Now it seems that she has only touched some truths.

The copy owner, the coinage right, the copy world mining certificate, and the current prop master invitation letter.

Every time Lin Qing felt that she had learned this part of the information and felt that she had touched some of the truth of the copy world, the appearance of new information would shock her eyes again.

Although there are only two items in this silver treasure chest, whether it is the copy world mining certificate or the prop master invitation letter, especially the last one, it is enough to prove the preciousness of the silver treasure chest.

No wonder it is a treasure chest that can only be obtained after inheriting the copy world.

In this way, no wonder no player has ever obtained it before.

However, after putting away these two items, Lin Qing felt a little worried.

The news that she obtained the silver treasure chest has been spread by the game system.

If someone gets the silver treasure chest again, won’t they know how precious it is and know that the player has a copy?

Then the game will undoubtedly put her in the target of public criticism.

If only the first player is still notified, and the players behind can hide, she will undoubtedly be in danger when the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing was furious.

This is obviously the system's malicious intent against the players.

However, at this moment, another notification message came from the world channel.

Compared with Lin Qing's world notification, this notification looks like a scrolling banner, much simpler, and there is no reward.

[Daily treasure chest notification in the world channel: Congratulations to player ID (Golden Sun) for getting a silver treasure chest! ]

When seeing this, Lin Qing noticed that the act of getting a treasure chest has obviously become a daily notification in the game.

Could it be that if you get a silver treasure chest, it will be scrolled on the public screen?

If this is the case, Lin Qing is still a little comforted, at least she is not the only unlucky person who has been made public.

Lin Qing opened the chat and saw that the world channel had also turned to discussing this matter.

"What's going on? Someone else got a silver treasure chest?"

"Why did the system report it again? Could it be that getting a silver treasure chest has become a daily report? Is this normal?"

"I'm a little curious. The things in the copper treasure chest alone are already very tempting. So what are the things in this new treasure chest? It feels like it will be more valuable."

"Who knows? These two people didn't speak or explain. They must be making a fortune in silence."

"Am I the only one who noticed it? This Golden Sun is the third-ranked boss. He got rich overnight. Now The ranking has risen to fifth place. Currently, only the two top ten bosses have obtained this treasure chest. It seems that it is quite difficult to obtain this treasure chest. "

"It is hard to say now because the number is too small, but the guardian boss next to the copper treasure chest alone is a headache. According to the system's response, this silver treasure chest is obviously more valuable, which seems to be in line with the actual situation. "

"Who said it is not true? Some people survived in the dungeon world, while others easily obtained the treasure chest. It is really annoying that even a game divides people into different levels! "

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