The topic of prop damage and prop limitation has caused a lot of discussion in the channel.

Some players even began to actively discuss how to deal with the two situations.

As for what she encountered in the mysterious world, Lin Qing thought about it but didn't go into details.

Although the channel seemed harmonious, it was unknown whether anyone would be bound by the so-called gods. Lin Qing decided to put it on hold before finding out the attitudes of these guys.

In the real world, Qingfengzhan took them to a meeting and reminded them of this matter.

It’s possible that other high-level players didn’t notice it.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing tilted her head back and sighed: "Ah, it's really difficult."

"If there was an alliance that could be added to the real game, now even players would be suspicious of each other."

When Lin Qing finished sighing and planned to go back to the room to rest, Lin Ning's dialog box finally popped up:

"Ah ah ah ah sister, I finally came out of that damn world."

Seeing this news, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, "Ning Ning, what's going on? Are you in danger?"

Lin Ning said: "Wow, wow, yes, I entered a mushroom world, and then turned into a fighting mushroom. I can't see the message on the bracelet, and I almost can't come back."

Lin Qing: "Mushroom World?"

Lin Ning: "Yes, sister, it's like a colorful fairy tale world there. The world is made up of various different types of mushrooms. And there is also a man in black clothes who appears among us players, claiming to be The dungeon master will give us a mission to see who can survive to the end in front of a group of vicious mushrooms. Ahhhh, I hate spores the most now, those things are so difficult to fight."

After listening to Lin Ning's words, Lin Qing knew that the world of survival was definitely not as easy as she said. "I rub my head. Congratulations to Ning Ning for surviving to the end. Let me know what delicious food you want to eat. Chef Bear can make it."

Lin Ning: "I want to eat potato flour! I need some fast food to fill my stomach at this time!"

Lin Qing: "No problem!"

She remembered that when she opened the treasure chest, she also found half a box of instant potato flour, which she could make right away.

While chatting with Lin Ning, Lin Qing also talked about the mysterious situations he encountered in this world, while cooking a casserole of potato flour, and instantly the fresh fragrance of potato flour floated in the room.

"This kind of world is really difficult to deal with. Fortunately, sister, your level is high, otherwise it would be too dangerous."

Lin Ning also looked worried.

Lin Qing nodded, "That's right. Have you used the upgrade materials I gave you last time? Upgrade as soon as possible. At least it will be safe. By the way, do you still have more gold coins in the world? There are gold coin restrictions everywhere here. , come to me if you need it.”

Lin Ning: "okk sister!"

The two finished chatting, and the potato flour casserole in the pot was cooked.

Lin Qing didn't forget to cook one for herself, just in time for a midnight snack.

After all, in the survival world, a fat person has a better chance of survival than a thin person. A tall and strong body is more convincing than a thin body.

Of course, Lin Qing did not forget to give Lin Ning the semi-finished product of potato flour casserole and some pasta made by Little Bear. Anyway, these can be placed in the space backpack, kept warm and cold, and can be eaten at any time, and they will not go bad if stored for a long time.

In addition, Lin Qing did not forget to give Lu Yan a copy of the past. After all, this guy was thinking about himself, so he didn't make a mistake.

Lu Yan received the message: "Ah ah ah thank you, boss! I'll give you one!!!"

Lin Qing:.

Lu Yan's behavior has always been exaggerated, and she is used to it.

At this time, Quincy's voice also came from the black sapphire dial:

"Master, your instructions have been completed. Now you can come and get the money bag."


Lin Qing nodded, and then took out a crystal clear ball from his space backpack.

After being reminded by Quincy, Lin Qing discovered the world stone placed in the space backpack, which could communicate with the replica world.

As the master of the dungeon world, she can put her consciousness into the ball to achieve the purpose of communicating with the characters in the dungeon world.

You can also exchange some supplies with Quincy inside.

Although Lin Qing feels that this kind of consciousness is a very mysterious thing, she is already in the game world, and she is still struggling with bicycles.

She placed her palm on the crystal ball, and a strong suction force instantly condensed inside it, wrapping herself in it.

Now, Lin Qing's "soul" seems to be in a dark world, with only a few green water droplets existing.

When she looked over, she was immediately attracted to this drop of water.

When Lin Qing opened her eyes again, she had come to the world in the water droplets. The green fields were the green fields, the gray ones were the swamp valleys, and the wind in the sky made her soul feel like a free-flying bird.

Lin Qing raised her hand and looked at her state. She seemed to be somewhere between tangible and intangible. She instantly understood that this should be the so-called conscious state.

"Wow, cool!"

After feeling where Quincy was, Lin Qing followed his breath and came to an open space.

Here, gray stones were built to look like an altar, surrounded by twelve sacred pillars. It looked like a gathering place for some crazy believers.

When she saw the bag of gold coins, countless sacrifices, and the familiar butler in black uniform standing aside, Lin Qing's heart finally died.

She covered her eyes, somewhat unaware of the demon in front of her and the kowtowing believers not far away.

Quincy seemed to sense Lin Qing's arrival, put his left hand on his chest, knelt on one knee and said: "My master, you are finally back!"

Lin Qing:.

She looked at the crazy believers not far away like a petrified person, calling for the arrival of the "Blue-Black God" while kneeling down and crying, looking extremely excited.

Then waited for Lin Qing to accept their tribute - the bag of gold coins.

Lin Qing pointed at himself with his index finger and asked the demon: "What is the Blue-Black God? If I understand correctly, are you talking about me?"

Quincy still knelt on one knee, smiling: "Yes, of course it is you, my great master~ This is the great honorable name I gave you - Blue-Black God."

It sounds a bit like some kind of fake, Lin Qing subconsciously complained: "You might as well omit the two words in the middle and just call me Blue God."

The demon thought for a while, "This sounds a lot simpler, it can be improved, or it can be abbreviated."

Lin Qing looked at the sky speechlessly, she pressed her throbbing temples, listened to the crazy voices of the complex and orderly believers, and felt that she could squeeze onto the altar in the next second--

She finally realized that it was a mistake to let the devil manage this world.

This guy's crazy mental state is 10,000 years ahead of humans

The last time she was so embarrassed that her toes were digging the ground was when she was speaking on the podium in elementary school.

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