Lin Qing took a quick glance and paused on the interface for a while.

It seems that this player also chose to conceal the information in the same way.

However, it is true that the qualification to obtain the silver treasure chest is a game secret. In addition to the speech prohibited by the game, even those who want to spread this news have to weigh the importance of this news.

It’s a pity that I don’t know in which copy this player obtained it.

However, at this time, a player named "Cai Ji Yao Duo Lian" jumped out and angrily accused Jinse Lieyang.

"Damn it, everyone should avoid a guy named Jinse Lieyang. Although this person’s name looks decent and his ranking is quite high, he is actually a villain. We teamed up together to explore the underground base, but this person was not righteous. At the critical moment when we were fighting the boss, he ran into the mission secret room by himself."

"I didn’t expect that there was a silver box hidden in it. This person must have known that there was something there, so he deliberately slipped away from us and took advantage of the chaos to take advantage of it!"

Among the many discussions, there is no doubt that only this one has aroused heat and aroused the interest of players in discussion.

"Yohoo, eat melons. What's going on!"

"There was a big problem with the second silver treasure chest. I said that the treasure chest was not easy to get, and now someone jumped out to testify."

"I don't know the whole story, so I won't comment. Let's see how things develop."

"Golden Lieyang is the boss of our district. I have teamed up with him before. He seems to be a good person. Did the above person misunderstand?"

"Me too. Golden Lieyang saved me in the dungeon. Could it be a mistake?"

"Can the host explain what happened in detail? He came up to avoid the thunder and accuse him. Could it be that the boss just wanted to launch a sneak attack on the boss and accidentally triggered the box?"

"Haha, the above person is all Golden Lieyang's leg hair, or his friends who spoke for him! I saw it clearly, we all We were desperately fighting monsters, trying to eliminate a wave of monsters and push to the last place, but this person took the opportunity to rush in. If he hadn't known that there was something inside, would he be willing to go? "

"Yes, if this person hadn't taken advantage of the chaos to go in, after we finished fighting these Zerg monsters, there would be at least one share of the treasure chest inside. As for all the treasures that this person embezzled!"

"I can also prove that this person seems to have some props, avoiding a lot of dangers, and also led us to find the place where the treasure chest was hidden. Obviously he knew there was something inside, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten the silver box so quickly."

"I think you just think that the uneven distribution of spoils leads to unfairness, and you are jealous of others' rewards."

"In this case, those who are capable will get it. Besides, as mentioned above, Golden Flame is willing to lead you to avoid so many dangers. Risk, it's already quite righteous. Now you are so anxious to grope in the dark, aren't you just like the ID of the OP, you are all rookies, you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Practice more, so as not to make people here jealous. "

"I also feel that it's not good to listen to one side of the story. Can't Golden Flame come out to clarify? What's the situation, come out and explain it. "

"Hehe, this guy is just a coward. There are more than a dozen players in our underground base, and now no player is willing to stand up and speak for him. Doesn't this prove the truth? "

"What do you say? Golden Sun is still alive and well, and he has got the treasure chest. You won't get any results if you jump here. The players behind are still flocking to this kind of big players. "

"Agree with the above, follow the big players It can still improve the survival rate. Although I don't know why Golden Lieyang did this, he obviously has his reasons. Besides, you have already said that there are still many players in the dungeon world, which proves that the loss is not great. Doesn't this just prove that Golden Lieyang is correct in leading the team? "

"Let me interject, the person above is stupid, can't you understand the above line of sarcasm?"

"I can't help it. Since entering the underground base dungeon, everyone has followed Golden Lieyang. For such a long time, we have avoided many rooms with Zerg traps. Players who step into such places are definitely looking for death. They should still speak with conscience."

"Hehe, we have explored for such a long time, and we have explored such a long way for him. Even if he is a big boss, what's wrong? Do we need to take sides to curry favor with him?"

"Yes, yes, everyone is working hard to kill monsters, which also reduces his burden. Everyone has consumed so many weapons and ammunition, and now he has taken all the benefits, and he is still silent, not even saying a word. What's wrong with us complaining a little? "

"To be fair, although most people are attacking Golden Sun, it seems more like they are using moral pressure to force others to share supplies with you. Supplies in the dungeon world are obtained by ability, and even in a team, they have to be divided according to the amount of effort. Now it seems like Golden Sun is helping a group of ungrateful people."

"You are talking without any worries, right? It didn't happen to you, so you are not angry at all. When it comes to you, you may jump higher than anyone else."

"Alas, I am also worried about the situation of teaming up. If weak players team up with strong players, although some dangers can be avoided, it is obvious that most of the treasure chests and supplies will be occupied by the strong players. If he is a ruthless person, he may even search our supplies. "

"Yes, yes, it's really hard for us weak players. There are risks if we form a team, and there are dangers if we don't. Besides, the gap between players is so big now that we don't even have much chance to breathe."

"Hehe, the above two statements are both what you want, there is no such thing as having the best of both worlds. If you can have a strong and responsible player as a teammate, you can avoid a lot of dangers, which is already very good for weak players, at least you won't lose your life. Of course, there are special cases, and if you are unlucky and have an irresponsible teammate, it is also bad luck. ”

“I agree with the above. I was afraid to explore before, which caused me to be left behind. But since everyone has survived until now, even the weakest players should be able to survive. If you don’t like being monopolized by powerful players, then don’t form a team and explore on your own. Aren’t all the resources you find yours?”

“Everyone stop arguing. Isn’t the reason still the problem of this survival game? Everyone calm down now. As long as you survive, you will have a chance to get treasure chests in the next world.”

“Get out of here, you peacemaker! Who wants to listen to you talking nonsense here! @Golden Sun, come out and share our supplies quickly, otherwise, we will all break into the mission secret room!”

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