Lin Qing's heart suddenly jumped hard.

I saw a head emerging from the steel door that was torn open by the giant insect's claws.

It was a strange-looking black bug that seemed to be more than one meter tall.

Its narrow head was in the shape of an inverted triangle, covered with fine scales, but it seemed to absorb all the light.

In particular, a pair of dense black compound eyes showed a mysterious squirm when scanning the corridor environment, as if they did not want to miss any detail.

"Hiss, hiss..."

When the insect saw Lin Qing, it did not open its mouth, but the vibrations in its abdomen made it scream rhythmically, indicating that it was about to attack.

The corridor was narrow, and Lin Qing was leaning against the far wall.

Now that the bug had discovered her, she didn't hesitate to shoot, directly at the exposed head.

Bang bang bang bang!

The insect reacted quickly, its head changed in some way, and the scales on the side of its neck stood up, blocking the bullets.

As the bullets fell to the floor one by one, making a metallic clang sound, none of the bullets harmed the bugs.

Lin Qing's heart suddenly sank.

This means the bug is intelligent.

Without hesitation, she pressed the remote control under her hand and immediately launched plan B.


As the remote-controlled bomb placed under the door exploded, a loud noise was heard instantly. Even Lin Qing was so close that his ears rang for a moment.

"It seems that this bomb is quite powerful, and I was a little careless."

Lin Qing smiled bitterly.

As the faint buzzing in her ear canals subsided, she shook her head, trying to get rid of the discomfort, and at the same time clearly saw the results of the explosion at the scene.

The bombs she placed under the steel door had completely blown the door open, revealing a damaged hole.

As for the slender black insect, half of its head and a segment of its limbs were blown off, revealing its tumbling flesh and blood, dripping with red blood.

What surprised Lin Qing was that even in this situation, it still did not die. It struggled to stand up from the ground and wanted to attack the intruder.

Lin Qing was a little surprised.

Even though half of their head was knocked off by the iron piece, they still had the consciousness to fight back. This Zerg race is really powerful.

She raised the submachine gun in her hand and shot at the insect's head and heart. She breathed a sigh of relief when the corpse showed no nerve reflexes.

After this battle, Lin Qing was thoughtful.

It seems that this kind of bug can still be eliminated with conventional weapons, and it should be easy to deal with it properly.

"But, is this the strength of the Zerg race?"

Lin Qing asked and answered: "Or, this is not the only kind of bug that exists in the space station."

She looked at the hole that had been blown up. It was completely dark inside. She wondered if there would be any other dangers.

Lin Qing took out a glowing lighting rod from his space backpack and threw it in, instantly illuminating everything in front of him.

It was filled with sticky, fishy-smelling mucus, which was wet and smeared on the walls and floors. It looked like a nest made by some kind of creature.

Lin Qing: What a talent to be able to remember the person who hid the treasure box here.

Although she doesn't have much of a mysophobia, this place still has a creepy and cold feeling.

If it weren't for the system's prompts, not many players would be willing to set foot in this kind of place.

But for Lin Qing, at least there is a black stone treasure chest here.

For the props and resources inside, she could only grit her teeth and walk inside.

The light of a portable flashlight illuminated the path ahead.

When Lin Qing walked in, she realized that the staff's cabin was very large, at least larger than the room when she first arrived.

But because of the fishy smell filled with mucus and the occasional scattered insect sloughs, people always have an ominous premonition.

It looks like a one-bedroom, one-living room suite with a huge sightseeing porthole, but it is now closed and has been infested by bugs, making it look extremely miserable.

Soon, Lin Qing found the black stone treasure box the system mentioned in the bedroom.

The moment the treasure box is put away.

She left immediately and never stopped.

However, just as she rushed out of the door, she suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the ventilation duct above her head.

It was as if some kind of creature was rushing over from a distance in the ventilated iron passage.

Lin Qing still didn't choose to stay. She already got what she wanted and didn't have to deal with these monsters.

After being away from the area, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Now she is still in unfamiliar territory.

Lin Qing found a sign on the wall, indicating that after turning this corner, he would be near the canteen.

She calmly analyzed the current situation, "Now that I have the treasure chest, I should go to the weapons depot now, but this space station looks quite big. Where can I find the location?"

At this moment, a surveillance camera at the corner suddenly lit up for a moment, and the voice of artificial intelligence came from again.

"Dear logger, it seems you have a new question. Do you want me to answer it?"

It was the voice of the intelligent system named Barbara.

Lin Qing understood the source of the sound and looked at the flashing red-eye camera on the corner.

As an intelligent system on the space station, it seems to know everything wherever Barbara takes over.

Including Lin Qing's confrontation with the insect and his counterattack.

She thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I want to go to the weapons depot here now. Can you give me any advice?"

Hearing Lin Qing's voice, Barbara quickly answered: "Of course, dear lander, we are now searching for a suitable route based on your location."

"The best matching route has been completed. You can go to the canteen first. There is a display screen there. I can call it to show you the best route."

"Of course, you can also follow my instructions, but Barbara can only communicate with you in places with cameras. If the camera is damaged or the road section is missing, you may lose contact with me."

After saying this, the intelligent system did not speak again, as if waiting for Lin Qing's decision.

Lin Qing smiled and said: "Since you have suggested it, I will go to receive the map. After all, as you said, if the connection is broken, I will go the wrong way again, but the gain will not outweigh the loss."

"Thank you for your trust." Barbara said.

Lin Qing raised her foot and walked along the sign of the canteen.

During this period, it seemed that she was the only one in this area. Except for the occasional flashing lights, it was like a silent cemetery.

However, Lin Qing did not have much trust in Barbara.

After all, this was a space station system she had just met, and it was so warm and hospitable, so she always felt that something was amiss.

And based on the information she knew now, she didn't know what was going on here, or what position this artificial intelligence was in.

So she temporarily followed Barbara's advice and waited and saw what would happen.

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