"Okay, thank you, I'll pay attention."

When she saw this sentence, Lin Qing was really shocked.

She can basically upgrade a room level in one world now, and she is considered one of the fastest players in the channel to upgrade.

She originally thought that the higher the upgrade level of the room, the safer it would be, but she didn't expect Qingfeng Zhan to bring her such explosive news.

Considering the situation in these two worlds, the news about Qingfeng Zhan is not groundless.

If this is the case, as the room level increases, Lin Qing will also usher in a more difficult world.

There is a trace of rationality hidden in this sheer unbelievability.

Sure enough, this game will not allow players to pass the copy very comfortably.

"One more thing, that is to say, in some worlds behind the door, if you fail the dungeon mission, the room may be downgraded. My dungeon this time is in a cloud world, and the mission is relatively easy to complete, but if it really If it is not completed, it will still cause a lot of trouble, so I would like to remind you.”

This message from Qingfeng Zhan directly shocked Lin Qing's heart.

Although she was used to some things in survival games, she still couldn't help but be surprised by such vicious consequences.

The consequences of this damage will directly bring the player back to before liberation.

Lin Qing also talked about her side of the survival world and gave him reference opinions. The two exchanged information and then ended the chat.

Although the chat with him was over, Lin Qing still couldn't calm down for a long time.

"It seems that I have to try my best to go to the world missions behind the door in the future. It would be great if there is a condition that if I fail to complete the mission, I will die. Even if the player stays in the room, he may not know how he died. "

Thinking of this, Lin Qing sighed in her heart.

Although she has a prompt system in hand, she cannot say that it is foolproof in the dungeon world.

After Qingfeng Zhan's reminder, even hiding in the room was no longer a completely safe option.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing's eyes fell on the opened world channel. The channel was also extremely lively at this time, and there were even some beggars, telling their miserable experiences, and finally begging for food and props.

Lin Qing originally thought this was just a show, but he didn't expect that there were actually good people willing to donate their supplies.

It seems that although players have been tortured by the game, there are still many good people.

But it’s not easy to be a good guy in a survival game.

Some people even blamed themselves for the small amount of donated materials, and directly started arguing with the donors in the channel. It was obvious that the donors were very helpless.

This kind of thing cannot be evaluated subjectively, and Lin Qing quickly brushed it off.

However, in the next second, Lin Qing saw an important message, a player was sharing his experience.

"Family members, I'm completely speechless. I didn't expect that in some worlds behind the door, props would be damaged randomly. This is so shameless. Those were the survival props I finally got by opening the treasure box, but they were all destroyed by a simple rule. , This is simply unreasonable!”

"Damn it! Are you so shameless? How many props are there in your backpack? How many are damaged?"

"There are ten props in total, two C-level items in total, and one A-level item. Especially the A-level item. It can be said to be a life-saving item. I didn't expect it to be damaged by such a simple word. It just breaks my heart.”

"My condolences, sir. You only have three items. I have seven items, but five of them were directly damaged in one world, leaving only two small pieces of junk for me. At that time, I felt like the sky was about to fall."

"Ah, why haven't I encountered this situation in the channel before? You are not exaggerating."

"Who is willing to tell lies this time? These are all true. Why would I use my own props to curse? Isn't this just a waste of time? I am just posting this to remind everyone."

"I want to ask the poster, what is the world you have experienced? Can you give me some reference?"

"It feels random and has little reference. The world I experience is a gravity world, which is about ten times the gravity of our blue star."

"My experience is different from that of the original poster. It is a drifting world, where a raft floats in the water with the current."

"You two are the only ones in the channel who have encountered this kind of world. Even if you exclude some divers, the probability of this is not high, otherwise someone would have complained. It's just a matter of luck."

"Well, it's really worse for this unlucky guy. I think with my unlucky attributes, this kind of weird condition will come to me sooner or later."

"Bah, bah, bah, don't say depressing words upstairs, come on! The magnetic field of luck still needs to be maintained with a positive attitude. Do you want to use tarot cards to divine it? It only costs one gold coin. If it really comes out, you It’s okay if you don’t leave the room.”

"The corners of my lips that were originally raised were lowered just halfway. I thought he was a good person, but I didn't expect that he was actually a fortune teller. Farewell, I don't believe this. No matter how unlucky I am, I only believe in myself. strength.”

"Speaking of which, are there any other weird conditions? I'm going to take a notebook and write them down so I don't forget them."

"It's useless to remember. There are times in your life that you must have, but there are no times in your life. Don't force it. If you remember this, you may encounter that, or you may die when you go out. Just be careful and live one day at a time."

When Lin Qing saw this discussion, his heart skipped a beat.

This is even more terrifying than what Qingfeng Zhan said about the room level dropping if the mission is not completed.

The random damage to her hard-earned fortune almost made Lin Qing vomit blood and die.

She had previously experienced a world with limited item numbers, and she thought it was just a special dungeon.

Unexpectedly, the survival game has changed a lot of tricks.

The random damage of items is obviously aimed at players with many items. Whether it is a certain number or a fixed probability of damage, it is very distressing.

Counting these two methods, if the dungeon only limits the number of items, it is a very mild method.

Looking at the game players below cursing the survival game system crazily, Lin Qing also followed suit and cursed, and shared her previous experience.

"Not only is the item damaged, but there will also be item restrictions, which means that a fixed number of items will be limited in a dungeon world, which requires the player's ability to select items. I hope everyone will pay attention to it."

After she sent it out, she immediately received a response.

"It turns out that he is a big shot who got rich overnight. It turns out that he has also encountered such an outrageous thing. We are in the same boat."

"Thank you for sharing!"

"I didn't expect that even a powerful player like him who got rich overnight couldn't escape. It seems that this survival system is indeed random. Very good, I have balanced it."

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