Roulette World

One thousand thirty-five 1 barren

"Happy Holidays Everyone! "

There are many ways to siege the city, not only the posthumous people who have been in the city wall era, but even Ye Zhongming and other earthlings have seen many offensive and defensive battles from history books, novels, and film and television dramas.

But never seen such a miraculous thing.

There are no ladders, no rush cars, no ropes, but just like this, an ice crystal road was built to lead from the city to the top of the wall.

Yes, when these ice crystals stopped spreading, their height did not reach the top of the wall, at least five or six meters away, but this height was nothing to an evolutionary at all, and they could even cross it with a hard jump.

The ice crystal road is not ice, but some crystals that are not too pure. The surface is not smooth enough for people to stand on. Even the wide ice surface can accommodate hundreds of people standing side by side.

The energy of the Shrouding Screen stopped at 6% and would not weaken anymore. While Ye Zhongming heaved a sigh of relief, he also became more and more anxious, wondering if he could last until tomorrow.

The siege vehicle was completely destroyed, and the magic crystal cannon turned to attack these ice crystals, but the energy hit it, and indeed a lot of fragments were splashed out, and the ice crystal road was tens of meters thick, and the area was still very large. Relying on the Potian series to destroy this road, let alone how many magic crystals will be consumed, let's just talk about the time, it will probably take several days.

This is almost an unsolvable siege weapon!

Cheers came from the Dawn Temple. This road of ice crystals almost represented that they had broken through the royal city!

Because of this, the entire military formation of the Temple of Dawn accelerated their marching pace.

It can be said that these troops from more advanced areas have dealt a heavy blow to the posthumous people. This kind of blow is not reflected in the killing of a large number of people. Even, until now, the dead have always been the Temple of Dawn The army, the posthumous people are still unscathed; it is not reflected in the intensity of the attack, after all, the Templar soldiers have not launched a total attack now.

Rather, it is reflected in time.

It's too fast, so fast that people haven't realized it yet, it seems that things are already doomed.

How long has it been since the war started? A road of ice crystals, a high platform of crystals that almost announced the failure of the posthumous people, appeared in front of the posthumous people, what should these confident fighters think?

Psychologically, this blow is heavy.

Even irreversible.

Ye Zhongming and the others clearly felt that the morale of the surrounding soldiers dropped sharply.

This is a very mysterious feeling, but all these commanders can feel it.

In the distance, the saintess and others stood there, looking at the white high platform in the distance, although they didn't smile, they all showed relaxed expressions.

"We have only used one-third of the means? Or even less? These backward barbarians are already unable to deal with it. What can we do with the help of outsiders? It's not the same as being helpless in front of the full-strength temple!"

Rong Zhi's body was straight, and his tone was full of disdain.

What happened a few days ago made him lose face, and these days he was actively formulating a battle plan. Obviously, he took the credit, at least part of the credit, on himself.

"Perhaps the city can be breached today. If the posthumous people used to have spirits in the sky, would they jump out of the ground angrily when they saw that the city that once claimed to never fall fell within a day?"

Although Zai Li didn't appear to be complacent, he was still very satisfied with the results he had achieved so far.

Those sacrifices were originally planned, and everything was to create the best attack environment for the follow-up troops.

Apparently, everything looked perfect except for the hood, which was still in place.

"Saint, shall we also knock out that mask?"

Nan Jin was the most sober one. He knew that if everything went well, the cover should be shattered after the flame attack and ice crystal attack, but the fact is that although the brightness of the thing has weakened a lot, it still exists.

If this thing is not broken, the air force can only play a supporting role, and the posthumous people can concentrate more on dealing with ground attacks.

In that way, although victory will still be achieved in the end, the loss must be huge.

He didn't forget that a few days ago, the posthumous man fired all arrows on the city wall and almost killed the saint and Yangos together.

The saint hesitated for a while. She wanted to continue to implement the previous harassment strategy, but seeing that the road of ice crystals had been successfully built, she also felt that it was time to start a general attack. If it is really possible to capture this place within a day, then she and everyone His name is destined to be included in history.

Of course, the passage leading to the new world that the Holy Father said in the royal city did indeed attract her and tempt her.

"Okay, blast it away with the power of the gods!"

Hearing the order of the saint, the attack of the entire Dawn Temple slowed down, the metal ground began to light up, and the tall metal tower entered the charging stage.

Originally, he was considering whether to use the prepared means, but when he saw that the power of the gods was about to be launched, Ye Zhongming let go of the big stone in his heart.

Two phalanxes were concentrated around the power of the gods. According to the previous situation, the power of the gods can be launched twice, and each time consumes 5% of the energy of the screen that covers the sky.

Now, there are 6% left on the Sky Shrouding Screen, and 1% is left after resisting an attack. Although it is not numerically enough to resist another attack, don't forget that this is a kind of energy hedge. As long as it is blocked, Then the next step is mutual annihilation, that is to say, 1% of the energy will have the same effect as 5% of the energy, and it can also be offset once.

What Ye Zhongming is most afraid of is the power of the gods, which can hardly defend against large-scale destruction weapons. What he is afraid of is that they attack when there is no screen covering the sky. Now this is undoubtedly in his favor.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you need luck. This is true for roulette, combat, and city defense.

Today, Lady Luck is on the side of the posthumous.

The dazzling attack of the power of the gods shot over, and hit the mask with a bang, emitting a destructive light.

It's just that the screen that covers the sky is already very weak, but it still exists firmly.

The Dawn Temple was silent for a while, and the second power of the gods flew over.

The two sides collided, and then the light burst out again, and finally dissipated together.

The battlefield was silent for a while, and the second round of cheers came from the Temple of Dawn, and many high-level officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Without that layer of mask, everything is easy to say.

Here, Ye Zhongming also heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he doesn't have to face the power of the gods today, so other attacks will follow.

There was a tug, and then it rang nine times!

These ten strange noises brought the cheers of Dawn Temple to an abrupt end.

The Annihilation 2 magic crystal cannons were fired for the first time today. This time, their targets were no longer giant dragons or saintesses, but...the most ordinary fighters.

The ten attacks landed on the ground, and there was nothing but desolation.

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