Roulette World

One thousand and thirty-six for my use or for my kill

How to restore morale is nothing more than victory.

It's just that the low morale just now was not because of failure, but because of a premonition of failure.

Then restore morale and let everyone rekindle the hope of victory.

The Annihilation 2 Magic Crystal Cannon, which had not been used until now, launched its first attack today under Ye Zhongming's order.

The ten monster-like cannons did not attack the strong men in the Dawn Temple, nor did they attack Yangos and the saint. Their targets were only ten ordinary temple warriors.

Ten places are on the same horizontal line, and each place is separated by the same distance. Looking from the city wall, it looks like ten bright red flowers, which are dazzling and have great visual impact.

This time, it was the posthumous man's and Yunding's soldiers' turn to cheer, and the low morale rose again at this moment.

Yes, the Ice Crystal Road is indeed terrifying, but so what? Are there still fewer weapons on the walls of the posthumous people? Especially this kind of magic crystal cannon from another civilization, I didn't feel much about attacking the dragon last time, I just knew it was very powerful, but now seeing their effect on ordinary soldiers, it is completely crushing, this How not to get excited!

"It would be great if there were more. If there are five hundred gates, we can blast them to death! Even if we shoot against the power of the gods!"

Hong Xiang slapped the city wall hard, muttering regretfully.

All the Genting people who heard this sentence curled their lips.

Others don't know, but they know how difficult it is to create these ten Annihilation 2 magic crystal cannons.

It almost took Yunding people to stop all other manufacturing work without sleep, and it took more than half a month to rush to build it! If the creators like Le Dayuan are not evolutionaries, they will surely die from overwork!

This is the most advanced and powerful magic crystal weapon in Yunding Villa, which also means that the manufacturing process is the most complicated.

The more it reaches such an advanced stage, the more refined the materials it consumes, and the manpower, material resources and time it consumes is a very scary figure.

If there is no support from the super craftsman Ye Zhongming, if there is no support of belief against the ninth-level powerhouse, and if there is no rich backer like Yunding who can supply magic crystals without limit, then in such a short period of time, let alone create ten doors Annihilation 2 magic crystal cannon, even if it is formed, it is difficult.

Think about how long it took Le Dayuan to create such a powerful cannon in his previous life? According to Ye Zhongming's guess, at least five years after the end of the world, it will be seven or eight years before it is actually purchased and installed by other forces. The crystal cannon is only one or even half a level ahead of Annihilation 2.

It can be said that in this time and space, Ye Zhongming has created a small miracle with Yunding and Le Dayuan.

Create five hundred doors of annihilation type 2? Under the condition of ensuring the normal production tasks of other cloud tops, it is considered efficient to manufacture three doors in a month!

After all, even if Le Dayuan's laboratory tried its best to expand its manpower, there were only so many core technicians to ensure the secrecy of the core technology. Under these conditions, mass production is almost impossible.

Although Wangcheng's counterattack suppressed the cheers from the Dawn Temple, it did not stop them from attacking.

The disappearance of the screen that covered the sky represented the beginning of the general attack on the Temple of Dawn.

In the sky, although it suffered a serious blow, there are still a considerable number of flying monsters, and they have already grabbed the boulder and flew close to the city wall. Behind them is the air force of the Bright Taoist Regiment. China's air defense measures are a bit out of focus.

If you attack the flying monsters in front, you will definitely let the Bright Taoist priests approach without damage. The fighting power of these guys is clearer than anyone else, and it is the knowledge that is exchanged for life.

But if you attack the Taoist regiment, then the soldiers and these defense equipment will face the situation of being bombarded by boulders again, and sacrifices and equipment damage must be inevitable.

Indiscriminate attack? If there is only the air force of the Dawn Temple, that's okay, but don't forget, the number of troops on the ground is much larger than that in the air, and the first thing to ensure is the ground. After deducting the necessary firepower to attack the ground, if there is no difference in attacking the air power of the Dawn Temple, the result may be that neither the slinger monster nor the Taoist group can be defended.

In this regard, the posthumous people of this generation have no experience, and Yunding also has no experience. The air force of the mutant life or the evolutionary is weak in the several mountain guard battles, and the air defense problem is not prominent.

"What is the main fighting style of Taoist priests?" Ye Zhongming suddenly asked several Wang Zun.

"Shoot from a distance, then charge in the air and fight in close combat."

"Then shoot down those slingers first!"

When necessary, there must be a trade-off, and Ye Zhongming made a choice.

The weapons on the city wall began to shoot wildly at the slinger monster.

A huge roar came from the mouths of the warriors of the Dawn Temple, and all the troops charged towards the royal city at this moment.

If only in terms of numbers, there are not as many fighters in Dawn Temple as there were mutant beings who besieged Yunding at the beginning. But after all, there is a huge difference between human beings and those evolved bodies.

Humans are more disciplined, know how to cooperate in attack, have obvious hierarchy and continuity, and have extremely complex tactics.

Especially the old and powerful forces like the Dawn Temple have their unique understanding and ideas on all aspects of combat, siege, coordination, battle formation, use of weapons, control of monsters, and so on.

So when they add up, the pressure on all the defenders in Wangcheng is unprecedentedly huge.

Boulders began to fall scattered, and some flying monsters rushed to the city wall.

The Taoist group started the first round of bow and arrow suppression. They didn't need to use too much force to make the arrows fall quickly, adding a few points of power.

The siege troops on the ground also began to suppress the city wall with long-distance firepower. Those catapults reached a suitable distance and were fixed on the ground by the soldiers. Stones were put into the stone basket in front of the throwing arm one by one. The station started to transmit, calibrating the distance.

The heavy shield warrior held a heavy metal shield in both hands, stepping forward step by step, followed by those death squads with various equipment, as long as they reached the road of ice crystals, they would launch the most violent charge.

Stones, bows and arrows began to fall on the city wall one after another. When the first posthumous soldier was crushed to death, casualties began to appear, and as the battles became more frequent and serious.

A battle where both sides have the confidence to win and will never take half a step back, and even meant the survival of the race, kicked off amidst the blood and chaos.

And at this time, on the other side of the posthumous man's territory, an old man was holding an inconspicuous wooden staff, standing in front of an extremely huge monster with orange crystals on his forehead, asking the same, The words have been repeated twice.

"Use for me, or, kill for me."

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