Roulette World

One thousand and forty one quick kill

What surprised Ye Zhongming was not the level of this person, but that he didn't know this person at all. . :.

The eighth level of the Dawn Temple exists, and all the information shows that there are four people plus a dragon, the saint, plus the three giants of the Dawn and Yangos.

So where did this guy come from?

However, thinking about the previous speculations about the Dawn Temple, Ye Zhongming probably knew that this person should belong to the hidden power of the Temple.

His status may not be as good as that of the posthumous person's guardian of the pool, but his role should not be much different.

Or to be more precise, this should be like those priests and elders in the novel.

With the Temple of Dawn coming out in full force, it was expected that such people would appear on the battlefield.

It's just that they have all gone deep into the Wangcheng? Then why not attack the city walls and enter the complete occupation?

"It's not difficult to understand. Even if we go to the city wall, you will go as well. In the end, we will fight, and we will be timid at the top because of the people on both sides. Why don't we solve it at the bottom, what do you think?"

This person seemed to know what Ye Zhongming was thinking, and walked forward slowly.

Some soldiers around discovered him and drew out their weapons one after another to surround him, but Ye Zhongming waved him away.

With this level of confrontation, ordinary fighters are almost looking for death.

Ye Zhongming agrees with what this person said. Once a master from one side appears on the main battlefield, the master from the other side will surely go up to him, and use the method of exchanging pieces to contain the strong point.

After all, urban offensive and defensive battles are different from decisive battles in the wild. If it is the latter, this situation will not happen, because in the face of a large-scale army, if a strong point appears alone, it will be overwhelmed by crowd tactics. On the city wall, the power that can be concentrated within a certain distance is limited, so masters must use masters to deal with it.

However, Ye Zhongming felt that there was still something wrong. If two people met on the city wall and then moved the battlefield here, it would be normal. But it would be that simple to be blocked here directly?

At this time, the shouts of killing on the city wall suddenly became louder, and Ye Zhongming's expression changed, knowing the intentions of this man and the Temple of Dawn.

They want to keep all the powerhouses of the posthumous people outside the city wall!

Because they have a large number of strong men, after adopting Dui Zi's method, the Dawn Temple will still have spare masters to lead ordinary soldiers to attack the city wall. At that time, who can stop them?

The man turned his head slightly, and was not in a hurry to attack. He does have the capital to not be in a hurry now.

"It's useless if you think about it." This person's face is not old-fashioned, he can be regarded as a middle-aged person at most, "Even with the help of outsiders like you, it can't change the fact that the posthumous person is weak. In the face of absolute strength, resistance It's just a manifestation of unwillingness, and it doesn't actually help much with the result."

A corpse fell from the city wall. It was a posthumous soldier, wearing white-level equipment made by Ye Zhongming, but it was broken at this time, and a big hole appeared in the abdomen. It was hideous and terrifying.

The sudden appearance of the corpse seemed to verify this person's conclusion, making the corners of his mouth curl up unconsciously.

Ye Zhongming shook his head, his hands naturally drooping at his sides, looking at the eighth-level master of the Dawn Temple in front of him.

"Do you know what I hate most about you?"

"Oh? Let's hear it." The man grinned, and there was a hint of cruelty on his face.

"It's just that I like to pretend to be 'forced'."


The person in the Temple of Dawn stopped as soon as he uttered a word, his body retreated rapidly, and he drew a shape in front of him with both hands, and immediately a group of blue flames appeared there.

The eighth-level master retreated because Ye Zhongming rushed over.

Don't look at him constantly provoking Ye Zhongming verbally, looking like he is sure of winning, but from the information he has obtained, he knows that Ye Zhongming's strength is very strong.

At the level of the eighth-level expert in the Dawn Temple, after living for a long time, there is no such thing as underestimating the enemy, at least, he thinks so.

It's just that when everything happened, he found that he still seemed to have underestimated this young man.

The first thing that greeted him were three bullets with terrifying energy.

Three 'flower' and 'fine' blood bullets.

Even Superman, after Ye Zhongming activated his sprint ability, he couldn't hide from the folded gun skills in the chamber.

Unless he has the ability of teleportation, unfortunately, this person obviously doesn't have it.

The powerful existence of the eighth level, at the moment of life and death, still showed good reaction speed and excellent fighting instinct. The three bullets were blocked by the blue flame, and both sides disappeared after a burst of light.

But this skill is just the beginning for Ye Zhongming, because he smashed the gun that was shattered by using three "flower" blood bullets directly at this person, and at the same time, a sword appeared in the free hands - Dishayue blade.

Appearing with the sword, there are also two elves on the shoulders.

The spirit of the star raised his hand, centering on Ye Zhongming, one side of the surrounding area was illuminated, and the ability Radiance Land was activated. In this area illuminated by the starlight, Ye Zhongming's speed was improved.

The "spirit" of the earth moved his buttocks smartly, and the gravity of the jump was used, and the gravity of the area around that person immediately increased.

And when the Earth Sand Moon Blade appeared, its own moonlight field was also activated, enveloping Ye Zhongming and the eighth-level master of the Dawn Temple.

The change of gravity, the slowness and dizziness of the moonlight field made the enemy lose their minds for a moment. This time is very, very short, only a moment, but this moment is enough for Ye Zhongming to do many things.

Wan Zhongyin knife fell down.

When that person woke up from the momentary dizziness, he immediately understood the situation his body was in, and he knew that he couldn't avoid it.

Ten shadows of the saber merged with the saber and slashed from above, carrying a murderous aura of Ling Lie, as if everything in the whole world disappeared, only this ray of light.

Wan Zhongyin Dao Zhan was originally a professional skill of the 'exquisite' profession, and it was extremely powerful. Now it was issued by the purple-level Earth Sand Moon Blade, and its power was even more powerful. Plus, even the eighth-level evolutionary feels a strong threat.

The master of Dawn Temple waved his hands again, as if the strength of the whole body was concentrated on his hands, and the palms that were originally flesh-colored instantly became white as jade, really like jade.

He roared, enduring the negative state of his body that had not dissipated and the strange gravity, he raised his hands, and with a bang, he caught the Shayue Blade!

The collision of energy produced a ripple of light, which spread out to the surroundings.

The expert 'showed' a smile, he was very satisfied with his response, but, he suddenly discovered that the handle of the knife did not have the hand of the outsider!

This is a knife that fell off automatically just now!

What about that man!

This person realized that something was wrong and his body was about to back up, but it was too late. A severe pain rose in his chest. When he glanced away from the corner of his eye, he saw how many light hits there, hitting him one after another. In the blink of an eye, his 'chest' broke through his extremely tough skin, attacking his bones and internal organs!

He quickly gave up the hand holding the weapon, and used it to block his chest, blocking these fatal light spots, but a shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and as soon as his neck got cold, time stopped.

Ye Zhongming took one last look at this person, stretched out his hand and pushed, the body of this eighth-level powerhouse fell backwards, and his head rolled to the ground, while he flashed out in one direction.

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