Soon, Lin Qing arrived at the door of the so-called canteen.

It looks like a specially built small square, and there is even a mechanically controlled fountain that changes into various patterns from time to time.

In addition to the canteen, there seems to be a department store, a cinema, and several entertainment venues. It looks like a place for relaxation and leisure.

As for the big screen that Barbara mentioned, Lin Qing also saw it.

It is an electronic screen about three meters long and more than two meters wide. It is posted on the opposite side of the square and looks like some kind of fancy outdoor advertisement.

After Lin Qing arrived, the dark electronic screen lit up for a moment.

It seems to be powered on, and then a bright blue map covers the entire plane.

Lin Qing saw the dense markings on it, as well as eye-catching passages and tiny red dots.

Especially near her, the dots seemed to be clustered together.

I don't know if this topographic map is useful now.

In addition to writing it down in his head, Lin Qing also took a photo for backup.

However, at this moment, the alarm in her head suddenly went off. She didn't know why, but she always felt that something was abnormal here.

She looked sharply and asked, "Barbara, what are those red dots near me?"

A voice came from the smart sweeping robot one meter away, "Dear lander, the red dot represents bugs, the blue dot represents you, and the green dot is the location of the weapons depot you want to go to."

Upon hearing this explanation, Lin Qing immediately exploded.

"Holy shit! Are you saying these dense red dots are all bugs?"

Lin Qing finally knew where this strange feeling came from. It came from the dark glass of the restaurant. No wonder she felt like there was someone. It turned out that these damn bugs were gathered here!

"Damn it, Barbara, you won't hurt me!"

As the glass of the restaurant wall shattered, a hissing sound came from the darkness, it was a swarm of bugs.

After Lin Qing realized what happened, he ran away again!

"Dear lander, of course I will not harm you. My task is to guide the lander to adapt to the environment."

Lin Qing ran through a long corridor, and Barbara's voice came from the camera on the wall.

After hearing this, Lin Qing almost laughed out of anger at this guy.

She asked while running: "Okay, okay, you said this was unintentional, right? Then how do you explain, where did these bugs in the space station come from?"

Lin Qing knew that Barbara could certainly hear it, so she shouted directly into the air.

Sure enough, when she ran to a separate corridor porthole, she heard a voice coming from a panel on the wall.

"An accident happened here. The biohazard was leaked, causing the Zerg's contaminating genes to spread. Basically, all the experimenters in the space station became bugs."

"The bug you just killed and the eyes you saw in the square were all transformed by the experimenters here."

Unexpectedly, Barbara directly revealed the secret of the space station.

Lin Qing was also a little surprised.

She stopped running. She was already some distance away from the small square. Since she got rid of them, there should be no problem now.

But Barbara revealed a shocking secret to her, and Lin Qing still couldn't recover.

I didn't expect it to be a human being transformed into a bug.

She had mixed feelings in her heart for a moment.

But that weird distortion has no human characteristics at all, and only the hunting instinct controls it.

"It" is completely a bug.

Since Barbara was so easy to talk to, Lin Qing continued to ask, "How did this kind of leak happen? And who led all of this."

But this time, Barbara did not respond to her, "I'm sorry, this question is a high-level secret. With your current ability, I can't answer it for you."

very good.

Lin Qing nodded. If this intelligent system really answered everything, it would be really weird.

However, she did not encounter any danger along the way, which proved that there was nothing wrong with the map Barbara gave her.

At the same time, Lin Qing suddenly noticed something strange when passing by a porthole.

This space station seems to be too big, and you can even see another part of the bend.

Lin Qing always thought that the staff area occupies the majority, and with the experimental area, weapons depot, etc., it shouldn't be too big.

But looking at the other part of the space station that was exposed, it looked bigger than the cruise ships Lin Qing had ever seen, almost like a spaceship.

"Is it possible that this space station was transformed from a spaceship?"

Lin Qing said doubtfully,

"Forget it, maybe people with this level of technology would like a big space station. This is not impossible."

Following the smart prompts, Lin Qing came to another area of ​​the space station with the help of some kind of mobility tool in the space station, or an elevator.

At the same time, she also saw a familiar figure of a human player not far away.

Barbara said: "I saw that you were alone, but there were people gathering in other places on the space station. I didn't expect that we actually chose the same route and met you. Now, the navigation instructions for you are over. "

Lin Qing:.

I can thank you!

This is really an extremely enthusiastic arrangement.

Just when Lin Qing was planning to run away without them noticing, Chen Jun suddenly glanced here consciously.

She recognized Lin Qing at a glance, and her pupils shrank instantly, "Suddenly rich?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Qing was a little surprised to meet Chen Jun in this copy.

Since she was discovered, she walked over with dignity. Seeing the four extra players, one of them was a middle-aged woman holding her son and crying, complaining about how miserable her son was!

Lin Qing instantly felt that she had come to the down-to-earth reality from the cool and cool external control copy.

If you ignore this background, you would think that this was a crew filming a script.

However, Lin Qing greeted Chen Jun directly, "Wujiang? You are here too! I didn't expect it to be a coincidence."

Chen Jun nodded, "Were you also suggested by Barbara to come to the armory to get equipment?"

Hearing Barbara, Lin Qing instantly realized that artificial intelligence also appeared in front of them.

It seems that Barbara also suggested that they come to the armory first.

Lin Qing nodded slightly, "That's right."

Chen Jun said: "At present, one of our team members has been bitten by a bug. It is said that due to the problem of genetic pollution, he will eventually be assimilated by the Zerg genes. We plan to try to go to the laboratory and find the vaccine. Maybe it will be of some use."

Chen Jun looked cold on the outside but warm on the inside. It seems that he still intends to take on this task.

But at this moment, the middle-aged woman who was crying while holding her son seemed to react, "Get rich overnight? Did you get rich overnight? The player ranked in the top ten?"

Lin Qing is not stupid. It will not benefit her to admit her identity now.

She didn't speak.

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